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TEDxCambridge - Jeff Lieberman on science and spirituality

TEDxCambridge - Jeff Lieberman on science and spirituality

World considers US, Israel threat not Iran: Chomsky American scholar Noam Chomsky says the world does not accept the US portrayal of Iran as an “imminent threat” to global peace, and that Washington and Tel Aviv are instead seen as greater evils. “There is little credible discussion of just what constitutes the Iranian threat, though we do have an authoritative answer, provided by US military and intelligence. Their presentations to Congress make it clear that Iran doesn’t pose a military threat,” Chomsky wrote in his latest article titled “What Are Iran’s Intensions?” published Friday. Chomsky added that even "the majority of Americans" recognized Iran’s right to its nuclear energy program before Washington officials and media launched a “massive propaganda onslaught” against the Islamic Republic over the past two years. He added that presently powerful countries like Russia, China, India, and 120 member nations of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) oppose the US policy on Iran.

Passive Aggressive Behavior Sometimes the strongest clue to passive aggression is frustration with someone without a clearly identifiable reason. Passive aggressive behavior is a very challenging adversary, because it often feeds upon the altruistic and concerned responses it evokes. Passive-aggressive behavior refers mainly to a persistent pattern of failing to perform role expectations or achieve “normal” success despite ostensible effort and good will, and despite the aid and coaching of other concerned people. But day by day, passive aggression also describes actions that frustrate others indirectly, or that seem to place others in a bad light. For clarification, in everyday language, the term ‘passive aggressive’ is sometimes used to describe sneaky aggression, back-biting, guilt-tripping, heel-dragging, passive resistance, and conscious deception. Two core elements of passive aggression are the truly self-defeating aspect of the behavior, and its largely unconscious nature. Examples of Frustrating Behavior

Kevin Gaspar - Google+ - I've been arguing for sometime that technology leads to… I've been arguing for sometime that technology leads to efficiency over growth and that that will have profound impact on society we can only begin to grasp. Michel Bauwens now furthers the argument, asking whether capitalism can continue. I don't think I'll go that far yet. But his arguments are fascinating. Where there is no tension between supply and demand, there can be no market and no capital accumulation. This cannot be directly translated into market value, because it is not at all scarce - it's over-abundant. Indeed, without a core reliance on capital, commodities and labour, it is hard to imagine a continuation of the capitalist system. The problem is this: internet collaboration has enabled the creation of use value in a way that totally bypasses the normal functioning of our economic system. But this is no longer happening.

Rhinolith Clinical features[edit] Rhinoliths present as unilateral nasal obstruction. Foul-smelling, blood-stained discharge is often present. Epistaxis and pain may occur due to the ulceration of surrounding mucosa. References[edit] Illusionary relations between psychological ("personality") types Illusionary relations between psychological ("personality") types These are relations of growing laziness. There are no other intertype relations that can deactivate partners so much as Illusionary relations. Mutual business or other activity is complicated, because Illusionary partners do not understand the reasons and motives of each other's actions. The introvert partner usually tries to free themselves from the attempts of the extrovert partner to impose their opinions. Disagreements in these relations are usually short because partners are drawn to each other. Illusionary pairs: ENTp - INFp ISFp - ESTp ESFj - INFj INTj - ESTj ENFj - ISFj ISTj - ENTj ESFp - ISTp INTp - ENFp

Illusionary See also Mirage observations Back to Intertype relations Introduction Illusionary, or mirage, relations, like semi-duality, are similar to duality in that many of each partners' functions directly correspond to the unconscious expectations of the other. In relations of semi-duality partners' odd-numbered functions match those of the other person's dual, while in illusionary relations it is the even-numbered functions. That is, partners' use of their 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th functions more or less meets the other's expectations, while the rest are the opposite of what is expected for comfortable interaction. At a distance, illusionary partners may experience a wide range of attitudes to each other — from like to mutual mockery — but this is generally true of most intertype relations. , the other's is ; or, if one's is , and so on. Illusionary relations occur between two types, each of which has the others' "hidden agenda" (6th) function as their creative (2nd) function. I.D. O.B. R.K. A.V.

Type study: Typographic hierarchy This is part of a series of guest posts on web typography. Today’s post was written by Frank Chimero. Workers of the web are familiar with establishing a hierarchy through markup by using tags like <h1>and <em>, but what of the aesthetics of it? On the web, a large chunk of our content is text. I’m going to address these concepts with an example that slowly builds complexity by introducing new visual elements. Fig. 1 To begin, I’m not using any typographic devices to establish the hierarchy: it’s all one typeface in one size and weight (fig. 1). Fig. 2 Above we have the same typeface and type size, but we’ve started to introduce some clarity to the information by chunking it into logical groups (fig. 2). Fig. 3 Next, let’s emphasize the most important element with a weight change (fig. 3). Fig. 4 Next, we introduce a new type size to the hierarchy (fig. 4). Fig. 5 Now let’s add some variety by varying the alignment and spacing, and introducing multiple sizes and weights (fig. 5). Fig. 6

This is just brilliant... : videos
