WebIOPi | trouch.com After 2 months of hard work on my free time, I’m glad to release WebIOPi 0.6, with new exciting features. Taking grade of Internet of Thing framework, it becomes the perfect swiss-knife to make connected things with the Raspberry Pi by providing consistent libraries and API. From Arduino-like scripts to a full UART/I2C/SPI support and CoAP transport, discover new functionalities : The new Server configuration file allows to load customs Python scripts for advanced configuration or computation. The included GPIO native library has been modified to allow Arduino-like syntax using digitalRead and digitalWrite functions. import webiopi GPIO = webiopi . Anyone should be able to use the included library without changing their habits and extend WebIOPi without worrying about the Server. WebIOPi now supports all buses available on the Pi, using full Python custom lightweight drivers, compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.2 , including I2C, with no dependency ! Eric / trouch.
bcm2835: C library for Broadcom BCM 2835 as used in Raspberry Pi This is a C library for Raspberry Pi (RPi). It provides access to GPIO and other IO functions on the Broadcom BCM 2835 chip, as used in the RaspberryPi, allowing access to the GPIO pins on the 26 pin IDE plug on the RPi board so you can control and interface with various external devices. It provides functions for reading digital inputs and setting digital outputs, using SPI and I2C, and for accessing the system timers. Pin event detection is supported by polling (interrupts are not supported). It is C++ compatible, and installs as a header file and non-shared library on any Linux-based distro (but clearly is no use except on Raspberry Pi or another board with BCM 2835). The version of the package that this documentation refers to can be downloaded from You can find the latest version at Several example programs are provided. Running as root Installation tar zxvf bcm2835-1.xx.tar.gz . make Reboot.
Projects - Rasberry Pi | eLinux.org Back to the Hub. Community Pages: Tutorials - a list of tutorials. Guides - a list of informative guides. Projects - a list of community projects. Tasks - for advanced users to collaborate on software tasks. Datasheets - a frambozenier.org documentation project. Education - a place to share your group's project and find useful learning sites. Community - links to the community elsewhere on the web. Games - all kinds of computer games. Introduction This page contains a set of ongoing projects. The Raspberry Pi Forum has a list of Project Ideas & Links, to help people get started. Please add links to your projects (and ones you find interesting). Fill in each section: Project Title (as a link to the project webpage or connected wiki page) Project Description (including any additional links or information Skill Level/Ages it is aimed at (Any/Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced) Tags (Keywords related to the project, i.e. Community Project List
using i2c to talk to ardueno AirPi – AirPlay audio sur Raspberry (FR) | trouch.com mise à jour J’ai toujours voulu utiliser mon baladeur pour diffuser de la musique dans ma maison en utilisant le réseau. Quand AirPlay est sorti, j’était tout fou, mais le prix de la borne AirPort (99€) ou d’un AppleTV m’a un peu refroidi, même si j’adore mon iPhone et mon MacBook. Heureusement que Free a rapidement intégré shairport dans sa freebox revolution. Mais je ne me vois pas mettre la freebox dans la salle de bain Avec le RaspberryPi, la fondation m’a apporté une solution low cost, pour environ 30€ en recyclant quelques périphériques optionnels. Si on a besoin de la vidéo, le plus simple est d’utiliser RaspBMC. Installer Raspbian “wheezy” Le plus simple est de suivre les instructions officielles. Premier démarrage and login Pour se logger sur le Pi avec SSH, on a besoin de connaître son adresse IP. Si le DNS ne trouve rien, essayez de vous connecter à l’interface d’administration de votre routeur pour consulter les allocations DHCP. pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo raspi-config
Project - RaspyFi - Voyage mpd on Raspberry Pi - RaspyFi Project Dear beloved RaspyFi Users RaspyFi has evolved into Which is compatible with Raspberry Pi, Udoo, Cubox and Beaglebone Black. And brings lots of new, exciting features. RaspyFi website will remain available for archive references, every new activity will be on Volumio.org See you there! ModMyPi case covers the $35 Raspberry Pi PC for about $13 The Rasbperry Pi is a full-fledged computer which you can buy for about $35. It has a processor, memory, USB and Ethernet ports. But one thing the RaspBerry Pi doesn’t have is a protective case. It’s basically a system-on-a-board and not much else. But a company called ModMyPi is taking pre-orders for a case designed to put some clothes on the Raspberry Pi Model B and make it look respectable. The ModMyI sells for £7.99 including VAT in the UK, or a little less than $13. The cases will start shipping April 5th. Geek.com reports that ModeMyPi will donate 5 percent of the proceeds from case sales to the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The company also sells Raspberry Pi Set-up Kits with an 8GB SD card loaded with Debian Linux, a wireless keyboard and mouse, USB hub, WiFi dongle, and other accessories for £64.99, which is a little over $100 US. The $35 Raspberry Pi has a 700 MHz Broadcom BCM2835 ARM-based processor, 256MB of RAM, HDMI output, 2 USB ports and an Ethernet jack.
