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Digital marketing strategy advice - Smart Insights Digital Marketing

Digital marketing strategy advice - Smart Insights Digital Marketing
Danyl Bosomworth, March 24, 2014 Statistics on mobile usage and adoption to inform your mobile marketing strategy “Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014“ was the huge headline from the widely shared infographic at the end of this post summarising the bold prediction from 2008 ….. Mobile marketing analytics Read more Dave Chaffey, June 7, 2012 Landing page examples and best practice advice Most discussion of web design in companies who don’t know the power of landing pages still tends to focus on the home page. But, for companies who are running a lot of online …..


15 Tools Every Social Media Manager Should Use This post was originally published on Feb 4, 2014 Smart businesses know that social media is a power to be reckoned with: social media channels create a direct line of communication between your company and consumers and give anyone with an Internet connection instant access to the latest buzz around your products or services. Not to mention, they can help you to generate revenue, while building your brand presence. Let that marinate for a second. Lean Communications Be ready to fail - quickly. That's part of the new mindset advertisers are borrowing from Silicon Valley in order to be more agile in a consumer-driven culture. Abandoning "launch and leave it" attitudes - where only fully functional and uber-researched campaigns will do - means better adapting to consumers' feedback. Establish core values at the start of a project, and adopt a fluid process and flat agency structure to create communications that are more flexible, integrated, and efficient, while remaining authentic. Written by Torrence Boone, Cecelia Wogan-Silva, Blair Dore

Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines The best email subject lines are short, descriptive and provide the reader with a reason to explore your message further. Trying to stand out in the inbox, by using splashy or cheesy phrases, will invariably result in your email being ignored. In short, the conclusion of MailChimp's second email subject line study echoes our previous study - keep your subject lines simple and to the point. For this study, MailChimp analyzed the open rates for over 200 million emails.

10 Outrageous Social Media Predictions for 2014 Every year, around December, I write my predictions for the next year. I love it. I sit in a room with some colleagues and brainstorm on what we think will happen next year and then I go to my crystal ball and look into the future, and just to make sure I’m not too off, I take my DeLorean and go back to the future. Okay, so I don’t really have a DeLorean (although I always wanted one) and the only thing you can see by looking into my crystal ball is, well, crystals. But reading back some of my predictions, I realized that a lot of them have been more like projections than predictions.

adventures in social innovation Speaking about digital trends for 10 minutes is hard enough. Speaking about digital trends for 10 minutes to a group of around 50 independent consultants is harder. Speaking about digital trends for 10 minutes to a group of around 50, slightly soggy from the London rain, eager to get back to networking, independent consultants was the fine audience I spoke to tonight. I was invited by the PRCA Independent Consultants Group to speak on 10 digital trends in 10 minutes, so here I am replicating that talk in digital form, which should take you – hopefully less soggy, less eager to get back to networking – digital person about 10 minutes to read / consume. Here are my slides and notes. Enjoy.

Boston, June 15 – 17 What is Lean Startup? “Lean Startup” is a term coined by Eric Ries while an Advisor to the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. It’s based on the new management processes he employed while Chief Technology Officer at IMVU, one of Silicon Valley’s most successful startups. The Rise of Smart Mobile Services (Not Apps!) Editor’s note: Saar Gur is a general partner at Charles River Ventures. Follow him on Twitter @saarsaar. A new generation of Smart Mobile Services is coming. Sorry, We’re Closed: The Rise of Digital Darwinism inShare370 I am not a social media expert and my new book, The End of Business as Usual, is not about Social Media. If you’re looking for the Top 10 ways your business can succeed on Facebook or Twitter, secrets to attracting more followers or likes, creating viral videos, or the best practices for creating infographics that over simplify the complex world of business, save your money. There is no shortage of useful books and resources out there. Don’t get me wrong.

What Losing My Job Taught Me About Leading - Douglas R. Conant by Douglas R. Conant | 8:00 AM March 18, 2013 It was the spring of 1984. SEO and Digital Marketing Blog - Clickx Follow us on twitter! Growth Blog Marketing Growth Hacks

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