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Capture & Administration Matterhorn provides specs for building your own capture agent to automatically record audio, video and VGA signal, and a sophisticated set of administration tools to manage recordings. Media Processing Matterhorn's configurable media processing workflow system provides a scalable set of services for dispatching processing jobs across multiple worker nodes. Distribution Matterhorn can publish recordings for both progressive download and streaming server, including a local search index. Engage The engage player can be used as a standalone application, or embedded inside of other applications such as blogs, wikis or content management systems.

Learn, teach, and share online video lessons | My Flipped Classroom – I Will Never Teach Another Way Again I saw Tom Mennella present on his flipped Genetics course at NERCOMP14 in March and was impressed with the clearly defined structure of his approach. I asked him to consider writing it up for EmergingEdTech, and I’m delighted that he did! Here’s Tom’s thorough overview of how he has successfully flipped BIO210 at Bay Path University. – K. In March of 2014, the Flipped Learning Network ( adopted and released a formal definition for flipped learning: “Flipped Learning is a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.” Prior to this, there was no consensus definition for flipped learning, flipped classrooms, flipped anything. My Flipped Course What Students Have to do Outside of the Classroom
