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Why we’re unfriending one another - The Style Blog

Why we’re unfriending one another - The Style Blog
Posted at 12:31 PM ET, 03/13/2012 Mar 13, 2012 04:31 PM EDT TheWashingtonPost According to Pew’s most recent study on social networking sites, most users don’t agree with their friends’ political postings. • Because you post too often about political subjects (10 percent of users have blocked or hidden someone for this reason) • Because you posted something you find so disagreeable it was offensive (9 percent) • Because you argued with me about politics (8 percent — but doesn’t it take two to make an argument?) • Because you posted something that would offend my friends (5 percent) • Because I disagree with your political posts (4 percent) Users are also often surprised to learn that their friends’ political beliefs aren’t the same as theirs: 38 percent of respondents in the survey said that they discovered through a friend’s posts that his or her political affiliation was different than they’d assumed.

The Psychology and Art of Unfriending Cam Finlayson is the Director and Group Head, Client Strategy & Innovation at Social Media Group. Follow @CamFinlayson I was recently asked for my thoughts on Facebook ‘unfriending’ and what effects on Facebook users – a topic that I can honestly say has never crossed my mind. After saving face with a relatively generic answer to the question, I decided to do a little online digging. Similar to most people on Facebook, I have a core group of people who are actually friends, then family members, some coworkers and a network of acquaintances. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never been unfriended. Anyway, the original question got me thinking: do people actually monitor their friends to a point where they could catch someone in the act of defriending them? The psychology of social ‘unfriending’ Typically there are two types of unfriending: (i.) Read Write Web recently published an article highlighting the factors that increase the pain of being unfriended. Unfriending 101: The How-to Guide

Seven Reasons to Unfriend someone on Facebook Learning to say “no” can be as powerful and positive as saying “yes.” Letting go isn’t loss. It’s allowing room for new. Relephant Bonus: Online Loneliness: “This Video Will Have You Completely Rethink How You Conduct Yourself Online And In Person (Video)” I give a lot of talks on how to do social media right. Relephant Deep Reading: Buddhism vs. Letting go or moving on can be hard to do. But it can be a real message, both to your once-friend and to your own sense of fear or attachment. I unfriend folks with some regularity—not because I dislike them, but rather because I’ve been stuck at FB’s rather arbitrary Friend limit of 5,000 for five years and need to make room for new friends or colleagues. And so, rather accidentally, I’ve discovered the virtues of raising my bar for friendship—whether virtual or otherwise. Note: unfriending someone doesn’t mean they can’t message you. Seven reasons to show Facebook “friends” the virtual door: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Relephant:

11 Biggest Reasons People Unfriend You On Facebook The Newest Online Etiquette To Learn: ‘Un-Friending’ On Facebook Get Breaking News First Receive News, Politics, and Entertainment Headlines Each Morning. Sign Up CHICAGO (CBS) — How many Facebook friends do you have? Do you like them all? Are you tired of some of them? CBS 2′s Vince Gerasole found out that many people are starting to unfriend their Facebook pals – and learned why they do it. Online, living social is living large. “I don’t want to see 700 pictures of someone and their boyfriend hanging out — it’s obnoxious,” Loyola student Krystalle Franz says. It leads to “unfriending,” the online version of a breakup. “It’s one of those things where everyone does it but nobody talks about it,” Franz says. People confide to social media strategist Tracy Samantha Schmidt what makes them click “unfriend.” “This is a huge new age of etiquette and we’re just cracking it now,” Schmidt says. A Nielsen survey found 55 percent end these friendships because of offensive comments, and 41 percent unfriend people they just don’t know that well.

This Is Why You Were Friended or Unfriended [STUDY] Ahora Facebook permite elegir entre editar o eliminar un comentario Parece ser que ahora Facebook permitirá editar comentarios que anteriormente solo se nos permitía eliminar y volver a comentar. Puede que la red social al fin haya entendido y sea una respuesta a las estadísticas publicadas en las últimas semanas respecto a su baja de usuarios. Se ha dicho que en los últimos meses la red ha estado en constante decremento, y es posible que estén pensado en diversas tácticas para arreglar este problema. Es muy común que realices algún comentario y te equivoques o publiques antes de tiempo, teniendo que eliminar el comentario y volver a ponerlo. Ahora ya no tendrás que avergonzarte por haber cometido alguna falta ortográfica o gramatical ya que tendrás la opción de corregirla de inmediato. Aunque claro, Facebook no se caracteriza por la excelente ortografía de los usuarios. La nueva herramienta funciona de manera muy sencilla. Cosas que seguramente se preguntarán sobre la edición de comentarios: vía: mashable
