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How Pinterest Can Get Your Brand Attention [INFOGRAPHIC] - Aurora

How Pinterest Can Get Your Brand Attention [INFOGRAPHIC] - Aurora
If your brand isn't on Pinterest, you could be missing out on a growing stream of potential customers. While shaping your brand's image on Pinterest, remember to take into account the specifics of the site's userbase. A recent study showed that home, arts and crafts, style/fashion and food are the most popular categories on Pinterest. The food category is the fastest growing segment of Pinterest. SEE ALSO: Pinterest’s First Investor Explains the Secret to the Startup’s Success Even if your brand doesn't directly specialize in these topics, there may be a way to include them in your brand's boards to gain maximum exposure. Take a look at this infographic from web optimization company Maxymiser, and then let us know in the comments if you're altering your plans to take advantage of the explosive growth of Pinterest. Infographic courtesy Maxymiser

statistiques de visites - Février 2012 - Aurora Faisant suite à mon dernier article, voici les statistiques de visites de Pinterest en France. Tout d'abord quelques remarques : Pinterest ne donne pas ses statistiques, car elles sont confidentielles (je leur ai déjà demandé)Les statistiques que l'on peut avoir sont celles d'outils de popularité. Le nombre de visiteurs uniques restent impressionnant, certes mais n'est pas sans égaler certains sites à fort traffics en France. Vous avez bien lu : étrange constatation de voir que les principaux utilisateurs sont des hommes et non des femmes.. Parmi les utilisateurs, aucun sénior. 89% des visiteurs ont entre 25 et 44 ans. Les utilisateurs français sont nettement plus aisés que la moyenne mondiale. Voici ci joint une infographie :Sur ce blog quelques tutoriels sur Pinterest

Facebook Brand Timelines: 6 Big Changes Every Marketer Needs to Understand Victoria Ransom is founder and CEO of Wildfire Interactive, the global leader in social media marketing software. Victoria and Wildfire will host a free webinar on March 2 at 10 a.m. PT, entitled “Timeline for Brands: How to Make the Switch,” further outlining best practices for brands in transitioning to Facebook’s new Timeline format. Today Facebook announced to brand marketers the world over that, within the month, everything they knew about fan Pages on Facebook would be overturned. 1. What’s new: The format of Timeline for brands is quite similar to Timeline for personal profiles. Recommendation: Milestones present an important and dramatic opportunity to educate the public, humanize the brand and remove a perception of corporate anonymity. 2. What’s new: The new Timeline format does not have the left-side panel of links, which could include hundreds of different tabs. 3. 4. 5. 6. What’s new: Finally, brands will be able to send and receive private messages with users.

30 Social Media Predictions for 2012 From the Pros How will social media impact businesses in 2012? We sought expert opinions from a wide range of pros you’re likely familiar with. We are grateful for the dozens of social media professionals who have written over 600 articles for us since we started Social Media Examiner in October 2009. To give you a glimpse of what we can expect in the next 12 months, we decided to tap their knowledge and expertise. #1: Businesses consolidate social media activities Michael Stelzner @mike_stelzner As the social media landscape becomes more crowded in 2012, businesses will pick their battles and dig in. The old mantra of “be everywhere” will quickly be replaced with “be where it matters to our business.” The major four players have all gone through massive changes in preparation for the battle for users. Have you picked your battle? Michael Stelzner, founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner. #2: Photo and video social networks will blossom Jay Baer @JayBaer Photo- and video-based social interaction will grow.

Pinterest Data Analysis: An Inside Look Pinterest is the hottest young site on the internet. In the past six months, the social sharing tool has gone from effectively non-existent to one of the top 100 sites on the web (and is on track to break into Alexa’s Top 50). Pinterest’s traffic charts aren’t hockey sticks– they’re rocket ships. In our experience, when traffic is growing that sharply there is often something even more amazing going on under the hood. Tired of waiting, we took things into our own hands using some clever scripting and our secret sauce for analytics: RJMetrics. Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3x as efficiently as Twitter was at a similar time in its history.Pins link to a tremendously large universe of sites. How We Did It We wrote some simple scripts to identify random users who joined at varying times in the company’s history and download their complete history of pins to conduct cohort analysis. Content: What’s Being Pinned? On Pinterest, every pin ties back to an external link.

The Mounting Minuses at Google+ Why QR Codes Won't Last Jon Barocas is the founder and CEO of bieMEDIA, a Denver-based online marketing and media solutions company that specializes in video content production and distribution, mobile visual search, technology platforms, SEO, VSEO and more. Like most technology fans, I am always ready and willing to try any technology that promises to simplify my life. QR codes seemed to present an accessible and uniform way for people with smart devices to interact with advertising, marketing and media. Those little squares of code seemed to open a world of opportunity and potential. But after using them for a length of time, I shifted my perspective. My initial honeymoon with QR codes was very short-lived. Consider a recent study by comScore, which states that only 14 million American mobile device users have have interacted with a QR code. Inadequate technology, lack of education and a perceived dearth of value from QR codes are just three of the reasons mobile barcodes are not clicking with Americans.

