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- Top 10 Sites for Curating the Web

- Top 10 Sites for Curating the Web

Understanding Content Curation July 7, 2012 Come to my session at ISTE 2016: “Personalize Learning With Student Curation” 6/28 4:00 – 5:00 CCC 113, Table 2 There are many buzzwords and phrases prevalent in education today. “21st Century Learning”, “Blended Learning”, “Personalized Learning”, “Flipped Classroom” – just to name a few. The one that has recently caught my attention and curiosity is “content curation.” I manage a grant project in my district designed to assure students acquire “21st century skills” A current strategy for this is using backwards design, formative assessments of 21st century skills, and “blended-learning.” This curiosity led to further questions: Why curate? Collecting vs. I set out to read as much as possible of what others have written on the subject, (see my Scoop-It on Curating Learning Resources) to help with my understanding. Defining Curating in Education by Nancy White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Thinking Level Process Organization Value

Be Discovered!Scoop’s first mission is to help people publish gorgeous magazines by means of curation – and by doing so, make their passion and expertise be heard and recognized on the web. We endeavor to offer the easiest and most powerful solution to help curators find great content, edit it in engaging magazines, and share it to their Social Media. The rapidly growing community of curators on tells us we are on the right track; we feel this is a valuable mission! Now, curators and visitors are asking: what about discovering content and curators in too? More and more curators find inspiration from other curators’ publications; more and more visitors want to dig deeper and access more content related to their interests. The latest version of addresses this need by offering four upgrades: 1. The overwhelming positive feedback we have on is its visual, appealing magazine format. 2. 3. 4.

Content curation in education I believe it would be a total waste of time to begin this post with my own definition of content curation. Since there are so many definitions that could explain this phenomenon, I decided to pick my favorite from the list of content curation definitions maintained by Robin Good (in my opinion – a guru of content curation). So, content curator “isn’t just someone who can find great “stuff” ,though it is an important skill in process of content curation. If I interpret this definition within education context, an educator should provide a unique learning experience by curating existing learning materials or resources. Seek – Sense – Share curation model Now, the definition is set, so let’s move forward to the main question – in what way the curation process is carried out? Focus on sense making Today excellent tools are available for seeking / collecting information or resources and there is a plethora of tools for the final step – sharing the curated contents. About Tadej Stanic

How Can Web 2.0 Curation Tools Be Used in the Classroom? Digital Tools Jeff Thomas “Curation” may be one of the big buzzwords of 2011. As the amount of information accumulates thanks to the Web, it becomes increasingly important that we use tools to help us find information that’s relevant and useful. The role of the curator has always been to help pull together and oversee collections of materials. But just as Web 2.0 has expanded the traditional role of publisher to almost anyone, the role of curator now too is changing. There are a number of tools that enable this. “Curation offers a context on the biggest learning playground the world has ever known.” That’s another vital part of the act of curation: what other people have deemed important. While the Web has perhaps democratized who can be an expert, we do still prefer to turn to those with specific backgrounds and from specific professions, especially when it comes to education.One interesting new curation tool is Related Explore:

- Student Curators: Powerful Learning 3 Comments March 9, 2014 By: Guest Blogger Nancy White Mar 9 Written by: 3/9/2014 2:11 PM ShareThis During the past 2 weeks, I had the pleasure of working with longtime friend and 8th grade social studies teacher extraordinaire, Terri Inloes, to transform her students into curators of information as they learned about the Social Reform movements of the late 19th century in the U.S. Day 1: The QFT By the time students get to middle school, it is rare to hear them ask questions – other than to get clarification on what needs to be done for the assignment. Day 2: Defining Curation; Creating a Research Plan Everything happens for a reason, right? Day 3: Setting up a WordPress Blog Our school district has our own domain and server set up for WordPress blogs, and this is integrated with Active Directory, so every single teacher and student in the district already has an account set up there. Days 4- 8 Curating From Terri: Things are really crystallizing for kids. Reflection and Feedback

40 Social Media Curation Sites and Tools « Social Media Pearls ¿ Cuáles son las 10 herramientas básicas de un buen “Content Curator”? | El Content Curator – Víctor V. Valera En anteriores entradas os he hablado sobre las cualidades de un buen “content curator” y sobre sus 10 tareas fundamentales. Pues bien, ha llegado el momento de comentaros cuales son para mi las 10 herramientas básicas para una buena “curación de contenidos”. Desde luego que aplicaciones hay muchas y con muchas posibilidades, ya sean gratuitas o de pago, pero yo creo que con estas diez es más que suficiente para proporcionar contenidos de calidad hacía vuestros seguidores, pues son herramientas fáciles de utilizar y que realizan sus propósitos de una manera muy eficiente, y por supuesto que son las que yo utilizo habitualmente y normalmente en este orden (más o menos): 1.- Google Alerts, la herramienta clásica de alertas, sencilla y realmente útil. Podemos configurar varias búsquedas y decidir si queremos recibir los nuevos resultados que van apareciendo vía e-mail o mediante un feed RSS. Su funcionalidad puede ampliarse mediante plugins y extensiones para los principales navegadores.
