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Why boycott Coca Cola?

Why boycott Coca Cola?

Criticism of Coca-Cola Criticism of Coca-Cola has arisen from various groups, concerning a variety of issues, including health effects, environmental issues, and business practices. The Coca-Cola Company, its subsidiaries and products have been subject to sustained criticism by both consumer groups and watchdogs, particularly since the early 2000s. Allegations against the company are varied, including possible health effects of Coca-Cola products,a poor environmental record,perception of the companies' engagement in monopolistic business practices,questionable labour practices (including allegations of involvement with paramilitary organisations in suppression of trade unions),questionable marketing strategies, andaccusation of violations of intellectual property rights. Perception of the company as behaving unethically has led to the formation of pressure groups such as "Killer Coke", product boycotts, and lawsuits. Health effects[edit] Acidity and tooth decay[edit] High fructose corn syrup[edit] Water use[edit]

Campaign to Stop Killer Coke | Tell Coca-Cola to STOP the VIOLENCE!
