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"Mobifying" Your HTML5 Site

"Mobifying" Your HTML5 Site
Introduction Developing for the mobile web is a hot topic these days. This year, for the first time ever, smart phones out sold PCs. More and more users are using a mobile device to traverse the web, which means it's becoming critical for developers to optimize their sites for the mobile browsers. The "mobile" battlefield is still uncharted waters for a large number of developers. Creating a mobile-friendly As an exercise I thought it would be interesting to take html5rocks (an existing HTML5 site) and augment it with a mobile-friendly version. This article examines how we created a mobile version of html5rocks optimized for Android and iOS devices. HTML4 and CSS2 have supported media-dependent style sheets for some time. would target print devices and provide specific styling for the page content when it is printed. You can use media queries in the media attribute of your external stylesheets to target screen width, device width, orientation, etc. <head> ... - url: /(.*\.

Jeff Prosise's Blog : Using HTML5 Web Storage for Interprocess Communication One of the exciting new features coming in HTML5 – and one that works in most HTML5 browsers today – is Web storage. The latest draft of the specification defines two types of Web storage: local storage and session storage. Local storage, which is analogous to isolated storage in Silverlight, persists data across browser sessions, and does it purely on the client side. Local storage is accessed through the browser’s window.localStorage property. if ("localStorage" in window && window["localStorage"] ! // Local storage supported Not surprisingly, browsers are somewhat inconsistent in how they respond to this query. Once you’ve ascertained that local support support is there, you can write to it using window.localStorage.setItem and read from it using window.localStorage.getItem. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to write a string to local storage and read it back: // Write to local storage localStorage.setItem("language", "en-us"); // Read from local storage localStorage["index"] = 0;

20 Excellent HTML5 Video Players | One of the trending topic in web development today is about HTML5. HTML5 players is one of the most notable new features in HTML5, it allows you to embed video without the use of flash. The HTML5 video player is a non-proprietary alternative to Adobe’s Flashplayer plug-in. HTML5 have some extra advantages than Flash player, which makes HTML5 more useful. The loading time is fast of HTML5 players, you can fast forward and rewind the video without waiting at video to buffer. Technical implentation of HTML5 player really easy – mostly all players work due to the Java Script performance and of course one of the new HTML5 tags – “video” tag. SublimeVideo SublimeVideo maximizes the use of HTML5 Video in latest browsers while providing full support for legacy browsers thanks to its integrated fallback to Flash. Flarevideo FlareVideo is free and open source HTML5 video player that fallback to flash for incompatible browsers. MediaElement.js Moovie jMediaelement Projekktor Video for Everybody videojs

5 Reasons to Watch Out for HTML5 | Digital Publishing Platform | Zmags Blog With more and more consumers adopting the latest and greatest tablets, smartphones, and laptops, having digital content that will reach and perform for your target audience has become increasingly important for many companies. This is where HTML5 animation and content comes in – with increasing online engagement, marketing opportunities and shopping on mobile devices, it is important to adopt this robust technology for cross-platform compatibility. The Zmags Widgetizer provides an easy avenue to create HTML5 animations within a Zmag – no coding experience required! Simply adding some color and motion to your online publications can generate interactivity and engagement levels your brand has not experienced before. Zmags is always looking to add to and improve upon features and functionalities to the Widgetizer, so be on the lookout for new and exciting HTML5 animation capabilities in the near future. Thomas Majoch Manager - Professional Services, U.S.

Spip et jQueryMobile 31 mar. 2011 Il existe bien un plugin spip pour iphone, mais vous avez aussi la possibilité de monter rapidement une version mobile de votre site grâce à jQueryMobile. L'avantage de ce presque framework, c'est qu'il est assez simple à monter. Démonstration par l'exemple. Il faut tout d'abord aller sur le site de jQuery Mobile pour télécharger la dernière version dernière version (version actuelle encore en développement). Ensuite vous pouvez créer un dossier "mobile" dans le dossier squelette dans lequel vous mettez le dossier "images" et les fichiers .js et .css. Pour commencer nous allons créer la page sommaire mobile. un entête ;les rubriques à la racine du site. Dans la version mobile du site, je vais appeler jquery (soit on récupère celui de spip, soit pour éviter une incompatibilité de version on rajoute dans le dossier mobile la dernière version de jquery) mais je ne charge pas #INSERT_HEAD car je n'ai pas besoin de tous les plugins dans cette version simplifiée. .

