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EniCycle Makes The Unicycle Easier To Ride, Your Clown Dreams Might Still Come True Ever wanted to be a circus clown but failed because you can't ride a unicycle? There's hope for you yet with the EniCycle, a goofy-looking, self-balancing, one-wheeled motorcycle. Created by Slovenian inventor Aleksander Polutnik, the EniCycle is a single-seater vehicle that runs on one wheel. Instead of having your clumsy ass try to keep balance while moving, though, the bike does all the work for you, fostering a learning curve of no more than thirty minutes. All you have to do is sit on the stool and lean where you want it to turn (and honk your nose, of course, if you're riding it as a clown). Unlike regular unicycles, the 28kg EniCycle puts pedaling and balancing out of the equation. Ready to chase after your dream and run away with the circus? [EniCycle via Oh Gizmo]

How to Enable Support for Nested 64bit & Hyper-V VMs in vSphere 5 With the release of vSphere 5, one of the most sought out feature from VMware is the ability to run nested 64bit and Hyper-V guest virtual machines in a virtual ESXi instance. Previous to this, only 32bit virtual machines were supported as the VT-x/AMD-V Hardware Virtualization CPU instructions could not be virtualized and presented to the virtual ESX(i) guest. This feature is quite useful for home and lab setups in testing new features or studying for VMware certifications and running multiple vESX(i) instances. You will still be required to have a 64bit capable system and CPU and you will need to be running ESXi 5.0, this will not work for ESX(i) 4.x or older. The above diagram depicts the various levels of inception where pESXi is your physical ESXi 5.0 hosts. Note: You will not be able to run a 4th level nested 64bit VM (I have tried by further passing the HV instructions in the nested guest) and it will just boot up and spin your CPUs for hours. 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. Intel Hosts: AMD Hosts:

The Bike There's a vast diversity of bicycles available on the market. This doesn't make it easy to select an adequate vehicle. If you want to choose a bicycle you should keep an eye on quality. Your bike will be strained a lot for several days if you do a Transalp. Malfunctions and breakdowns during such a journey are not only annoying, they can also lead to accidents, injuries or irreparable damage of your bike. Due to improper equipment, a lot of Transalp trips have to be aborted or end at a hospital. The decision for a certain type of bicycle depends on the character of your Transalp route and your driving skill. There are different types of mountain bikes which differ mostly in geometry, suspension travel and weight. Before you buy a bicycle, you should look into the features of the most important bike components like suspension, frame geometry, gears and brake systems. My Bikes: The Lapierre Zesty is an All Mountain Bike with a tendency to Freeride. My old hardtail from 2003.

Le Yike Bike est une réalité Sous ses lignes futuristes, certains auront rapidement compris que le Yike Bike est un vélo, mais contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait penser, il ne s’agit pas là d’un énième concept qui finira une fois de plus au placard . Car oui, le Yike Bike est déjà commercialisé au prix de 3600$( comptez la même somme en Euros ), et bien plus qu’un simple délire de designer, il s’agit d’un vélo électrique, et pliable .Nous lui avions déjà dédié un article au mois de septembre, mais il n’était encore pas en phase commerciale, cette fois il s’agit bien de la version finale, l’occasion d’un petit rappel des spécificités de l’engin : Le site du constructeur propose quelques vidéos et des animations Flash permettant de visualiser ce vélo résolument futuriste en 3D ( on peut entre autres y voir comment le Yike Bike se replie sur lui même autour de sa roue avant ).

VMware ESX 4 can even virtualize itself | VCritical NEW: VMware vSphere 5 makes this even easier and supports nested 64-bit guests. Running VMware ESX inside a virtual machine is a great way to experiment with different configurations and features without building out a whole lab full of hardware and storage. It is pretty common to do this on VMware Workstation nowadays — the first public documentation of this process that I know of was published by Xtravirt a couple of years ago. But what if you prefer to run ESX on ESX instead of Workstation? You may be pleased to know that the GA build of ESX 4 allows installing ESX 4 as a virtual machine as well as powering on nested virtual machines — VMs running on the virtual ESX host. VMware vSphere 4.1 UPDATE: VMware ESXi 4.1 has a keyboard issue when virtualized on an ESX 4.0 host. The extra tweaks to make it all work are minimal, and I will show you how without even opening up a text editor. Create a new VM with the following guidance (choose “Custom”): To prevent this, just one tweak is needed:

Staze i bogaze » Staze i Bogaze Enfin un vélo électrique pliant digne du 21e siècle - Gizmodo - Cet étrange engin est un vélo électrique pliant en fibre de carbone mu par un moteur de 1,2 kW. Ce n’est pas simplement un concept qui ne vit qu’à l’intérieur d’un ordinateur. Non, le YikeBike est bien réel et se déploie en 15 secondes. Il se pourrait bien que l’éternel problème de la mobilité urbaine ait enfin une solution, et ce truc pourrait bien devenir le nouveau jouet favori de Woz. Ce truc pourrait-il réussir là où le Segway a échoué?

