1-Andro Liquid | New Product, Reviews, Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. Click here to check out 1-Androgin What is 1-Andro? 1-Andro, known as 1-Androsterone or 1-DHEA as main rare ingredient compound, is a prohormone that helps in increasing muscle-building hormones like “free testosterone”. 1-androstenediol is the major metabolite that help in increasing athletic performance, reduce body fat, build muscle, improve healthy red blood cells (anti-aging property), and enhance sexual performance and libido. However, it was banned prior to the 2004 Steroid Control Act. There is not much information available over the internet about the safe usage of 1-Andro and what potential side effects it can cause other than improving muscle-building hormones. It is an ingredient used in supplement products and widely recognized by professional athletes and bodybuilders that can use it to gain lean muscle mass rapidly to the peak level. The Best 1-Andro Product - 1-Androgin (Flavored 1-Andro Liquid) Products 1-Andro Stack Figure 2. What Are The Advantages? Final Words
4-Andro: Stack, Review, Bodybuilding, Before & After, Cycle and Dosage – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. Click here to check out 4-Androgin What is 4-Andro 4-Andro is a non-liver toxic, legally anabolic prohormone supplement containing 4-Dehydroepiandrosterone (4-DHEA), also known as 4-androsterone, for bodybuilding and athletic enhancement. The supplement can help users increase their rate of lean muscle growth, prevent muscle fatigue, and recover from soreness. Main ingredient of 4-Andro 4-Andro's main ingredient, 4-Dehydroepiandrosterone (4-DHEA), is a positional isomer of the DHEA compound. 4-DHEA is a precursor of human steroid hormones that is converted to testosterone by the enzymes 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Review of next generation of 4-Andro – 4-Androgin Improving DHEA solubility and bioavailability is a longstanding academic hot topic. A high dose, on the other hand, will result in poor solubility and bioavailability of the compound. Benefits of 4-Andro in bodybuilding 4-Andro vs 1-Andro (1 andro or 4 andro?) Cycle Reference Watson, R.
Epicatechin: Supplement, Buying Guides, Stack, Benefits & Dosage – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. Click here to check out (–)-Epicatechin powered Pre-Workout - Pre-Workout+ Traditional epicatechin supplements come in pill/tablet/capsule form and must be purchased and ingested separately with pre-workout in order to generate an extra "pump" effect and additional workout benefits. Instead, Pre-Workout+ contains a high amount of (–)-epicatechin and other essential ingredients in a single product. Buying guideline for (-)-epicatechin supplements When shopping for (–)-epicatechin supplement, buyers should be careful of the content (purity) of the compounds present in the supplement. Buying (–)-epicatechin A high-quality (–)-epicatechin supplement should include at least 90% purity of (–)-epicatechin. (–)-Epicatechin powered Pre-Workout is a new type of epicatechin supplement that is coupled with standard pre-workout with high affordability, luxury and quality; thus, it is referred to as "Pre-Workout+." (–)-Epicatechin bodybuilding (–)-Epicatechin half life EGCGt1/2 > EGCt1/2 > ECt1/2
How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast - At Home 7 Proven Ways – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. How To Gain Muscle Mass Fast Muscle gain is generally considered an easily achievable task as people believe that eating some carbs and lifting some weight would do for that. But when you are actually into it, you will notice that after some initial muscle buildup in a month or two, the body will stop showing any progress in the direction. This has a reason: To build up more muscles, the body requires more diet and more efforts. But it is not that easy to keep increasing your diet as well as keep increasing more weight on lifting machines as it has its limits. This includes certain food items and exercises that will give your muscle buildup an extra boost required to break the threshold and begin muscle gain once again. Food Habits And Ingredients For Muscle Gain At Home Figure 2. Muscle gaining is not possible if your diet is not adequately nutritious, and not only it has to be filled with proteins and carbs, but you also need to follow a complete plan or timetable of meals.
