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Schoolhouse Rock Verbs

Schoolhouse Rock Verbs

Related:  Visual Resources

Teaching Grammar: There Has to Be a Better Way (And There Is!) To help kids master sentence structure, I describe sentences with simple English words, not unfamiliar Latin words. I won't claim to have invented this approach; it just made sense to me when I began dealing with grammar problems in the classroom early in my career. In my experience, this approach helps kids learn almost instantly how to write well-formed sentences. And because it's so simple, I can start it with primary kids and ELL students with limited English proficiency. 100+ Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark By: Alvina Lopez Bringing multimedia into the classroom is a great way to engage students in learning. Supplementing lessons, opening up new interests, and offering inspiration, online videos make for an incredible teaching tool. Educational Video Collections

5 Creative Digital Tools That Bring Visuals and Writing Together Digital storytelling in the classroom requires creative digital tools that truly stand out. There's lots to choose from out there. Some tools, however, have a great visual focus. They put art and imagery first. The five below are some of the most popular ones out there. 8 Excellent Educational YouTube Channels for Today's Teachers Educational YouTube channels are built to offer modern educators tons of resources and ideas for spicing up their teaching. So many brilliant minds have given their time and energy to build some superb channels, and now we're bringing you 8 of our favourites. Which educational YouTube channels do you think our community should know about? Share them below. It's hard to beat TedEd for the best educational YouTube channels to frequent. Everything from lesson ideas to professional development opportunities and more can be found here.

iPhoneography: Photo Challenges, Ideas & Literacy I have been facilitating an iPhoneography activity for our Middle Schoolers over the past two quarters. iPhoneography is defined by Wikipedia as: Phoneography is the art of creating photos with an Apple iPhone.This is a style of mobile photography that differs from all other forms of digital photography in that images are both shot and processed on the iOS device. It does not matter whether a photo is edited using different graphics applications or not The class was 40 minutes long, which I divided into the following workflow: 10 minutes of challenge explanation20 minutes of “in the field” photography10 minutes of photoapping and sharing of final images

Media Literacy: How To Close Read Infographics Do you know what an “infographic” is? Do your students? Increasingly more and more information is being conveyed in visual terms. Infographics are visual representations of information, often using numbers and proportional data. Increasingly they also include arresting graphics that grab the attention of our image-attuned 21st century brains.

Using Social Media to Teach Visual Literacy in the 21st-Century Classroom Increasingly, educators are acknowledging and welcoming the relative advantages of social media into the teaching and learning process. From creating school Facebook pages to connecting students with experts via Twitter, social media has taken root as a legitimate classroom learning and communication tool. The highly linguistic nature of social media allows us to create and consume ideas and information unlike ever before. Create Comics Online
