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feu d'artifice ! / Monthly challenge: fireworks! (English version below) Lorsqu'on pense aux feux d'artifice, la couleur qui vient en tête c'est le rouge généralement... j'ai donc basé ma participation sur cette couleur-là, avec deux "chefs d'oeuvres tricotesques" supplémentaires ! Et j'en ai profité pour finir mes cadeaux de Noël (mais en même temps, quand on ne voit sa famille que tous les deux mois grand maximum, un cadeau de Noël en retard c'est presque normal !). Offerts donc le week-end dernier et immédiatement portés, deux jolis accessoires qui faisaient suite à celui-ci (nous ne ferons pas de commentaire sur le fait que le billet en question est daté de février 2011 et fait également état de cadeaux de Noël !). Pour ma marraine, donc, dans le même fil, le béret assorti : Snapdragon Tam (Ysolda Teague), très joli modèle tiré de Whimsical little knits 2, un recueil que je recommande. Le fil ? Et quand on a déjà un bonnet et des mitaines, il faut aussi une écharpe ! Une laitue rouge ?! Ha ! Petites précisions d'usage :

File ta[g] ville Pure Wool for Socks (no nylon here folks) | Wovember During WOVEMBER we have already had a little look at which wool yarns are best suited to certain projects. Interested in finding out if there are pure wools which are best suited to socks Louise tasked designer, and author of Sock Anatomy, Clare Devine in finding out. Happily, Clare jumped at the chance to investigate… Tasked with writing an article on sock yarn I wanted to question all the things I had come to believe about choosing the best sock yarn. In search of some advice and ideas I chatted to Sue Blacker, from The Natural Fibre Company and Blacker Yarns based in Cornwall. There are so many breeds available from Blacker. The icons appear above the picture of the swatch on each individual yarn and you can also get an idea by selecting on the left-hand side of the page for yarn handle (soft, medium-soft, firm) or fibre type (fine, medium strong)On balance I would advise against using the 3-sheep icon yarns as they are beautifully soft but less hard wearing. Pure White Ryeland

The Marius sweather | Dirty Embroideries - Naughty Knitting The most popular sweather in Norway for the last 60 years, has been the “Marius-genser”. Made in the national colours red, white and blue, and among others worn by King Harald when he was a crown prince and Gro Harlem Brundtland when she was our Prime Minister, it is my opinion that this sweather has become a national icon. Women all over the country have been knitting this sweather with it’s name after the war hero and slalom skier Marius Eriksen. Here you can see my son with his fathers old sweather. The pattern in the Marius sweather is taken from the much older sweather made in Setesdal in the south of Norway. Arne Nerjordet and Carlos Zachrison, known as Arne and Carlos, switched the “kross og kringle” pattern with spaceinvaders. I’ve also been playing with this icon. My 20 year old son liked this one very much, so I desidet to make a Pacman too: You can put in almost anything. Moods of Norway have been very popular around the world, especially here in Norway. Moods of Norway.

Yarn Bombing / Guerrilla Crochet – A Collection | STREET ART UTOPIA More info. More info. More info. More Yarn Bombing and Guerrilla Crochet: 1) B-Arbeiten 2) Agata Olek 3) Yarnbombing 4) Stickkontakt Leave a reply Related posts 12 beloved Street Art Photos - May 2013 Urban Art Biennial (BAU) - In Cochabamba, Bolivia By Alice for Urban Contest 2012 - In Rome, Italy Pavillon in Santiago de Chile | DETAIL Inspiration Projektbeschreibung In Chile wurde für die Architekturbiennale 2008 ein temporärer Pavillon eröffnet, der als erweiteter Ausstellungsort diente. Dem Motto „Towards an Architecture, that Cares about Our Planet“ folgend, besteht das Tragwerk aus Baustellgerüsten, die Fassade aus einem Geflecht recycelter Aluzink-Streifen und die Ausstellungsflächen sind mit recycelten Textilien belegt. Projektdetails Gebäudetyp: Kulturbauten, Sonderbauten, Ausstellungsgebäude, PavillonTragwerkkonstruktion: SkelettbauFassadenkonstruktion: FassadeDachkonstruktion: FlachdachMaterial Tragwerk: Stahl / AluminiumMaterial Fassade: Holz, Metall, Holzwerkstoff, AluminiumMaterial Dach: TextilThema: GREEN, Vorfertigung / SystembauAusgabe-Nr.: 12/2010

» Emily Stoneking Yarnbombing The Oakland Museum of California – Day 1 « Streetcolor's Blog ” I’m done ” said Brenda. I looked over and there was the first bannister finished . We were yarnbombing out on Oak street in front of The Oakland Museum of California . When I first had the idea to yarnbomb The OMG the idea was extremely exciting in my mind . Then after the joy of the idea and the romance of bragging came the 2 months of full time spinning and knitting . Fortunately I love knitting and spinning . I think with art it’s best to first find something you adore doing . So there I was -getting up every morning and spinning and plying on my spinning wheel all day . Lots of my friends were knitting with me with great generosity . So the day came -today - it was time to start the installation . I drove over to the museum and met The Fibrarian , The Russian , Brenda Loreman and Nancy . Brenda said ” I’m done “ And I looked at the yarnbombing and I was startled by delight. And I realized that this was the point of the whole undertaking – yarnbombing is beautiful . Like this:

virkattu kukkaneliö - ohje Näytän heti tämän porkkananvärisen porkkanan. Tehdään ympyrästä kukka ja siitä neliö. Inspiraatiokuva työmatkalta joulumyyjäisaamuna. Yritin säilyttää kotona virkatessani aurinkoisen näyn mielessäni. Päätin aloittaa 7:llä ketjusilmukalla. Virkkasinhan mieheni ja minun 7-vuotispäivänä ;) Kahdella ketjusilmukalla ylös. Rinkulaan 12 pylvästä. Jokaisen välissä yksi ketjusilmukka. Isoja mallikaakeleita saa muuten ilmaiseksi rautakaupoista. Taulutusseja kirjakaupoista. Jokaisen edellisen kerroksen pylvään päällä on pylväs ja niiden välissä kaksi. Tätä multa kysyttiin myyjäisissä. Näyttäisinkö, miten se 'kolme yhteen' tehdään, kun virkataan kukkaa. Näytän, miten tehdään neljä yhteen ;) Huom. piiiiitkiä pylväitä: Lanka otetaan 2 kertaa koukulle, lisää lankaa, kahdesta ekasta läpi. Lisää lankaa, kahdesta seuraavasta läpi, lisää lankaa ja kahdesta viimeisestä läpi. JA, kun virkataan 4 yhteen, jätetään vika veto odottamaan koukulle. Kun kaikki 4 ovat koossa, vedetään niiden päät yhteen kerralla. 4 ketjusilmukkaa 12 terälehteä.

Feuilles tricotées Latest Post 2 skeins and 1 season of Chuck into my fingering weight project. New pattern finally delivered to my sample knitter after months of indecision. I get stuck on the silly things. Read More Our Story Tricksy Knitter is the brainchild of Megan Goodacre and Charles Jaimet. As a programmer (Charles) and designer (Megan), they had made a lot of websites, but one day thought it was about time they work on a personal project, just for fun. One rollercoaster ride and several thousand yards of yarn later, here we are, in Ottawa, with a growing library of knitting patterns, a huge how-to-knit section, a couple of books, an exclusive line of knitting accessories, and an online chartmaker. Have a look around, leave a comment, try out a pattern!

Knit the City: your friendly neighbourhood graffiti knitters
