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Curator's ǝpoɔ

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty: Failing Fast | NET(net), Inc. Author: Steven Zolman In a previous blog post, I took great pains at articulating my 10 Reasons Why Ginni Rometty would fail as IBM’s new CEO. In the post, I mentioned the poisonous sales culture (you live by the sword, you die by the sword), which is at the center (of blame) for this and last quarter’s missed performance targets. Another concern was the ‘garage sale’ of business units that would inevitably have to come if IBM were to meet its targets. Read: Top 10 Reasons Why Ginni Rometty Will Fail as IBM’s New CEO As most of you know, IBM missed its quarterly numbers again, much like Oracle, blaming the performance miss on a lack of hustle and execution from their sales organization and citing sales that slipped into the next quarter. What (in my humble opinion) may even be worse than the fact that IBM has missed expectations for 2 quarters in a row, is the fact that IBM CEO Ginni Rometty doesn’t even bother to show up to make the lame excuses anymore. About NET(net)

The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan’s Rules for Bullshit-Busting and Critical Thinking By Maria Popova Carl Sagan was many things — a cosmic sage, voracious reader, hopeless romantic, and brilliant philosopher. But above all, he endures as our era’s greatest patron saint of reason and common sense, a master of the vital balance between skepticism and openness. In The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (public library) — the same indispensable volume that gave us Sagan’s timeless meditation on science and spirituality, published mere months before his death in 1996 — Sagan shares his secret to upholding the rites of reason, even in the face of society’s most shameless untruths and outrageous propaganda. Through their training, scientists are equipped with what Sagan calls a “baloney detection kit” — a set of cognitive tools and techniques that fortify the mind against penetration by falsehoods: The kit is brought out as a matter of course whenever new ideas are offered for consideration. Sagan ends the chapter with a necessary disclaimer:

La curation Ce dossier a été réalisé sous la coordination de Canopé Académie d'Amiens pour Savoirs CDI. Certes, il existe un consensus au niveau de la curation. Celle-ci consiste à sélectionner, éditer et partager les contenus les plus pertinents du web pour une requête ou un sujet donné [1]. Les mots utilisés dans cette phrase ne sont pas complexes et pourtant ils sont susceptibles d’engendrer de nombreuses questions. Sélectionner l’information ? Les questions sont donc nombreuses et ce tant au niveau des activités réalisées lors d’une curation, que du statut de la personne qui fait de la curation, qu’enfin des outils de curation. Face à cet état de fait, la notion fait débat : la curation a-t-elle un intérêt ? Notre propos ici ne sera pas de rentrer dans cette polémique mais de présenter la notion et de nous interroger sur l’impact de celle-ci dans le cadre de nos pratiques professionnelles. Plan du dossier [1] Wikipedia, Curation de contenu, mis à jour le 17.02.2014.

The Do's And Dont's Of Writing Erotic Fiction Sex is at the heart of what it means to be human. It’s vitally important to nearly all of us. It’s a driving force in our daily lives (even when we’re celibate), and its mysteries are infinite. So it bewilders me that — as a rule — erotica is seldom taken seriously, either by writers or readers. Intelligent, well-written erotica is a rare, rare thing (and I’ve been looking for it all of my life). I believe that in order to write well about sex, we have to resist the version of sexuality that’s brandished at us every day by the advertising and fashion industry: most especially the idea that we can only be aroused by superficiality and perfection. The following are some of my own tips for writing erotic fiction: 1. Bring the same attention and regard to writing about sex as you would to anything else you’d write. There’s nothing wrong with getting off – I always hope my readers are getting off on what I write! 2. The throbbing rod, that is, and all other coy euphemisms for body parts. 3.

Behind the Curator's Code | netmag The Curator's Code was recently unveiled. The system aims to codify the "attribution of discovery in curation as a currency of the information economy", which would honour the "creative and intellectual labor of information discovery by making attribution consistent and codified, celebrating authors and creators, and also respecting those who discover and amplify their work". In pure practical terms, the scheme provides new symbols for 'via' and 'hat tip', which link back to the Curator's Code website, although the site notes these are optional and its main aim is to encourage more attribution across the web. From the start, the system proved divisive. Writer Harry Marks enthusiastically embraced the scheme, but Gizmodo's Matt Langer and Marco Arment considered it misguided. Arment argued readers "aren't going to learn what the symbols mean", complained the distinction between them was unnecessary, and also reckoned the wrong problem was being solved. The bigger picture

Je Scoopite, tu Scoopites, nous Scoopitons… Depuis quelque mois, je suis surpris par l’efficacité, la pertinence et la puissance de Et comme je ne suis pas un geek, je leur ai demandé de nous expliquer comment mieux utiliser cet outil. Article de Mathilde Lepetit, responsable des ventes Europe chez A l’occasion de la sortie de la nouvelle version de, il est intéressant de refaire un point – certains blogueurs ayant déjà écrit différents billets sur cette problématique- pour déterminer comment optimiser l’utilisation de ce magnifique (j’en suis plus que convaincue) outil, fort de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Avant de commencer, rappelons ce qu’est Plateforme de publication par curation, est une solution efficace pour organiser et partager des idées importantes. Après ce bref rappel, découvrons de façon plutôt « pratico-pratique » les différents points pour mieux utiliser sur ces trois fonctionnalités premières : sélectionner, éditer et partager. 1. Pour cela : 2. 3. Merci Mathilde.

9 beliefs of remarkably successful people - Yahoo Finance Canada I'm fortunate enough to know a number of remarkably successful people. Regardless of industry or profession, they all share the same perspectives and beliefs. And they act on those beliefs: 1. Time doesn't fill me. I fill time. Deadlines and time frames establish parameters, but typically not in a good way. Forget deadlines, at least as a way to manage your activity. Average people allow time to impose its will on them; remarkable people impose their will on their time. 2. Some of your employees drive you nuts. You chose them. Think about the type of people you want to work with. Then change what you do so you can start attracting those people. Successful people are naturally drawn to successful people. 3. Dues aren't paid, past tense. No matter what you've done or accomplished in the past, you're never too good to roll up your sleeves, get dirty, and do the grunt work. Remarkably successful people never feel entitled--except to the fruits of their labor. 4. 5. Ask them why they failed. 6.

Content Curation: Copyright, Ethics & Fair Use >>Click here to download the eBook. The most common and fundamental questions that come up whenever I talk about content curation (especially in the context of content marketing) is, “How can you use other people’s content? How does that work with copyright, fair use, and more generally ethics?” Interests of the Three Parties Involved Before we dive into specific recommendations on best practices, let’s take a look at the interests of the three parties involved when it comes to content curation: The publisher – the individual, publication or other entity who has created original content. The curator – The curator is the person or organization who wants to curate the content of the publisher and promote to their audience. The audience – Lastly, we have the audience who wants to consume the best and most relevant content in a convenient manner. Fair Use Here’s what the law says about Fair Use and the four considerations that factor into it: 12 Best Practices More Best Practices Examples