Low Testosterone In Men: Signs, Causes, and Treatments – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. Optimal Testosterone vs Low Testosterone Testosterone is an androgenic hormone that is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics and external genitalia. However, it functions similarly as an estrogen precursor in females. However, for bodybuilder, you should consider getting a bioavailable testosterone test to determine the level of bioactive testosterone in your blood. Recent studies [1] claimed that testosterone treatment had proven beneficial effects on body muscle function and mass, but the results were inconclusive. As a result, testosterone replacement therapy was considered to treat hypogonadism and improve testosterone levels. Nowadays, there are numerous testosterone booster supplements on the market that are made of natural herb extract to eliminate the possibility of any side effects appearing in the body. Traditional Supplements for Increasing Testosterone Levels Vitamin D Figure 2. Ashwagandha Figure 3. D-Aspartic Acid Fenugreek Figure 4. Reference
Weight Loss Liquid Supplement – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. Liquified Supplement With the increased demand for oral medication, liquid dietary supplements are considered suitable for weight loss and providing your body with all of its nutritional value. Nowadays, liquid supplements are most commonly taken by young children and older adults because they have difficulty swallowing some tablets, indicating that liquid supplements are quickly absorbed and digested in our bodies. Most of you may be perplexed by the idea of consuming liquid extracts or swallowing tablets/capsules supplements to fuel your body after an intense workout or for nutritional purposes. For starters, a liquid supplement does not require your body to break it down, allowing your system to absorb more material properties effectively. Liquid Instant Weight Loss And Maximum Strength By LIPOLOSS WEIGHT Figure 1. WEIGHT LOSS LIPGLOSS One solution for losing weight is to take a liquid supplement. Circe Natural - The Drop Raspberry Ketone By T5 Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4.
Best Supplements For Muscle Recovery, Growth, Strength And Soreness – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. Non-Steroid Supplements For Muscle Recovery, Growth, Strength And Soreness Whenever we workout, we are generally training our muscles naturally. During this process, most muscles get weakened during this period, and after the training, these weakened muscles heal and grow in strength and size. This delay in the recovery can trigger issues in your upcoming training sessions, so we can say that timely recovery of weaken muscles is essential for regular exercise and successful workout sessions. It is possible to help you recover significantly from muscle breakdown through a regular diet or by adding few protein-rich food items to your diet. Body Fluids And Natural Supplements That Promote Muscles Growth These are the enzymes or bodily fluids which are required for muscle growth. Macronutrients From The Food Items For Muscle Building Figure 2. Proteins are the essential macronutrient that is required by muscle growth and recovery. Food Items That Contain Muscle Recovery Essentials
What to Eat Before A Workout for Weight Loss – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. What to Eat Before A Workout for Weight Loss For Enhanced Productivity Poor eating habits could be preventing you from losing the extra kilos that are keeping you away from your weight goal. Poor eating habit doesn't just means eating unhealthy or overeating, but also under eating and dieting for weight loss is also equally wrong. First of all, you need to realize that eating is also necessary for weight loss, and you need to work upon the food items that will help you cut out the fat. You can make it even better if you eat certain ingredients before the workout as such items will provide you with enough energy for exercising and act as an agent that makes the body fat easier to cut. Fat Burning Foods – To Be Eaten Before Weight Loss Workout Figure 2. One might claim that a weight loss diet should be free from carbohydrates and only protein is necessary for a pre-workout diet. Understanding The General Facts Regarding Weight Loss Diet Figure 3.
Protein Shakes : Side Effects, Causes and Possible Solutions – Mega Muscles™
We're coming at you once again dropping knowledge and keeping you up to date on the latest and greatest. In this article, let’s focus on protein shake, side effects, causes and possible solutions. And why, even if you're not vegetarians, you should think about using plant-based protein powders. It's no surprise that athletes and require more protein, particularly during intensive exercise and bodybuilding seasons. And the fact is that if you consume enough calories, you could get protein from your meal. For those times, a tasty, high-quality protein powder is ideal for bridging the gap and keeping your progress on track and your training on goal. For many of us, whey and casein protein powders have become a fast cure for years. They're popular for a reason: they're delightful and easily absorbed, resulting in accelerating muscle development. Whey protein shake is made from dairy, which is one of the most common allergens known to man. You will learn more about it here.
DHEA Supplement - Benefits, Dosages, Sources and Side Effects – Mega Muscles™
Figure 1. DHEA Supplement - Benefits, Dosages, Sources and Side Effects What Is DHEA Supplement? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural prohormone, which is produced by the adrenal glands. Moreover, DHEA supplements are generally used by those who believe that these can increase sex drive, fight the effects of ageing, build muscle, and enhance various health conditions. However, there is nothing much discovered by the scientists about how DHEA works? DHEA peaks in the mid-20s, but in most people, the production will gradually decrease with age. Health Benefits Associated With DHEA Supplements In Bodybuilding Having low levels of DHEA is the primary cause of ageing and various diseases like type II diabetes, anorexia, and HIV. DHEA is consumed by those individuals who are considering reversing the process of ageing and boost cognitive functions, immunity, and muscle strength. Dosages Of DHEA Supplements Sources Of DHEA Moreover, you should know that DHEA is not present in any food.