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Pinwords Follow me Social media marketing Prezi in PowerPoint? It's called pptPlex! - PowerPoint Tips Blog Did you know that Microsoft has a product that is similar to Prezi — sort of? It’s more structured, but still lets you give an overview of the entire presentation and then zoom into specific slides. (I wrote about Prezi here. Note that Prezi has changed and added features since I wrote that blog post.) Install pptPlex pptPlex is part of Microsoft Labs, a place for experimental software. Because pptPlex is experimental, you need to agree to send usage data to Microsoft, then click Next. Accept the agreement and click Install. Create a presentation for pptPlex You need to start by creating some slides using PowerPoint’s regular tools. Then, you need to organize those slides into sections. In PowerPoint 2007, there is no section feature, so it’s part of pptPlex. Configure pptPlex When your slides and sections are done, you insert a canvas background. (PowerPoint 2013 has a Slide Show view feature that lists the sections and lets you see all of the slides. Presenting with pptPlex

Installing Moodle This page explains how to install Moodle. If you are an expert and/or in a hurry try Installation Quickstart. If you just want to try Moodle on a standalone machine there are 'one-click' installers for Windows (see Complete install packages for Windows) and for OSX (see Complete Install Packages for Mac OS X). These are unsuitable for production servers. Requirements Moodle is primarily developed in Linux using Apache, PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB and PHP (also sometimes known as the LAMP platform). The basic requirements for Moodle are as follows: Hardware Disk space: 160MB free (min) plus as much as you need to store your materials. 5GB is probably a realistic minimum. Software An operating system (!). Set up your server ...or desktop computer, if you are just evaluating Moodle. If you are using a hosted server all this should be done for you. Download and copy files into place You have two options: Download your required version from and unzip/unpack... See also

ThingLink: Make Images Interactive Thinglink is an interactive image tool that provides users with the ability to turn any image into a multimedia launcher. Users can create multiple "hot spots" on specific parts of an image and turn the image into a multimedia launcher. Embed video, record audio with the click of a button and a free SoundCloud account, or link to any website. To experience Thinglink, roll your mouse over the Apollo 11 collage I created below to see where the hot spots are, then click on any of them to enjoy the multimedia.Directions: To use Thinglink, simply follow these steps: Go to the Thinglinwebsite and sign up for a free account.Follow the directions on the site to install the widget on your blog or wiki.Upload an image to Thinglink..Click on the paper clip icon in the upper left corner to Edit Tags.Drag your mouse across an image. Paste the code into your blog or a wiki widget.Voila!

Välkommen - Digitalis filosofi till hemsidan för boken Digitalis filosofi, utgiven på .SE:s förlag och producerad av Infontology. Det finns många uppfattningar om Internet och de möjligheter och konsekvenser som ”nätet” kan ha. Den här boken lägger ett pussel där bitarna utgörs av mänskliga relationer, datorer, tankemodeller och olika sätt att uppleva verkligheten. I pusslet kan man ana ett mönster. I Digitalis filosofi, som ingår i .SE:s serie Internetguider, ger vi ett både djupare och vidare perspektiv på den digitala världen än man vanligen stöter på. Vi berättar om hur det mesta som händer på nätet och med digitaliserad information är osynligt, på många fler sätt än vad som framkommer i den vanliga rapporteringen. Här finner du bokens alla noter med länkar, en rad länktips samt nya texter och kommentarer kring bokens ämne. Inledning (noter) 1. 2. 3. 4. Länktips Den tryckta upplagan av boken är tyvärr slut, men du kan fortfarande läsa den på nätet. eller ladda ner den som pdf.

15 Impressive Tools for Creating Beautiful Presentations Ever since MS PowerPoint revolutionized corporate and marketing communication in the early part of the millennium, presenting ideas through attractive slideshows has become a mandatory component of any successful and engaging presentation. The effectiveness of any presentation relies heavily on the styling, structure and attractiveness of the slides that are being used to address the audience. This is why, over the years, marketers and communicators have focused heavily on bringing innovation and creativity in their presentations. The internet age has added a completely unique dimension to this concept. There are many presentation designing tools now that can be accessed online for free. These tools have much greater flexibility, than the previously available desktop solutions, and give the users access to unlimited styling and designing options by integrating various online forums. Here are 15 such online tools that can help you design beautiful presentations in quick time. 1. 3. 4. 5.

8 Tips to Power-Up Your Classroom Presentations Last month, I attended a Back to School Night for parents, sitting through presentation after presentation by teachers, some with slides that helped make their presentation a delight to listen to, and others . . . well, that's why I'm writing this blog post. The goal of a classroom presentation is to aid you in effectively conveying information in a way that allows students (or their parents) to remember what you said. Unfortunately, for some, the presentation becomes a crutch, and they begin to rely on the slides to tell their story, rather than to help them tell the story. I've been creating presentations using software like PowerPoint and KeyNote for 20 years, and I've learned a lot about how to most effectively communicate. Here's what I've found. 1. It's a common myth that better presentations use fewer slides. The number of slides in your presentation is irrelevant. In the movie Amadeus, the Emperor of Austria complains to Mozart that his music has "too many notes." Figure 1. 2. 3.

PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives Free, Legally Binding Electronic Signatures | HelloSign PDF Split and Merge | Split and merge pdf documents, free and open source Poster Forge - Descargar De ppt a vídeo Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros un pequeño truco TIC. Seguramente muchos de vosotros habéis utilizado el programa powerpoint de Microsoft Office para realizar presentaciones. Me refiero al formato ppt, porque en los centros educativos que conozco, es el más utilizado, ya que casi todos los ordenadores disponibles en estos centros tienen este programa instalado. Uno de los formatos que mejor navegan en la red en cualquier sistema es el formato vídeo, puede que queráis utilizar la metodología FlippedClass, o quizá sois unos ases haciendo un powerpoint y no sabríais hacerlo en vídeo... Existen varias maneras de transformar el formato, creo que la última versión del powerpoint te permite exportar a formato vídeo, pero supongo que tampoco tenéis esta última versión como ocurre en un gran porcentaje de centros educativos. La web es . Elegimos como formato de salida un formato de vídeo. Os dejo la presentación ppt que he pasado a vídeo para que veáis un ejemplo.
