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Infographic of the Day

Infographic of the Day
Related:  Web design

12 Infographics About Running to Motivate You Into Shape There are plenty of national days and even months these days, during which we celebrate all kinds of things — not very many of them encouraging healthy living or exercise. (Case in point: June is National Candy Month, and June 16 is Fudge Day. Enjoy.) Then there’s National Running Day, held on the first Wednesday in June and celebrated by simply lacing up and going for a run. In 2013, National Running Day is on June 5, and to encourage you to join in the festivities, we thought we’d offer up some visual motivation. Check out these 12 infographics about running, get hyped up, and run! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Aleksandra Todorova is the Editorial Director at

Choosing web fonts: 15 expert tips Over the last few years, the possibilities for using type on the web have expanded enormously. In the bad old days of the web, designers were restricted to a few 'web safe' fonts, which meant everything looked pretty much the same, or using images to replace the type – a clunky solution that caused problems for the reader and technical problems in the browser. Nowadays, though, you can access an astonishing array of professional typefaces for use on your sites, bringing the aesthetics of print design to the web. Since around 2010, widespread support of @font-face in all the major browsers, plus a new web open font format, WOFF, has led to a technical revolution and the rise of a number of web font hosting services. These companies allow users to pay a subscription to host an enormous range of web fonts on their website. Popular services include Typekit, Fontdeck, WebINK and Tim Brown is the type manager at Typekit. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

20 Great Visualizations of 2011 As the popularity of visualizations grows, so does their range and quality. Here’s a list of 20 of the best Static Visualizations, Interactive Visualizations, and Information Videos from 2011. (Note: while they are numbered for your convenience, the entries are not ranked.) Static Visualizations Often, static infographics are created without much thought, just as fodder to get clicks on the web. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Interactive Visualizations Interactives are in a different league from static infographics. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Information Videos Information Videos are a great way to tell a story. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Drew Skau is a PhD Computer Science Visualization student at UNCC, with an undergraduate degree in Architecture. To complete the subscription process and receive your ebook, please click the link in the email we just sent you. Download our exclusive eBook to learn how to make your content work harder.

Medidas de la pantalla y resolución de teléfonos celulares y tabletas Tamaño de la pantalla, ancho y altura en pixeles, resoluciones, PPI, densidad, sistema operativo que usan y otros datos y especificaciones técnicas de los principales móviles Smartphone y tablets del mercado. Tablas con información de las principales características técnicas de la pantalla de los dispositivos portables más empleados en la actualidad. Las principales especificaciones físicas que nos pueden ayudar a decidirnos antes de comprar un dispositivo, para quedar completamente satisfechos. Datos útiles y necesarios para crear o diseñar las páginas web de forma tal que se muestren correctamente sus elementos en cualquier dispositivo portable. Explicación detallada al final de la página de cada uno de los parámetros técnicos usados. Tamaño y otros datos de las pantallas de los celulares La popularidad de los teléfonos y tabletas está determinada por los que usan los lectores para entrar a nuestro sitio web, no por su uso global. Tamaño y otros datos de las pantallas de las tabletas

Infographic of the Day: How Color Affects Purchases | Designerscouch #thecritiquenetwork Google fonts : tests de lisibilité Avant d’utiliser les polices proposées par Google dans le Google font directory, j’ai décidé de les tester une par une, sur OS-X et sur Windows afin d’évaluer leur lisibilité. Cet article propose un récapitulatif des résultats sous forme de pdf téléchargeable gratuitement (Français/Anglais) ainsi qu’une analyse détaillée… Webdesign et typographie 2010 aura incontestablement été l’année de la typographie sur le web. Alors qu’il était déjà difficile d’utiliser intelligemment les polices de la petite liste dite « web-safe », celà devient carrément compliqué de s’y retrouver sans être typographe avec ces milliers de polices à portée de main… Sachant qu’en rêgle générale, plus nous avons de choix possibles, plus nous avons du mal à choisir, alors autant revenir aux bases pour faire des choix cohérents. Evaluation de la lisibilité J’ai donc décidé de me lancer dans une petite série de tests basiques pour évaluer la lisibilité des polices proposées par Google dans son « Google font directory ».

Exclusive Infographics: Fictional Character Birthday Calendars [Editor’s note: In celebration of the holidays, we’re counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012. This post, at #6, was originally published April 11.] Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for a good, old-fashioned SAT-style analogy. Ready? Creed from The Office is to Hello Kitty as Don Draper is to ________?

Design Tip: Never Use Black by Ian Storm Taylor One of the most important color tricks I’ve ever learned was to avoid using the color black in my work. Mrs. Zamula, my childhood art teacher, first warned me about black when I was in middle school. And I heard the same again multiple times at RISD. It sounds weird at first, but it’s good advice. Problem is, we see dark things and assume they are black things. Shadows aren’t black. In high school, I spent lots of my free time in the art room with a few other art-loving friends. I probably went through that book ten times. His shadows are some of the most saturated parts of his paintings, and that’s on the screen too. Now you might be thinking, “Yeah, but those are paintings. But I must have been thinking the same thing, because one of those days in art class Mrs. I was amazed. The corner of Chestnut and Polk. The darkest part of that image? Black overpowers everything else. When you put pure black next to a set of meticulously picked colors, the black overpowers everything else. Mrs.

100 Infographic Tools and Resources This post is #6 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 112. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! Update: Be sure to check out our latest post on infographics: Infographics Are Everywhere – Here’s How to Make Yours Go Viral. I love a good infographic! You might also like: Post Navigation The Best Blogs and Websites about Infographics Back to top Data Visualization Tools and Software Piktochart – Transforms your information into memorable - Create interactive charts and infographics.Gephi – Like Photoshop for data. Data Sources Infographic Articles and Tutorials Other / Miscellaneous / Overflow

Getting Started - Google Fonts This guide explains how to use the Google Fonts API to add fonts to your web pages. You don't need to do any programming; all you have to do is add a special stylesheet link to your HTML document, then refer to the font in a CSS style. A quick example Here's an example. Copy and paste the following HTML into a file: Then open the file in a modern web browser. Making the Web Beautiful! That sentence is ordinary text, so you can change how it looks by using CSS. You should now see a drop shadow under the text: And that's only the beginning of what you can do with the Fonts API and CSS. Overview You can start using the Google Fonts API in just two steps: Add a stylesheet link to request the desired web font(s): Style an element with the requested web font, either in a stylesheet: or with an inline style on the element itself: For a list of fonts you can use, see Google Fonts. Specifying font families and styles in a stylesheet URL For example, to request the Inconsolata font: For example:

infographies En une seule minute, une quantité monstrueuse de données est échangée sur le web. Chaque minute de chaque heure de chaque journée. L’agence... Lorsque l’on parle de Google, Samsung ou encore Apple, on ne peut qu’avoir les yeux qui brillent quand aux montants qu’ils annoncent.... Le cloud computing est annoncé comme la technologie de demain pour tous les avantages qu’on lui connait. Vous êtes une entreprise et vous souhaitez vous lancer comme vos amis dans les réseaux sociaux. Les réseaux sociaux sont addictifs et personne ne peut dire le contraire. Nous lisons de plus en plus et notamment en ligne. Foursquare est sans contest le réseau social de géolocalisation, leader sur son marché. Cette infographie présente les éléments composant un design de site web sur lesquelles jouent les web designer pour créer un site au design inédit.... Vous vous êtes toujours demandé ce à quoi ressemble ou ressemblait une chambre de geek?