ArduiPi, the Shield that brings Arduino to Raspberry Pi – ArduiPi is a shield for Raspberry Pi that brings Arduino low level extented I/O to Raspberry Pi This project is now finished and the ArduiPi board available in Seeedstudio shop. Edit 03/17/2014 : New revision of ArduiPi board is now available, version is V1.1. The changes are : Added Auto-Reset Feature of Arduino from Raspberry Pi (connecting Pi GPIO 18 to FDTI DTR)Added a on board switch going to Pi GPIO 17 (mainly to be able to do clean shutdown of Pi )defaulted some PAD wire avoiding doing it to get started with the ArduiPi board. Here are pictures of new board Version 1.1 : Arduipi V1.1 back Pictures of Version 1.0 still available (front, back) Schematic of ArduiPi V1.1 (direct link) : ArduiPi V1.1 Schematic Old revision schematic (V0.9d aka V1.0) is available here Well, quite simple, Arduino is pretty cool but as soon you want to connect it to network, shield are quite expensive and web server will take lot of space into your Arduino and taking some functions off (such as SPI).
Mobile Raspberry Pi Computer: Build your own portable Pi-to-Go Aw, yes, the Raspberry Pi Computer, a credit card size mini PC that only cost $35. There are so many possibilities and uses for these small nano PCs. People have made them into PVRs (personal video recorders), retro gaming machines, weather stations, in-car PCs, jukeboxes, and so many more creative ideas. When I started this project four weeks ago, I just wanted to see if it was possible to make an ultra portable, mobile Raspberry Pi that you can take to-go. As I was building my Pi-to-Go I kept saying to myself, it would be cool if it had this, and then I would find a way to make it happen. My mobile Raspberry Pi Computer is now complete and because this is an open source project I wanted to show you everything, including how to build one yourself. Just a quick blurb about myself. LCD Screen The LCD I used is from an after market backup camera system that can be installed in a car. Battery Pack First off, be very careful when messing with lithium-ion batteries. Internal Powered Hub
Passwordless SSH Using Shared Keys This is something I use quite often to ease automated (ie, scripted) jobs that are run on a host that needs to connect to another host via SSH/SCP. Just an aside, my favorite alternative to using shared keys for (faux) passwordless connections is an expect script that "expects" a password prompt, which expect will hand back to the host. But that approach is almost always more difficult, requires an understanding of the expect language and is generally less secure. So, below is one method of implementing shared key authentication for passwordless SSH connections. Just tell me how to do it already! OK :-) For the purposes of this example, I'll refer to the host we're connecting from as host1 and the host we're connecting to (without a password) as host2 Generate a shared key on host1 (the shared key will be /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) user@host1:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 Generating public/private rsa key pair. That's it!
APC GoPiGo plus GrovePi and Scratch - Dexter Industries Forum Hi, The GoPiGo has 4 ports on it: one each of Serial,I2C,Digital and analog. If you need to use more sensors, then adding GrovePi with the GoPiGo is recommended. The GrovePi does indeed work well with the GoPiGo. You might have to tinker around a bit to get the GrovePi Connected properly with the GoPiGo. You can use both the Ultrasonic sensor and the line sensor and we have scripts written out for both. Do let us know how your project goes and if you end up creating and awesome line sensor robot please share it with us, we’ll be happy to share it with our users. -Karan