Pinterest Infographic « Marketing On Pinterest For Small Business Owners I’ve got a new infographic for you! We created our first Pinterest marketing plan in December of 2011. It resulted in over 3,200 followers, over 4,400 backlinks to and most importantly our revenue jumped dramatically. Now it’s time for… I made a little infographic, well, call it an ad for my blog post, about the Long Tail Of Pinterest Referral Traffic post I did recently. [infographic for you to Pin] … There are professional bloggers, like Darren Rowse, [], and Jeremy Schoemaker, [], that have massive websites full of amazing content, but their impact on Pinterest is still relatively small. So everyone asks, how is Pinterest going to monetize, (make money)?” Breaking News: We believe we’ve just set up the 1st store on Pinterest that achieves a direct ecommerce experience, with a 3 click check out process. Wondering when to pin, what day to pin, and where people are coming & going?

Facebook Delves Deeper Into Search On Feb. 1, a few hours after Facebook declared its intention to raise $5 billion in what will likely be the largest initial public offering in tech history, Mark Zuckerberg gave close followers of his company a potential clue to its future. On his Facebook profile, he uploaded a photograph of his desk and a large sign that read in big red letters, “Stay focused & keep shipping.” Yet it was the adjacent MacBook laptop in the image that drew the most attention. Visible on the computer’s screen was a blurry image of a Facebook page and, at the top, what seemed to be an unusually elongated white box. Web pundits speculated the image showed a prototype of a new Facebook search engine. To date, Facebook hasn’t made search a priority, and it shows. A photo on Zuckerberg's Facebook page shows a tweaked version of the site's search bar Searching the social network could get a lot better in the near future. The $15 billion search advertising market could be a huge opportunity for the company.

13 Cool Examples of Google+ Brand Pages It was only a few days ago when Google+ finally gave us access to brand pages – the moment we have been anticipating since summer. Now, anyone can create their own business page on Google Plus and it seems that within a few days a lot of businesses have decided to do so. The brand pages are still very limited though – for example it’s not possible for the brand page to have more than one admin at the moment. However, I still prefer Google+ over Twitter for following brands and keeping up with content from the thought leaders in social media and marketing. Here are some Google+ brand pages that I thought looked beautiful and here is our post RT@dreamgrow How to Create a Google+ Page for Your Brand. Adidas Originals five pictures make a cool sneaker. If you still haven’t created a Google+ brand page, please read our guide about how to create a Google+ brand page for your business.

Is Pinterest the Next Social Commerce Game Changer? Social and search continue to be essential inbound marketing channels. And while Google’s generating a lot of discussion around its new social network, Google+, another website is actually driving more inbound traffic: Pinterest. With its U.S. traffic skyrocketing to more than 10 million visits, the virtual pinboard is now one of the top 10 social networking and forum websites. Our latest infographic introduces you to Pinterest and provides ideas on how you can use the social photo sharing website to promote products, build community, and drive website traffic and conversions. Oh, and Pinterest raised $37 million in funding last year and has an unconfirmed valuation of up to $200 million. So, if you haven’t paid much attention to it yet, you might want to start. Copy to clipboard

INfluencia tendance / Du BrandContent à la Brand Culture Question de vocabulaire Brand content, oui. Mais aussi: advertainment, branded entertainment, marketing par les contenus (content marketing), content management, communication éditoriale, media de marque, brand journalism, storytelling, opérations spéciales, social content. Cette diversité de vocabulaire pour désigner cette tendance des contenus de marque, reflète la multiplicité des approches des acteurs vis-à-vis du contenu. En France, storytelling et brand content s’imposent, sûrement parce qu’ils sont les plus fédérateurs. Mais de l’avis général, quelque soit le terme retenu, l’avenir de la communication des marques passe par les contenus. Les clés du Brand Content Le Brand content désigne le contenu éditorial créé, ou largement influencé par une marque. Être intéressant avant d’être intéressé Les marques ont toujours cherché à rendre leurs communications attractives. Désormais les marques ne rivalisent plus seulement entre elles, mais avec les autres créateurs de contenu.

Twitter + Random Acts of Kindness = A Successful Social Campaign Running out of cereal is usually a problem that one must face on his own. But when David Berkowitz awoke to the dilemma one morning this October, he got some support from an unexpected source. After reading a tweet about his irritation, Edge Shave Gel sent him enough cereal that it should be a very long time before he runs out again. "I’m still eating the cereal they sent me, so the positive brand association continues," says Berkowitz. Since September, 234 people have benefited from similar random acts of kindness from the @EdgeShaveZone Twitter account. In about three months, @EdgeShaveZone has gathered about 1,500 followers, the #soirritating hashtag has been used about 6,800 times, and attention from numerous media outlets has contributed to mounting buzz — all of which likely contributed to Edge's decision to continue the campaign throughout 2011. Using Twitter, Not Changing Twitter When was the last time you used Twitter to rave about a product you use every day?
