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(>^_^)> 32 Colorful Rainbow Food Designs >> from The Endearing Designer : Design Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Tools and More... The Endearing Designer

(>^_^)> 32 Colorful Rainbow Food Designs >> from The Endearing Designer : Design Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Tools and More... The Endearing Designer
Summary: A mouth-watering display of rainbow-colored foods… [dropcap style="2"]W[/dropcap]e are spoiled by choice. Foods today come in so many colors that they’re often blinding to look at. This article displays a collection of 32 colorful rainbow food designs that will either leave your mouth watering, or rob you of it through sheer amazement… (via Mrs Happy Homemaker) (via Luuux) (via The Two Savvy Sisters) (via Little Toewsies) (via Off the Meat Hook) (via Visualize) (via Pinterest) (via Sweetapolita) (via Parents) (via Beezy) (via Sapphire Candy) (via TomKatStudio) (via Candice and Ezra) (via I Am Baker) (via Pinterest) (via Visualize) (via Tedi17) (via Richard Forward) 20. (via Rebellious Streak) (via ionea76) (via Tryxiana) (via High Heels and DDP) (via Awesome Food) (via Wedding by Color) (via Cakes for Weddings) (via Mighty Strawberry) (via Colourful Imagination) (via SugarSoiree) (via CutestFood) (via The Art of the Cookie) (via The Breakfast Club) Related:  my first home

Pat le Chef Pepperoni Pizza Rolls Well back again to Monday! I tell you, these weeks are flying by! Before we know it, it’ll be Christmas and snow will be on the ground! Hopefully that is still a few weeks away for us Oregonians! We were my in-laws! See what I mean about eerie! Well today, I decided to post something savory and without pumpkin! These end up being a pretty hearty and hefty serving size, but nothing I can’t handle. Print This RecipePepperoni Pizza Rolls yield: 4 large rolls Ingredients: 1 lb. pizza dough 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese 1-3.5 oz. package sliced pepperoni 2/3 cup prepared pizza sauce for the topping (optional)– olive oil parmesan cheese garlic salt parsley flakes Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll pizza dough into a 12×18 inch rectangle and cut into 4 strips width wise (so you’d end up with 4 pieces of dough that are 4 1/2 inches x 12 inches). Roll up each piece of dough and place on prepared baking sheet seem side down.

14 Concept Appliances That Need To Be Made | My Bad Pad - StumbleUpon Concept appliances give us a peek into the future. They are often aesthetically pleasing and offer interesting and unique features; however, it is a rare concept appliance that makes it off of the drawing board and into the showroom. Unrealistic designs, high production costs and lack of consumer demand are often the reason for many ideas to be scrapped. Yet, here are 14 interesting concept appliances that have made it to the model stage and look so good that we hope they go into development soon. The iBasket is a hamper/washer/dryer combo. Why do consumers need the iBasket? The iBasket saves time and energy as you’ll never have to transfer your clothes from the hamper to the washer to the dryer again. Features: Transparent body Built-in air refresh system that removes the smell of dirty clothes Wi-Fi enabled to help you monitor it from your PC or laptop The one drawback to the iBasket is that it is very small. Why do consumers need the FlatShare? Why do consumers need the Coox?

DIY - MAKE YOUR OWN WAX FOR HAIR REMOVAL I was chatting with someone on my flight back from my vacation. She lived in another country where salons are hard to come by or if they are around, they aren't very good. So, sometimes a girl has got to depend on herself. You can make one on your own so easily. Wax recipe Ingredients 2 cups sugar ¼ cup water ¼ cup lemon juice Method Pour the sugar, water and lemon juice in a saucepan, and heat it over a low flame. How do you know it is done? Take a glass of water and put a drop of wax into it. Benefits of making your own WAX: 1. Waxing strips: We used to do this in college all the time. NOTE: The inner facing fabric of the jeans should be the one touching your skin otherwise if you use the opposite side, your skin will probably get blue with the denim color. Waxing technique Test the temperature before applying the wax to your skin. Benefits of Waxing 1.

Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes “Scalloped” is an attractive word, isn’t it? When I hear it I think of several things: first, there’s scallops, as in the seafood—totally delicious. Then there’s the scalloped shape that can live on the edge of a pair of shorts or on the collar of a woman’s blouse—always pretty and dainty. And of course scalloped potatoes also comes to mind, which carries my imagination to a land of crispy potato skins drenched in a sea of cheese and cream. I can think of no better place to exist, actually. So when I came across TK member Shelbi Keith’s recipe for Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes, I knew we were going to become fast friends. The first players up are: a few Russet potatoes (I’m sure other varieties will work equally as well), Parmigiano-Reggiano and butter. Start by scrubbing your potatoes good and clean. Then, using a sharp knife, make slices across the potato, being sure to stop before you reach its bottom. Cut up your butter. Then do the same with the Parmigiano-Reggiano. Description

Most Amazing Miniature Food Artworks by Shay Aaron | The Wondrous Design Magazine - StumbleUpon Shay Aaron is a brilliant artist from Israel who makes the most astonishing miniature food jewelry. These foodstuffs look so beautiful that we would desire to eat them. Actually, there’s a whole market out there for miniature food. Comments comments Desserts That Are Almost Too Cute To Eat & Pretty Please Us Blog: Your guide to fashion, beauty, style & everything else in between. Hi, my name is Himani and I’m a sugar addict. But the only thing that holds me back from devouring a sinful concoction is if it looks super cute. You know… because cute desserts deserve to live longer than the ugly ones (I’m going to some sort of sugar-y hell for that one). Check out some of the cute desserts that you will think twice before you put them in your belly: Football themed Chocolate Covered Strawberries (purchase) or (make your own). Pink Ombré Cake (how to) Bride & Groom Cookies (purchase) Glittering Sandwich Cookies (how to) Snowman Shots. Rudolf Cake Pops (how to) Lastly, Tiffany’s inspired cake pops! Here are some lunchbox creations you’ll feel guilty about chomping down! Want some more delicious recipes? Check out our healthy pizza recipe now!

How Long Do I Need to Keep This? - A Guide to Receipts, Statements and Financial Clutter at Home - Organizing In most homes, paper causes clutter. And it seems to mysteriously multiply by itself. But just how long do you need to keep all those receipts, bank and credit card statements and other financial papers? Below is a handy reference that you can use for dealing with your home paper trail. Toss after One Month ATM and bank deposit/withdrawal slips ·keep in a file folder until monthly statement received ·reconcile with your statement to ensure that charges and payments have been properly processed ·if for major purchase with warranty, staple receipt to the owner's manual and file for the term of the warranty ·if for major purchase without warranty, keep receipt if item replacement cost is higher than the deductible on your homeowner's insurance policy ·if for minor purchase without warranty, shred Cash purchase receipts ·enter into your chequebook or computer software to ensure that you are accounting for all your purchases Credit card receipts ·keep in file until monthly statement received Pay stubs

Origami Butterfly Choose some special paper for the origami butterfly, and you wont be disappointed! Also make sure each crease is folded very well: its important for this model so the butterfly stays intact. For a printable .pdf version of the butterfly instructions, click here. 8. Browse Other Models Similar to the Origami Butterfly Slutty Brownies Now I don’t want to over sell this, so I’m going to be conservative and simply say, that these are… The Best Brownies In The WORLD. I know, big statement. They’re called Slutty Brownies because they’re oh so easy, and more than a little bit filthy. They’re best served warm from the oven, with good quality vanilla ice cream (devastatingly I didn’t have any in the freezer this time, so I guess I’ll just have to make them again). They take about 45mins to make, including baking time. The ultimate comfort food, whipped up within the hour. You will need… 1 Box of cookie mix, 1 Box of brownie mix, 2 Eggs, 2 Packs of Oreos (double stuffed ones are even better if you can find them) Some oil & your favourite ice-cream (optional) Preheat your oven to 350F, 180C, gas mark 4. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper. Squidge (technical term) the cookie dough into a lined baking tray, until it covers the bottom. Cover this layer with your Oreos. Mix up your brownie batter. & pour over your Oreos. Bake for 30mins.
