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The Benefits of Bilingualism

The Benefits of Bilingualism
SPEAKING two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. To see the full article, subscribe here. Correction: March 25, 2012 The Gray Matter column on bilingualism last Sunday misspelled the name of a university in Spain. Continue reading the main story

If Bilingual Is Good, Is Trilingual Better? Amit Bhargava for The New York TimesSchool children cycle past advertisements for language coaching institutes in Patna, Bihar. “Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter,” Yudhijit Bhattacharjee writes in an op-ed in The New York Times. “It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age.” But if being bilingual is good, what about being trilingual, as so many people in India are? That’s hardly unusual in India, where someone may, speak, say, Punjabi and Hindi with their father’s family, Bengali with their mother’s and Hindi and English with their spouse and children. But research into the effect of trilingualism is scarce, in India or worldwide. In India, research on the dozens of languages spoken in the country often has an economic focus, rather than any focus on the effect on individual intelligence. Do you speak three or four languages?

Does Raising Bilingual Children Make Them Smarter ? Learning simultaneously two languages at very young age develops certain areas of the brain that are different when a second language is acquired later in life in high school or college for example. The bilingual brain has one large area for processing complex information overlapping both languages while when a second language is learned after 13 years old there are two distinct areas for each language making information processing more difficult in the second language. According to recent brain imaging studies, bilingual brain develops more densely, giving it an advantage in various abilities and skills. As a parent of a bilingual child I was afraid initially of confusion and mixing the two languages ( in my son’s case French/English). At school we have experienced 100% English curriculum and then speaking, reading, watching movies in French. Like this: Like Loading...

Chacarera La chacarera es una danza folklórica tradicional de Argentina, originaria de la Provincia de Santiago del Estero (Argentina), la cual también se canta, toca, interpreta y compone en Bolivia . Se ejecuta tradicionalmente con guitarra, bombo y violín, aunque en las últimas décadas del siglo XX se empezaron a admitir formaciones instrumentales muy variadas. Existen tanto chacareras cantadas ―son tan tradicionales tanto las cantadas en español como en quichua santiagueño―, como también solo instrumentales. Es bailada por parejas que danzan libremente (pero en grupo) con rondas y vueltas. Rítmicamente, se entendía que era una danza en compás de 6/8, aunque actualmente hay quienes ―como los músicos y educadores Adolfo Ábalos (1914−2008) e Hilda Herrera (1933− )― sostienen que es una danza monorrítmica en 3/4, mientras que otros ―como el músico y educador Juan Falú (1948− )― sostienen que es una danza birrítmica, con la melodía en 6/8 y la base instrumental en 3/4. Origen[editar] Clasificación.

Hearing Bilingual - How Babies Tell Languages Apart Yet while many parents recognize the utility of a second language, families bringing up children in non-English-speaking households, or trying to juggle two languages at home, are often desperate for information. And while the study of bilingual development has refuted those early fears about confusion and delay, there aren’t many research-based guidelines about the very early years and the best strategies for producing a happily bilingual child. But there is more and more research to draw on, reaching back to infancy and even to the womb. As the relatively new science of bilingualism pushes back to the origins of speech and language, scientists are teasing out the earliest differences between brains exposed to one language and brains exposed to two. Recently, researchers at the University of Washington used measures of electrical brain responses to compare so-called monolingual infants, from homes in which one language was spoken, to bilingual infants exposed to two languages. In

Not Just An Obnoxious Parenting Trend: Bilingual Children Are Smarter Mothers and fathers who have their children religiously enrolled in language classes or immersion programs aren’t just participating in the swanky trend of bilingual children. Well, perhaps some of them are. But it turns out there is actually some considerable cognitive advantages to getting multiple languages into your tot. In an age when language programs are being frantically cut from even universities, the ability to speak a second language gives children sharp problem-solving and multi-tasking capabilities. “The bilingual experience” also affords kids more opportunities to remain focused on tasks, switch between tasks more efficiently, and remember detailed information. The New York Times reports that even in instances of a bilingual person only speaking one language for a time, both “language systems” are active. The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment. (photo: Lasse Kristensen/Shutterstock)

Zamba Distintas parejas bailando una zamba. Foto de una zamba. La zamba es un género musical folclórico bailable originado en Argentina. Fue propuesta como danza nacional de ese país.[1] También se interpreta y baila en el sur de Bolivia (Dpto. de Tarija). Origen y denominación[editar] Los musicólogos coinciden en que proviene de la zamacueca, surgida en 1824 en Lima, en el momento en que el Perú obtenía su independencia liderado por el general argentino José de San Martín. Características[editar] Ritmo[editar] Su ritmo es motivo de controversia, porque hay algunos músicos que la definen como una danza puramente en compás de 6/8, mientras que otros como el músico Juan Falú consideran que en realidad es una danza de ritmo mixto, con una base en 3/4 y una melodía en 6/8, mientras que hay otros, como Adolfo Ábalos o Hilda Herrera que sostienen que ésta es una danza puramente en 3/4. Coreografía[editar] La coreografía, después de la introducción, sigue este ordenamiento: Zamba carpera[editar]