NIST SP 800 Series NIST uses three NIST Special Publication subseries to publish computer/cyber/information security and guidelines, recommendations and reference materials: SP 800, Computer Security (December 1990-present): NIST's primary mode of publishing computer/cyber/information security guidelines, recommendations and reference materials (SP 800s are also searchable in the NIST Library Catalog); SP 1800, NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides (2015-present): A new subseries created to complement the SP 800s; targets specific cybersecurity challenges in the public and private sectors; practical, user-friendly guides to facilitate adoption of standards-based approaches to cybersecurity; SP 500, Computer Systems Technology (January 1977-present): A general IT subseries used more broadly by NIST's Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), this page lists selected SP 500s related to NIST's computer security efforts. Note: Publications that link to will redirect to another NIST website.

Календар акција :: Serbian Outdoor Календар акција Ту смо за вас сваке среде у 20 h! Годишњи програм активности Podeli: Календар активности Актуелно Са наших путовања Пријатељи КАУП-а Чланци Најпопуларнији чланци и стране Важни линкови Били смо… Унесите своју адресу електронске поште како бисте добијали обавештења о новим чланцима.

Segway i2 - Ich geh dann mal rollen - Auto & Mobil Anzeige Dank Straßenzulassung darf man den Segway, ein vergnügliches Elektro-Mobil aus den USA, auch hierzulande fahren. Erst mal herrscht Stillstand. Das muss so sein, denn: "Erst nach der Einweisung durch einen Instruktor dürfen Sie auf der Straße fahren", lautet die strenge Anweisung in den Betriebsunterlagen dieses auf den ersten Blick merkwürdigen Geräts. Der Instruktor in Gestalt einer freundlich lächelnden Dame nimmt dem Befehl aber gleich die Schärfe: "Keine Angst, es ist so einfach, als würden Sie auf eine Treppenstufe steigen." Eine Treppenstufe mit zwei Rädern Die hat gut reden, denn das ist leichter gesagt als getan. Zum Fahren - und jetzt geht es wirklich los - beuge ich mich leicht nach vorne; und so intuitiv wie versprochen folgt der Segway meiner Körperbewegung und rollt los. Nach wenigen Minuten beherrsche ich die Drehung auf der Stelle - damit ist der Segway um vieles wendiger als jedes andere Gefährt.

Learn How to Pass (or Beat) a Polygraph Test | Educate yourself. Before playing Russian roulette with your reputation, learn how to protect yourself against this invalid test. Download's free book (1 mb PDF): The Lie Behind the Lie Detector The dirty little secret behind the polygraph is that the "test" depends on trickery, not science. The polygraph pens don't do a special dance when a person lies. The test also includes irrelevant questions such as, "Are the lights on in this room?" The simplistic methodology used in polygraph testing has no grounding in the scientific method: it is no more scientific than astrology or tarot cards. Perversely, the "test" is inherently biased against the truthful, because the more honestly one answers the "control" questions, and as a consequence feels less stress when answering them, the more likely one is to fail. CBP Polygraph Chief John R. Quarterly Polygraphs for NSA Analysts? U.S. U.S. An Attempted EntrapmentIn May 2013, I was the target of an attempted entrapment. U.S.

Vélo Vogue Moteur velo electrique, meilleur moteur vae Le moteur est un dispositif électromécanique convertissant l'électricité provenant de la batterieen force mécanique. Vélo électriuque : Moteurs à balais Le stator, la partie extérieure du moteur, crée un champ magnétique longitudinal fixe à l'aide d'aimants permanents* placés en anneau et collés à celui-ci. Le courant électrique passe dans des bobines* situées dans le rotor et crée un champ magnétique. Ce champ interagit avec le champ magnétique du stator. Les pôles opposés d’aimants (le Nord et le Sud) s'attirant et deux pôles identiques (deux Nord ou deux Sud) se repoussant, on peut utiliser ces forces d'attraction/répulsion, pour faire tourner le rotor.Il suffit de faire varier le sens du courant dans ces bobines pour que le champ magnétique change de direction et provoque le mouvement de rotation.C'est le mouvement de rotation, lui même, qui inverse le sens du courant dans les bobines du rotor grâce à un système de collecteur rotatif. Vélo électriuque : Moteurs sans balai (brushless)
