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TEDxBerkeley - Nipun Mehta - Designing For Generosity

TEDxBerkeley - Nipun Mehta - Designing For Generosity

Matthieu Ricard - Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme - version longue xPugetSound - Dream Out Loud: Transform Ideas into Action | TEDx | About this event This year's theme was built upon the foundation of the 2009 TEDxPugetSound. Last year's theme was about reconnecting business owners with the passion that inspired them to start their businesses. This year's TEDxPugetSound is about the critical importance of innovating to stay competitive and fresh and moving forward. Our theme was inspired by this quote by Anais Nin: "Dreams pass into the reality of action. The intention for the event was: • To positively influence, inspire and engage our audience, SMB CEOs • To connect people with ideas, each other and themselves • To help create community in Seattle Confirmed Speakers Scott Belsky SCOTT BELSKY has committed his professional life to help organize creative individuals, teams, and networks.

VIDEO : L’altruisme, une réponse aux défis de notre temps L’altruisme, une réponse aux défis de notre temps Revoir la rencontre organisée par Jean-Paul Delevoye, Matthieu Ricard et Christophe André Publié le 06/10/2013 Revoyez les échanges entre Jean-Paul Delevoye, président du CESE, Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste et Christophe André, médecin psychiatre autour du thème de l'altruisme. Notre époque est confrontée à de nombreux défis. Comment concilier les impératifs de l’économie, de la recherche dubonheur et du respect de l’environnement ? L'altruisme, une réponse aux défis de notre temps par le_cese D’autres vidéos de Mathieu Ricard sur l’altruisme à la conférence de l’INREES : LIEN VIDÉOS

Revolutionary France The French Revolution began in the domain of philosophy and social theory. French materialist philosophy, social theory and socialist ideas were significant influences on the development of Communism and major contributors to Marx’s ideas. The following writers of Pre-Revolutionary France are significant: Marx gives the following analysis of the history of French Materialism & Communism in The Holy Family, 1845 In his Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Hegel presents the following summary of French Philosophy, 1830. The French Revolution of 1789 The Great French Revolution of 1789 not only overthrew the monarchy in France, but ultimately led to the destruction of the Old Order across Europe. In A Short History of the French Revolution for Socialists., Belfort Bax presents the analysis that Marxists made of the French Revolution in 1890, also Jean-Paul Marat. Babeuf and the Conspiracy of the Equals, