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Professor of Theoretical Physics, CUNY

Professor of Theoretical Physics, CUNY

Rubik’s Cubism [PICS] Bob Marley and the Mona Lisa at Lileo Gallery in Toronto’s Distillery District Image: David Griebeling Rubik’s Cubes can be frustrating for those who take hours to solve them. An Photo: Bob Marley and the Mona Lisa at Lileo Gallery in Toronto’s Distillery District Image: David Griebeling Rubik’s Cubes can be frustrating for those who take hours to solve them. And even those good at them are not immune to the empty feeling of “what next?” after they’re done with one. No puzzle, no cry – Bob Marley in cubes: Photo: Image: David Griebeling And they don’t take the easy way out – no, every cube has to be solved according to a predetermined, computer-generated pattern. “Once we’ve fed the image into the computer, the image it generates is comprised of an almost infinite number of colours. That means breaking each original down into a grid of squares the size of one small Rubik’s Cube square. Bob Marley and the Mona Lisa head-to-head: Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe, here seen in a gallery: Photo:

Picture of Lina Posada Lina Posada's Rating: 9.57/10 Based on 364 votes Like Us! Won Against 9.71/10 9.70/10 9.70/10 9.69/10 9.69/10 9.69/10 9.69/10 9.69/10 9.68/10 9.66/10 9.66/10 Stellarium My World and Welcome... Funny Pages: Handy Latin Phrases Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat. It's not the heat, it's the humidity. Di! Ecce hora! Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est. Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare. Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris. Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? (At a barbeque) Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri? Sona si Latine loqueris. Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes If you can read this you're over-educated Vidi Vici Veni I saw, I conquered, I came Vacca foeda Stupid cow Mihi ignosce. Raptus regaliter Royally screwed Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes! Gramen artificiosum odi. Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione. Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo. Nullo metro compositum est. Non curo. Fac ut gaudeam. Visne saltare? Re vera, potas bene. Radix lecti Couch potato O!

20 Creative Resume Designs Which Will Amaze Any Potential Employer A great showcase design post of some truly creative and inspiration CV designs which im sure would blow away any potential employer. The post focus on creative designs which make use of creative layout and designs which focus on colour. We would love for you to share within the comments your favourite designs from the post 1.My Resume 2.Creative Resume I Designed for Class 3.Creative resume – Francis 4.Creative resume – Michael Anderson 5.Creative resume – Chuckdlay 6.Creative resume – Sean Mcnolly 7.Creative resume – Jolie Odell 8.Creative resume – Suyjoy 9.Creative resume – Mari Rybak 10.Creative resume – Gregg Dizzia 11.Creative resume – Tudor Deleanu 12.Creative resume – Pau Morgan 13.Creative resume – 3-D resume 14.Creative resume – Sofiane 15.Creative resume -Katie Rennar 16.Creative resume -Martin 17.Creative resume -Adam 18.Creative resume -Anna Yeina 19.Creative resume -Doni 20.Creative resume -Doni

Rotational illusion Rotating illusion "Rotating snakes" Circular snakes appear to rotate 'spontaneously'. Copyright A.Kitaoka 2003 (September 2, 2003) Explanation (PDF file) "Candies" The two concentric arrays of "candies" appear to rotate in the different directions when we approach or move away from the figure while fixating at the center. Copyright A.Kitaoka 2002(c)Akiyoshi Kitaoka "Trick eyes" Tokyo: KANZEN 2002 "Umbrellas" The circles in front appear to rotate counterclockwise. Copyright A.Kitaoka 2003 "Co-op" Circles appear to rotate. "Caprice rotation" The left and right half circles appear to rotate sometimes. "Boats" The ring of boats appears to rotate slowly. "Rotating checks" Illusory radial lines appear to rotate. "Absorption" The surround appears to move to the center. "Cogwheels" The outer ring appears to rotate clockwise while the inner one counterclockwise. "Stealthy rotation" The circle appears to rotate counterclockwise when seen in peripheral vision. "A waterwheel" "Sheep" "Allergen" Circles appear to rotate.

Murphy's Law Calculator Murphy's Law Calculator From a formula for * Sod's Law provided by British Gas: ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!" Find out in advance whether you will be able to successfully repair your VCR, get to a meeting on time, impress your date, or be a success at any activity whatsoever ! Score: 4.199 Risk Factor: 34026.7 You have a 41% chance of screwing this up ! You can minimize your risk by having a backup plan (redundant circuitry, alternate route etc.) British Gas commissioned Dr David Lewis, a chartered psychologist; Dr Keylan Leyser, an economist and business consultant; and Philip Obadya, a mathematician, to devise the formula. Murphy's Law Links: Note: Murphy's Law has long been known in the UK as "Sod's Law".

Murphy's Law Calculator Murphy's Law Calculator From a formula for * Sod's Law provided by British Gas: ((U+C+I) x (10-S))/20 x A x 1/(1-sin(F/10)) "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!" Find out in advance whether you will be able to successfully repair your VCR, get to a meeting on time, impress your date, or be a success at any activity whatsoever ! Score: 4.355 Risk Factor: 35286.9 You have a 43% chance of screwing this up ! You can minimize your risk by having a backup plan (redundant circuitry, alternate route etc.) British Gas commissioned Dr David Lewis, a chartered psychologist; Dr Keylan Leyser, an economist and business consultant; and Philip Obadya, a mathematician, to devise the formula. Murphy's Law Links: Note: Murphy's Law has long been known in the UK as "Sod's Law".

2012 March 12 - The Scale of the Universe Interactive Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12 The Scale of the Universe - Interactive Flash Animation Credit & Copyright: Cary & Michael Huang Explanation: What does the universe look like on small scales? Tomorrow's picture: dust before galaxies Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech.

Bible Prophecy | Christian Apologetics at the Jeremiah Project Exposing the NWO Global Governance Conspiracy for Setting up a One World Government. Wikipedia 'editors' censor Bilderberg's Nazi roots - and - The High Priests of Globalisation - Bilderberg Conferences - secret NATO/Mafia governmnent for transatlantic power elite Teutonic Templ

Skull & Bones, The Jolly Roger Pirate Flag Common Purpose - Stop Common Purpose - Communitarian - NWO Agenda 21
