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ESL Discussions: English Conversation Questions / Debates: Speaking Lesson Activities

ESL Discussions: English Conversation Questions / Debates: Speaking Lesson Activities
Related:  I U T gram et voc

Production and Manufacturing Vocabulary This core vocabulary reference sheet provides key words and phrases in production and manufacturing. This vocabulary can be used in English for specific purposes classes as a starting point for including vocabulary study key to production and manufacturing. Teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in very specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for Specific Purposes needs. English for Specific Purposes Core Vocabulary Lists English for AdvertisingEnglish for Banking and StocksEnglish for Book Keeping and Financial AdministrationEnglish for Business and Commercial LettersEnglish for Human ResourcesEnglish for the Insurance IndustryEnglish for Legal PurposesEnglish for LogisticsEnglish for MarketingEnglish for Production and ManufacturingEnglish for Sales and Acquisitions

Eight Ways to Use Video With English-Language Learners This blog was co-authored by Katie Hull Sypnieski. This post is excerpted from their new book, The ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners of All Levels. "I like the way you use videos with us -- you get us moving, talking, writing and speaking. We can think of far worse things a student might say to us, and John's comment demonstrates our perspective on using video with English-Language Learners (and, for that matter, with all students) -- research and our experience show that it can be a very effective learning tool, but it has to be used as an active one. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 1. "Critical Pedagogy" is the term often used to describe a teaching approach whose most well-known practitioner was Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. Describe what you see: Who is doing what? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Online Speaking and Listening Exercises | Speech Peek Podcasts gratuits pour apprendre les langues européennes Accueil > Formations et ressources > Liste des répertoires > Podcasts gratuits pour apprendre les langues européennes Les langues telles qu’elles sont parlées et comprises par les locuteurs natifs 7052 rue des BrumesQuébec, QcG2C1P6CanadaTél.: 581 986 3364 Voici un répertoire de sites qui proposent gratuitement des flux de fichiers audio et/ou vidéo, voire de simples enregistrements (sans option d'abonnement) pour l’apprentissage de l’anglais, du français, de l’espagnol et d'autres langues principalement européennes. A condition d’avoir une certaine autonomie dans l’apprentissage, on peut y trouver de quoi se passer des exercices fastidieux de grammaire et des listes ennuyeuses de vocabulaire pour se concentrer uniquement sur la langue telle qu’elle est parlée et comprise par les locuteurs natifs. Les podcasts proposés sont pour la plupart des ressources francophones et anglophones faciles d'accès. Sommaire du répertoire Sites multilingues Allemand Deutsche Welle podcastsCours d'allemand. Grec

Strategies in Language Learning Motivating speaking activities for lower levels Planning time has been shown to increase production in speaking tasks. Lower level learners often find it especially difficult to speak spontaneously, so these activities incorporate 'thinking time' during which learners can prepare for speaking by planning what they are going to say, and asking the teacher or using a dictionary to look up missing vocabulary. The following activities are relatively short, with minimal materials preparation time for the teacher. They are designed for use as a warmer or a filler in the middle or at the end of a class. 1. This activity is good for activating existing vocabulary or revising vocabulary studied in previous lessons. Procedure Choose a vocabulary topic (this can be vocabulary you have recently studied or a topic you want to introduce). A faster-moving, fun alternative to this activity is a team game. 2. 3. This is a variation on the above activity and is great for practising adjectives. Cartoons, cartoon stories and unusual pictures 4. 5. 6.

Fun Ways to Learn English A CLIL TO CLIMB: Useful Resources Here you will find a collection of links to some free useful resources; they're listed in alphabetical order. The links open on a new tab or window. If you find this page useful, PLEASE tell other people about it - you can tweet, send it to Facebook, etc at the end of the page. Most of these resources have been used by me at one time or another, and the links will be constantly updated, so be sure to keep coming back! Apps Any.Do Task ManagerCamera ScanDictionary.comDropboxMacmillan Sounds AppMusixmatch (The best audio player I've tried. Audio Editing and Podcasting AudacityAudioBooPodomaticSound Cloud (record and share)VocarooVoki Blog List (What other teachers are writing...) Delicious DiigoEvernoteLivebindersPearl TreesPocket (formerly Read it Later)Scoop.itStich.ItSymbaloo Browsers Google ChromeMozilla Firefox Business English Copyrights Referencing Generator (how to cite your sources) The Plagiarism CheckerWikipedia explains Creative CommonsCreating Comic Strips Images Mind Mappers Web Design
