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Grant Wood's American Gothic No American artwork has been parodied more than American Gothic. Zombies, dogs, Beavis and Butthead, the Muppets, Lego figures, and even Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton have taken a turn with the pitchfork. But the painting itself is no joke -American Gothic is as recognizable as the Mona Lisa and The Scream. During the Great Depression, the masterpiece gave hope to a desperate nation, and it helped shape the notion of the Midwest as a land of hard work and honest values. That Quirky Wood Kid In 1929, Grant Wood was a 38-year-old unknown. Oddly enough, none of this shocked the neighbors. Painting was just another of Wood's harmless quirks -at least now that he'd given up living in Europe. Going Goth In August 1930, Wood spotted an unusual farmhouse on a drive through the tiny town of Eldon, Iowa. While the cast was familiar, the composition was something completely new. Not everyone saw the same thing. A Mixed Legacy Meanwhile, Wood's tricks had finally worn thin.
