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Google Korea ( Coree du sud ? )

Google Bangladesh AtomSpace The OpenCog AtomSpace is a knowledge representation (KR) database and the associated query/reasoning engine to fetch and manipulate that data, and perform reasoning on it. Data is represented in the form of graphs, and more generally, as hypergraphs; thus the AtomSpace is a kind of graph database, the query engine is a general graph re-writing system, and the rule-engine is a generalized rule-driven inferencing system. The vertices and edges of a graph, known as Atoms, are used to represent not only "data", but also "procedures"; thus, many graphs are executable programs as well as data structures. Overview There are pre-defined Atoms for many basic knowledge-representation and computer-science concepts. The use of the AtomSpace, and the operation and utility of Atomese, remains a topic of ongoing research and change, as various dependent subsystems are brought online.

YouTube Converter - Google Taiwan RelEx Dependency Relationship Extractor RelEx, a narrow-AI component of OpenCog, is an English-language semantic dependency relationship extractor, built on the Carnegie-Mellon Link Grammar parser. It uses a series of graph rewriting rules to identify subject, object, indirect object and many other syntactic dependency relationships between words in a sentence. That is, it generates the dependency trees of a dependency grammar. Its set of dependency relations it employs resemble those of Dekang Lin's MiniPar and the Stanford parser (and it has an explicit compatibility mode). It is inspired in part by the ideas of Hudson's Word Grammar. Unlike other dependency parsers, RelEx attempts a greater degree of semantic normalization: for questions, comparatives, entities, and for prepositional relationships, whereas other parsers (such as the Stanford parser) stick to a literal presentation of the syntactic structure of text.

Google Pilipines MindPapers: Contents Search tips There are two kinds of search you can perform on MindPapers: All fields This mode searches for entries containing the entered words in their title, author, date, comment field, or in any of many other fields showing on MindPapers pages. Entries are ranked by their relevance as calculated from the informativeness of the words they contain and their numbers.

Tumblr Architecture - 15 Billion Page Views a Month and Harder to Scale than Twitter With over 15 billion page views a month Tumblr has become an insanely popular blogging platform. Users may like Tumblr for its simplicity, its beauty, its strong focus on user experience, or its friendly and engaged community, but like it they do. Growing at over 30% a month has not been without challenges.

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