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List of All Countries in All Languages and All Data Formats

List of All Countries in All Languages and All Data Formats

umpirsky/country-list Makeappicon - Generate app icons of all sizes in a click! Styling A ScrollViewer/Scrollbar In WPF « Sacha's blog A while back I was looking at the Infragistics WPf showcase, Tangerine and I was quite jealous about the scrollbars that they managed to use. I mean styling a Button is one thing, but the ScrollBar is made of lost of nasty different control parts, (Part_XXX elements). Incidently I wrote an article about Part_XXX elements in a WPF article over at codeproject right here if you are interested. Anyways to cut a long story short I decided to try and have a go at Styling a bigger control such as ScrollViewer. This is what it looks like My Styled ScrollViewer Original ScrollViewer This blog entry outlines the steps I went through. Lookup and copy the original ScrollViewer and ScrollBar Templates from MSDN, for example Then I Pasted that code from MSDN into a Resources file in a WPF window. I examined the control parts required for the full ScrollViewer/Scrollbar controls.

vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit | vvvv All you need to know about CSS Transitions CSS3 transitions bring simple and elegant animations to web applications, but there’s a lot more to the spec than first meets the eye. In this post I’m going to delve into some of the more complicated parts of CSS transitions, from chaining and events to hardware acceleration and animation functions. Letting the browser control animations sequences allows it to optimize performance and efficiency by altering the frame rate, minimizing paints and offloading some of the work to the GPU. Browser support CSS transitions are supported in practically every version of Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Webkit based browsers (Safari and Chrome), still require -webkit prefixes for animations and gradients, but these are soon being removed. Applying transitions A simple way of applying transitions is with CSS pseudo-classes, such as :hover. When the :hover pseudo-class is activated, the height will be transitioned linearly from 100px to 200px over a period of 2 seconds. Transitioning gradients Clipping

WPF « Sacha's blog The other day we had a requirement to style a ContextMenu for our large WPF app. Now this sounds easy enough to do, and there are even some pointer on a Microsoft site which show you the alleged Styles applied to the standard controls, for the ContextMenu though, the example on the Microsoft site which is as follows: Turned out to be way wrong, you can clearly see that the screen shot below which uses the standard ContextMenu with no additional styling has a ScrollViewer to present items that do not fit in a certain amount of space. So I thought ok, so I need to Style a ContextMenu myself, fine. Thing is this approach does not work for ContextMenu at all. mmmm So what can you do. I have this dummy one created: So lets assume you have a similar setup. Next I look at the selected Grid (“LayoutRoot”) properties, and I find its ContextMenu property, which is under the Miscellaneous group. Ok so that is what the ContextMenu looks like by default. Additional Data That May Be Of Interest

Premailer: pre-flight for HTML email A suite of Javascript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5 Recent Updates Follow @CreateJS November 2014 Added Unit Tests to EaselJSUpdates in preparation for new releases (coming soon). October 2014 Added 'Extras' to EaselJSTons of updates and pull requests in all libs July 2014 Major Updates to EaselJS Graphics The Story Why we built CreateJS About CreateJS CreateJS is a suite of modular libraries and tools which work together to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5. Featured Projects Community Show & Tell. Ion Drift A port of the Flash game Ion Drift, b10b was able to build a CreateJS version in less than a day that hit target framerates on even the lowest devices, and outperformed ports to other libraries. By b10b b10b

Using JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to deserialize Json to a C# POCO class KrakenJS Suite 50 Tileable and Seamless Pattern Sets (500+ Patterns) There are no individual seamless patterns in this post, only complete sets, with each set containing anything from 3 patterns all the way up to 100, and are available in a variety of popular formats: .eps, .ai, .png, .pat, .psd and .jpg. You will find all kinds of varied patterns, such as fabrics, geometric shapes, flowery, retro, vintage, grunge, swirls, paper, dots, lines… and much more. And if all that is not enough we have also collected a selection of the best resources for you to discover even more seamless backgrounds. Seamless Paper Patterns – 6 Patterns (Photoshop & JPG) Fabric Inspired Vector Swatches – 4 Patterns (.ai) Abstract Gears – 3 Patterns (.eps & .png) Vector Panton Patterns – 16 Patterns (.ai) Monochrome Geometric Patterns – 100 Patterns (.ai) Mono Circles – 3 Patterns (.eps & .png) Vector Seamless Backgrounds – 6 Patterns (.eps) Retro Set – 3 Patterns (.eps & .png) Tiles Pattern – 3 Patterns (.ai & .jpg) Seamless Plaid – 20 Patterns (.ai) Halftone – 52 Patterns (.ai)

Tools for Formatting, Organizing and Sorting CSS Code If you are an uber-experienced web designer, you probably won’t have this problem. Your CSS files will be structured coherently and concisely, every selector will have been attentively placed, every property will be perfectly formatted… basically, your CSS will look like carefully crafted art. If this describes you, then move along please, this post is not for you. But if you are one of the 99.9% of web designers out there that work with CSS on a regular basis, it is for you. You know how it goes, you start a new web project with a barebones CSS file, and as you build the site your CSS grows rapidly with it. If only there was a bunch of tools that would help format, organize and sort my CSS for me. CSS Comb – Tool for sorting CSS properties in a specific order Usually to re-order CSS code you move lines over each other taking comments into consideration, multilines records of property values, hacks and everything that could be found in the real file. CSS Comb CSS Comb Online csscss GitHub
