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Alejandro Aravena

Alejandro Aravena
ELE­MEN­TAL is a for pro­fit com­pany with so­cial in­ter­est, who­se sha­rehol­ders are the Uni­ver­si­dad Ca­tó­li­ca de Chi­le, CO­PEC (Chi­lean Oil Com­pany) and the Ele­men­tal foun­ders. Its field of ac­tion is the city: the de­ve­lop­ment of hou­sing, pu­blic spa­ce, in­fras­truc­tu­re and trans­por­ta­tion pro­jects that can per­form as an ef­fec­ti­ve and ef­fi­cient up­gra­de in the qua­lity of li­fe of the poor. ELE­MEN­TAL ope­ra­tes in con­texts of scar­ce re­sour­ces, using the city as a sour­ce of equa­lity, and mo­reo­ver, as a short­cut to co­rrect inequa­li­ties. When Ele­men­tal be­gan in Har­vard Uni­ver­sity in 2000, so­cial hou­sing was as­so­cia­ted with a la­ck of eco­no­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal re­sour­ces that had ge­ne­ra­ted a la­ck of op­tions for poor fa­mi­lies. Ele­men­tal wan­ted to chan­ge this ne­ga­ti­ve as­so­cia­tion, using pro­fes­sio­nal ski­lls to work with so­cial hou­sing. SCA­LE. SPEED. SCALE. SPEED.

Kim Dovey Informal Settlements This project seeks to understand the urban morphology of what are variously known as 'squatter', 'slum' or 'informal' housing settlements. These are problematic words: a ‘squatter’ lacks land tenure; a ‘slum’ lacks space, durability, water or sanitation; and ‘informal’ implies a lack of control over planning, design and construction. Yet this is the major form of new urban design on the planet – housing over a billion people and projected to double by about 2030. Many squatter settlements have developed over time into well-serviced neighbourhoods – no longer 'slums' and with varying levels of tenure and formality. The prospect is to understand how informal urbanism works and to aid the transformation from 'slums' to decent housing and from 'squatting' to secure tenure. Collaborators: Wing Raharjo, Ross King Publications: Dovey, K. & King, R. Dovey, K. Dovey, K. & King, R.

Home | Safer Homes, Stronger Communities Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing after Disasters was developed on behalf of the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), to assist policy makers and project managers engaged in large-scale post-disaster reconstruction programs make decisions about how to reconstruct housing and communities after natural disasters. Post-disaster reconstruction begins with a series of decisions that must be made almost immediately. Despite the urgency with which these decisions are made, they have long-term impacts, changing the lives of those affected by the disaster for years to come. As a policy maker, you may be responsible for establishing the policy framework for the entire reconstruction process or for setting reconstruction policy in only one sector. The handbook is emphatic about the importance of establishing a policy to guide reconstruction. Thank you for visiting.

Global Village Program Builds with Global Village offer the opportunity to learn and share culture. Not only do we build homes for truly amazing people, but we also experience the food, language, rituals and traditions that make up their culture. In this exchange, we tighten the global connections between ourselves and our new global friends. About Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic occupies the eastern two-thirds of the island Hispaniola, which is shared with Haiti. The climate of the Dominican Republic is mostly tropical. Since then, Habitat for Humanity has built in nine regions of the Dominican Republic: Barahona, Paraíso, Polo, Jaquimeyes, Tamayo, Nagua, San Juan de la Maguana, San Francisco de Macorís and the city of Santo Domingo. Concrete blocks, cement, iron rods, sand and gravel are used to build houses in the Dominican Republic. You can learn more at or The team will stay two people per room.

Oficina Informal | Líderes: Antonio Yemail y Juan Carlos YepesMiembros: asociación abierta y orgánica Bogotá, 2007 Interconexiones entre miembros 1. ¿Cómo ha evolucionado la práctica de los miembros del colectivo desde su creación? Visto en retrospectiva, diría que la evolución de nuestra practica ha estado marcada por un criterio que denominamos la resurrección de las ideas. Hoy en día tenemos un gran interés en trabajar en problemas que no son de arquitectos, que no son disciplinares exclusivamente sino comunes y compartidos a la sociedad. 2. Es una situación difícil de rastrear dada la cantidad y diversidad de asociaciones que hemos tenido en los últimos cinco años. Tal vez esto tenga que ver con que hemos reconocido que esta forma de relación abierta y desinhibida ha supuesto para nosotros una oportunidad muy valiosa de ampliar nuestra red de intercambios, de compartir nuestra agenda crítica, pero sobre todo de extender nuestro marco referencial. 3. 4. 5. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

seamlessHousing seamlessHousing text. The method chosen in order to deal with the problem is creating a mechanism of growing architecture as a planning tool. A workflow I called "hybridAlgorithm" was developed, uniting the human architect with the computer in order to create a logical hierarchical growth mechanism. As the site is inserted into the system, "Forces" are defined by the user (the Architect) as lines, volumes and points, giving them strengths and decay methods. This resembles the conventional planning method of defining a "total scheme" for the site, only now this scheme becomes a diagram of statistical powers affecting each point of the site.

