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Expense Reports That Don't Suck! - Expensify

How To Steal Your Competitor’s Customers On Facebook Have you been spending all of your Facebook Advertising dollars trying to reach people in your target demographic? Why don’t you strip out some of that effort and just go directly for your competitor’s fans? This technique will surely boost your fan base while simultaneously annoy the heck out of your competitor! Read on to learn more. In traditional PPC, Quiznos can bid on Subway, and ReadyTalk can bid on WebEx – even mentioning the competitor’s name in the ad. If your firm is trying to beat Company X, the acceptable ad copy is “better than X”, “read reviews of X”, “before you try X…”, “compare X and Y”, and so forth. But on Facebook, you can do MUCH better and it’s much cleaner. SMX and Search Engine Strategies are competitors in the search marketing conference space. In one week, SES is having a conference in San Francisco – and they are promoting it via Facebook ads to their Facebook page: Switcher campaigns: Show us you’re a member of X and we’ll give you [free_prize].

Strand 2: Article 8: Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are | TED Talk Vend Divorce: 10 Lessons I've Learned I was thinking about divorce today. Surprisingly it's not a topic I think about often. I think about being single all of the time, but not about divorce itself. Three years ago I chose to leave a very bad marriage. I've learned a lot of lessons since then and I thought I'd share a few of them with you. Lesson #1: Your married friends scatter. It doesn't happen all at once, but you'll gradually see most of your friends slipping away. When I see friends who are recently divorced I warn them that their friendliness won't last. Lesson #3: People change. You have these sweet precious children who you and your spouse guarded with your lives and protect them and teach them values and then you let them go. Lesson #4: You will make unexpected friends. Lesson #5: The loneliness is harder than you ever imagined. you, but it is not the same as having a spouse. Lesson #6: Be very careful about what's in your divorce decree. Lesson #7: The second time is easier. would be simple.

Strand 3: Article 5: Start Investing Today: An Amazing Comparison of 25 vs 35 Year Old Starters When I was in my late teens, my father shared with me some retirement savings advice that was so compelling that I said, “I need to start investing today!” and I while I didn’t really know how to start investing, I did some basic research with “Value Line”, sought out an actual broker (this was before you could invest online) and bought my first stock (Philip Morris if you can believe it). What he said sounded too good to be true, and counter intuitive, for a highschooler who had been well-versed in math and calculus, but completely naive to real world investing and financial modeling. “If you started investing at age 25 and put the same amount of money into stocks until age 35, you’d have more money at retirement than if you started saving at 35 and invested the same amount of money in stocks EVERY YEAR until retirement” So, putting $5000 a year away from 25 to 35 yields more than putting $5000 a year away from 35 to 60? Yes, here’s the data. It Pays to Invest Early! 25 Year Old Starter

Pack for Android: Our List of the Best Android Apps SExpand The Android Market isn't always an easy place to get around. Our first edition of the Lifehacker Pack for Android rounds up essential Android apps—our personal favorites for productivity, multimedia, internet life, and just plain usefulness.P Lots of people are picking up new Android phones these days—nearly 200,000 per day, at last count. We're using the great app search and sync service AppBrain to create a Lifehacker Pack for Android. Like our iPhone Pack, this list is no short grocery checklist. ProductivityP Astrid: Astrid is a simple to-do manager into which you simply start typing, add context if you want to, then save. Evernote: Evernote's universal note app on Android is not as elegant, fast, or intuitive as Evernote on iPhone. mNote: At least some of the Lifehacker editors consider synchronized cloud-based note service Simplenote to be the Holy Grail of ubiquitous plain text capture. Internet/CommunicationP Location-AwareP Google Maps & Navigation: Get in your car. MediaP

Strand 2: Article 4: Worst Jobs for the Future 2017 Total number of jobs: 56,514 Projected job growth, 2016-2026: 1.5% Median annual salary: $20,500 Typical education: Bachelor's degree It's an ugly time to be in politics. Alternate Career You can still affect change by pursuing a career as a social and community service manager. SEE ALSO: Kiplinger's Washington Matters Video: Insane 100-mph Crash Caught On Tape | Autopia Brendan S. Eden is the luckiest man on the planet right now. The 19-year-old Mason, Ohio, man reportedly was speeding at more than 100 mph when he hit a guardrail, went airborne and slammed into an overpass. The car broke into three pieces and threw him from the wreckage. The dashboard-mounted camera in a police cruiser caught the spectacular crash that left Eden in critical condition and shut down an Ohio freeway for more than six hours this morning. “He went down into the median, into the grass, hit the guardrail, went airborne and the car hit the center post of the bridge and literally exploded into three main pieces,” Mark Riley, who witnessed the crash, told WTDN-TV. Eden remained hospitalized in critical condition. “He is very lucky to still be alive at this point,” said Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt. Yeah. The crash shut down the southbound lanes of I-675 in Sugarcreek Township, about 15 miles southeast of Dayton, for six hours. Videos: WDTN-TV

Strand 3: Article 11a: How to Invest -- The Motley Fool 13 Steps to Investing Foolishly You may not realize it yet, but you are staring at a ticket to financial independence. That's right; this little guide is your one-way pass to the financial future of your dreams. Read the 13 Steps We believe that the best way to invest your money in stocks is to buy great companies and hold them for the long term. How to Save Money Whether you're brand new to budgeting and saving or have tried and failed at it before, we're here to show you how to build your savings in 10 easy steps. How to Open a Brokerage Account: A Step-by-Step Guide Choosing the right brokerage account can seem like a difficult process, but it doesn't have to be. How to Buy Stocks We're here to teach you how to start investing and how to choose the best stocks. A Quick Guide to Asset Allocation: Stocks vs. You have three main choices when it comes to investments in a brokerage account or retirement plan: stocks, bonds, or cash. Know When to Sell Stocks Why Should I Invest? How Do I Invest?

New Cars Pricing and Comparisons Local, Regional and National Car Price Reports at TrueCar Strand 1: Article 6: Harvard Business School Goal Story From the book What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School by Mark McCormack: In the book What They Don't Teach You in the Harvard Business School, Mark McCormack tells a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program. In that year, the students were asked, "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?" Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all. Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. In spite of such proof of success, most people don't have clear, measurable, time-bounded goals that they work toward. In the bestseller "Goals!" They don't realize about the importance of goals.