La vie des intégrateurs, chapitre III : puis vint Html5 Depuis plusieurs mois on ne lit plus que ça dans les nombreux blogs qui parlent d’intégration, de développement ou de webdesign. C’est venu timidement et puis la sortie des nouvelles versions des navigateurs a accéléré le processus, du coup les mêmes démonstrations se répètent inlassablement sans que concrètement on puisse dans un cadre professionnel utiliser pleinement toutes ces nouveautés. On peut maintenant faire des sites en HTML5 et CSS3 ! Ok mais seulement pour les dernières versions des navigateurs qui tous regroupés représentent à peu près 50% des utilisateurs. D’abord pourquoi passer à HTML5 alors que pendant des années on a seriné à tous ceux qui voulaient l’entendre que XHTML, c’est l’avenir, il y a rien de mieux et que franchement HTML c’est has-been (ok je caricature, mais à peine). Plusieurs solutions : Un petit tour d’horizon sur ce qu’il faut savoir de HTML5 et CSS3, comment l’utiliser, quelles solutions JS, etc Et vous quel usage faites vous d’html5 et ses amis ?

Avec la sortie d’IE9, HTML5 devient enfin une réalité J’ai déjà eu de nombreuses occasions de vous expliquer dans quelle mesure HTML5 et CSS3 allaient révolutionner les interfaces web : CSS3 et javascript seront-elles les technologies RIA du future ?. Cette révolution est maintenant définitivement amorcée avec le lancement cette semaine de la version 9 d’Internet Explorer : IE9, Beauty of the Web. Est-ce réellement la dernière version du navigateur de Microsoft qui va révolutionner le marché ? Non pas réellement. Dès la semaine prochaine, Windows proposera la mise à jour vers IE9 de façon automatique (Internet Explorer 9 to be forced on world March 21st via Windows Update) ;Microsoft ne va pas tarder à annoncer la fin officielle d’IE6 (The Internet Explorer 6 Countdown, Moving the world off Internet Explorer 6) ;Firefox (le concurrent direct) va enfin sortir sa version 4. Ce n’est donc pas IE9 qui va bousculer le marché, mais sa sortie effective. Non, IE9 n’est pas plus performant que les dernières versions de Chrome ou Firefox.

HTML5: The Facts And The Myths - Smashing Magazine Advertisement You can’t escape it. Everyone’s talking about HTML5. it’s perhaps the most hyped technology since people started putting rounded corners on everything and using unnecessary gradients. In fact, a lot of what people call HTML5 is actually just old-fashioned DHTML or AJAX. First, Some Facts Once upon a time, there was a lovely language called HTML, which was so simple that writing websites with it was very easy. Most pages didn’t conform to the simple rules of the language (because their authors were rightly concerned more with the message than the medium), so every browser had to be forgiving with bad code and do its best to work out what its author wanted to display. In 1999, the W3C decided to discontinue work on HTML and move the world toward XHTML. The paper suggested seven design principles: In 2006, the W3C realized its mistake and decided to resurrect HTML, asking WHATWG for its spec to use as the basis of what is now called HTML5. Those are the historical facts. (al)

Typographic effects in canvas My Background Ajaxian, describing the transformation matrix, inspired me to create my first Color Sphere (2007). Which immersed me into the world of colors, and graphic primitives; inspiring the creation of Sketchpad (2007-2008) in an effort to put together an application “better than Paint” in the browser. These experiments eventually led to the creation of the startup Mugtug with my long-time friend Charles Pritchard. Introduction <canvas> brings Javascript programmers full-control of the colors, vectors and pixels on their screens—the visual makeup of the monitor. The following examples deal with one area in <canvas> that hasn’t gotten much attention; creating text-effects. Text-Shadows in <canvas>. CSS-like text-effects in <canvas> creating clipping masks, finding metrics in <canvas>, and using the shadow property. Neon-rainbow, zebra-reflection—chaining effects. Photoshop-like text-effects in <canvas> examples of using globalCompositeOperation, createLinearGradient, createPattern.

"take html5rocks (an existing HTML5 site) and augment it with a mobile-friendly version" by agnesdelmotte Mar 9
