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Education: Adobe digital career teaching resources

Education: Adobe digital career teaching resources

Introduction to Grounded Theory By Steve Borgatti Discussion drawn from: Glaser and Strauss. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Strauss and Corbin. 1990. Adobe Education Exchange Using Acrobat to mark up pdf proofs The comment and markup tools When you open a pdf file in Acrobat, at the top of the screen is the toolbar.[2] Three sets of button tools are useful in marking up pdf proofs: ‘comment' tools (the default icon looks like a sticky note), ‘graphic markup' tools (a pencil), and ‘text markup' tools (a highlighter pen). To the right of each default button is a small triangle pointing downwards; clicking on the triangle gives you access via a drop-down menu to all the tools in the group – choose ‘Expand this button' (last in the list) to have the tools readily accessible.[3] To get started, look at the tools. There are three in this group: a pen, a tool and an tool (it's obvious from their icons which is which).