Concordia - Les bébés sont naturellement bilingues! Avant même de naître, un bébé perçoit déjà si on lui parle dans deux langues différentes. C'est le constat surprenant que fait Krista Byers-Heinlein, professeure de psychologie à l'Université Concordia et spécialiste du développement des enfants et de l'acquisition du langage. «Les bébés adorent qu'on leur parle, dit-elle. Ils cherchent sans cesse à entendre le son de la voix. Dès leur naissance, ils sont prêts à entendre n'importe quoi. Si donc on leur parle en français, en anglais ou en chinois, pas de problème... «Je concentre mes recherches sur le bilinguisme durant l'enfance, dit-elle, sur les enfants exposés à deux langues (ou plus) dès leur naissance. L'instinct du langage Krista Byers-Heinlein constate en outre qu'il y a même un avantage marqué à apprendre deux langues dès sa naissance. C'est incidemment par un curieux hasard qu'à l'adolescence elle s'est prise de passion pour l'acquisition du langage. Parlons beaucoup aux enfants Collaborateur du Devoir

Rosenberg-Raising Bilingual Children The Internet TESL Journal Marsha RosenbergReprinted from: The Ambassador, The American School in Japan Alumni & Community MagazineSpring 1996 The idea of raising bilingual children is both appealing and possible for more and more families these days, and growing up with more than one language certainly has its advantages in today's global village. Yet bilingualism really isn't something that simply happens. Raising kids to be successful in more than one language requires some careful planning and learning about bilingual language development. The reasons for choosing to raise kids with two or more languages are as varied as the families themselves. If you're thinking about bringing up your children bilingually, it's a good idea to clarify your own definition of bilingualism. Most of us are able to learn a second language at any time in our lives. The parents' ability in one or more languages. Experts stress separating the languages to make language acquisition easier for kids.

Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics: How one of the world's wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of global agriculture (NaturalNews) After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world's poor ( It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world's systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture. The Gates Foundation, aka the tax-exempt Gates Family Trust, is currently in the process of spending billions of dollars in the name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds. Bill Gates' father, William H. William Gates Sr.' Some may say Gates' endeavors are all about the money, while others may say they are about power and control.

The Benefits of Failing at French I USED to joke that I spoke French like a 3-year-old. Until I met a French 3-year-old and couldn’t hold up my end of the conversation. This was after a year of intense study, including at least two hours a day with Rosetta Stone, Fluenz and other self-instruction software, Meetup groups, an intensive weekend class and a steady diet of French movies, television and radio, followed by what I’d hoped would be the coup de grâce: two weeks of immersion at one of the top language schools in France. “French resistance” took on an entirely new meaning as my brain repelled every strategy I employed.

Multi-tasking comes easier to bilingual kids Credit: iStockPhoto WASHINGTON: Children who grow up learning two languages are better at multi-tasking but slower at building vocabulary than their monolingual peers, Canadian psychologists have found. Publishing in Child Development this week, Raluca Barac and Ellen Bialystok from York University in Toronto tested a total of 104 six-year-old public school children, and compared the results of monolingual anglophones with their Chinese-English, French-English and Spanish-English counterparts. In a test of their ability to pay attention, plan, organise and strategise, the children were all asked to press a computer button while viewing images of either animals or colours. They all responded at the same speed when responses were limited to either animals or colours – but when asked to switch from animals to colours only, and press a different button, the bilinguals proved faster at making the changeover. Two sets of language rules Testing verbal ability

La diplomatie francophone de la France : Francophonie et diplomatie d’influence | La diplomatie d'influence A l’occasion de la journée de la Francophonie (20 mars), il faut revenir ici sur l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) qui a pour mission de tisser –ou du moins de garder- des liens privilégiés entre les pays où la langue française tient une place particulière. Forte d’une "population" de plus de 890 millions d’habitants et de 220 millions de locuteurs de français de par le monde[1], elle représente les 75 États et gouvernements qui la composent (56 membres et 19 observateurs) – soit plus du tiers des États membres des Nations Unies. Sur le papier, la France pourrait trouver là un relais privilégié. Pour une carte complète de la Francophonie : La création de l’OIF en 1970 reflète véritablement la relation maladroite que la France voulait continuer à entretenir avec ses anciennes colonies. D’un point de vue superficiel et rapide, on ne peut que louer cette association d’Etats.

plurilinguisme Enseignement bilingue Plurilinguisme et Transculturalité Principes , En France , En Europe , Dans le monde , Articles Le Fil du Bilingue Blog : Enseignement bilingue du "Français dans le monde" Association pour le Développement de l'Enseignement Bi/plurilingue (ADEB) Eltern Alsace : Association de parents d'élèves de l'enseignement bilingue Principes et textes Articles Carte de France des sites web académiques En Europe Les supports européens des programmes bilingues Dans le monde site de l'ADEB En Asie Classes bilingues au Viêt-nam , Classes bilingues au Vietnam : quelles perspectives ? activités,chansons ,cours et exercices, culture, français précoce, histoire et géographie, pédagogie et internet,

Bilingual Kids Show Cognitive Advantages By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on November 10, 2010 Children who know two languages tend to perform better than monolinguals on measures of attention and cognitive control. That is one of the findings in new research on bilingualism reviewed in the current issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The bilingual advantage in attention and cognitive control may have important, long-term benefits as well. The authors note that “when a bilingual speaks two languages regularly, speaking in just one of these languages requires use of the control network to limit interference from the other language and to ensure the continued dominance of the intended language.” Although bilinguals tend to have smaller vocabularies in each language than do children who know one language, bilinguals thus may have an advantage when it comes to certain nonverbal cognitive tasks.
