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Crowdfunding Law Will Turn the Start-Up World Upside Down - Tim Rowe - Voices

Crowdfunding Law Will Turn the Start-Up World Upside Down - Tim Rowe - Voices
Remember that special moment when we all realized that the Web was going to remake yard sales and auctions, but we didn’t know yet who was going to win? (And then eBay left the rest in the dust?) Such a moment has come again, and with a choice prize: Investing in start-ups. The House has already passed crowdfunding legislation, by a whopping majority. The president supports it. What would this mean? Everybody likes the innovation and jobs that this could propel. Here’s how this is going to play out: Intermediaries (the future eBays of this space) will spring forward to handle the paperwork, do background checks on issuers (required), ensure that offerings are well described and enforce balanced investment terms. This could be big. Up next? Tim Rowe is the founder and CEO of Cambridge Innovation Center, which houses approximately 450 start-up companies in a large office tower in Kendall Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Tim Rowe testifies before the Senate Banking Committee | Cambridge Innovation Center Blog Our CEO, Tim Rowe, was back down in DC this morning testifying before the Senate Banking Committee at a session on ”Spurring Job Growth through Capital Formation while Protecting Investors.” Tim was there to advocate for the crowdfunding legislature that is currently before the Senate. If you are new to crowdfunding, NPR did a great overview piece on it this morning prior to the Senate Banking Committee session that includes some comments from Tim. A parallel effort to the crowd-funding legislation is building an “IPO On Ramp” in America, which Tim also supports. If you would like to watch the session before the Senate Banking Committee, video is available here. Tim Rowe testifies alongside Mr.