The Rise And Fall Of Poverty Porn The dramatic pseudo-orchestral music of '80s action-movie schlock begins. Arnold Schwarzenegger appears on the screen, and for the next three minutes gets progressively more bloodied, beaten, and battered as he fights to rescue his on-screen daughter. This isn’t a trailer for the movie Commando. It’s a narration by Alex, a precocious 9-year-old Tanzanian boy who is--as 9-year-old boys tend to be with violent movies--obsessed. The three-minute YouTube video cuts back and forth between Alex and clips from the movie, as he narrates every key plot twist, complete with action moments and sound effects. The irreverent joy of a child’s imagination is inescapable. And that’s the point. The modern era of the humanitarian crisis was born on American televisions in 1968. Within a few months, mass starvation began. In the subsequent three decades, humanitarian organizations became more and more adept at leveraging images of poverty, disease, and famine to access charitable donations.

Vila Cruzeiro Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. História[editar | editar código-fonte] Essa favela surgiu no século 19 e os primeiros moradores eram escravos fugidos que ficavam no local sob a proteção de um padre abolicionista da Igreja da Penha. Hoje, o predomínio dos afro-descendentes está presente em toda parte: no samba, no futebol e até nos salões de beleza. “Em finais do século 19, um certo padre Ricardo, republicano e abolicionista, capelão da irmandade da Penha, costumava abrigar em sua casa escravos fugidos das redondezas. Alberto conta ainda que expressões da cultura negra sempre foram fortes na Penha e em suas comunidades. Outro fator que demonstra uma expressão da cultura negra na comunidade é a escola mirim Petizes da Penha. Uma outra coisa que caracteriza a Vila Cruzeiro é o Campo do Ordem e Progresso, um campo de futebol que é umas das formas de lazer do local. No campo Ordem e Progresso situava o espaço Criança Esperança, com o fim, o projeto foi substituído pelo projeto IBISS.

Welcome to the Brisbane Housing Company » Brisbane Housing Company DISTOPIA LAB Jaigaon Jaigaon (Nepali: जयगाउँ) is a small town in Jalpaiguri district in the Indian state of West Bengal, near the Bhutan border. The town lies at the gateway to Bhutan – Phuentsholing, and is thus a very thriving place of trade. The main source of income for the vast majority of people here is through the Bhutanese citizens that come down to Jaigaon in order to buy their monthly and weekly ration. The main entrance to Bhutan is through Jaigaon. It lies on the banks of the [Torsa] river. Environment[edit] Being a border town Jaigaon has a secular population who live in a brotherly manner within themselves.People from all parts of the country and have resided here just in search of job or to do business.The major population consists of Bengali, Bihari, Marwari, Nepali. The weather of Jaigaon is pleasant and has a Mediterranean type of climate. Hill Down View Of Jaigaon Geography[edit] Jaigaon is located at WikiMiniAtlas Demographics[edit] Education[edit] Jaigaon lacks in medical facilities.

The Changing Face of Housing – Your Views from #citytalk This post is also available in: Chinese (Traditional) Last Monday, a hoard of urbanists sat in front of their computers to discuss the changing face of housing as part of our second #citytalk tweetchat (no idea what a tweetchat is? – more info here). Hosted by This Big City and Future Cape Town, our second chat featured Kasey Klimes of Secret Republic and Gavin Silber of Cape Town’s Social Justice Coalition as special guests, alongside countless other eager tweeters. The discussion was even more fast-paced than our first chat, with the eight questions we discussed reaching over 44,000 people. We kicked things off by asking how housing is changing in your city, with @JeremySenko, @urbanchords and myself noting that newer developments were producing smaller houses in Vancouver, Chicago and London, respectively. We moved on to ask how governments can make the most of their limited social housing budgets. We then got on to the complicated subject of gentrification, asking ’is it a bad thing?

Statistics on Poverty, Urbanization and Slums | P.a.p.-Blog, Human Rights Etc. Content 1. Trends in urbanization2. 1. Urbanization is on the rise. Two hundred years ago, Peking was the only city in the world with a population of a million. The half of the world’s population that lives in cities occupies only approximately 2.7% of the world’s land area. (source) (source) (source) (source) (source) Lagos and Cairo are Africa’s largest cities. ^ back to top 2. Many of the city dwellers, especially in the Third World, live in slum conditions. (source, click image to enlarge) The UN estimates that the number of people living in slums passed 1 billion in 2007 and could reach 1.39 billion in 2020, although there are large variations among regions. (source) (source, click image to enlarge) In most parts of the world, the proportion of urban populations living in slums has gone down: The proportion of the world’s urban population living in slums has fallen from nearly 40% a decade ago to less than a third today. (source) 3. Cities are created by trade and industry.

361 Degree 2010 | aecworldxp The Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers (SPARC) is one of the largest Indian NGOs working on housing and infrastructure issues for the urban poor. In 1984, when SPARC was formed, it began working with the most vulnerable and invisible of Mumbai's urban poorthe pavement dwellers. SPARC's philosophy is that if we can develop solutions that work for the poorest and most marginalised in the city, then these solutions can be scaled up to work for other groups of the urban poor across the country and internationally. Since 1986, SPARC has been working in partnership with two community-based organisations the National Slum Dwellers Federation and Mahila Milan. Together, they are known as the Alliance. The National Slum Dwellers Federation (NSDF): The National Slum Dwellers Federation (NSDF) was founded in 1974 by Jockin Arputham when he fought on behalf of a community of 70,000 to appeal a 1976 eviction order. Uraban Design Research Institute (UDRI)
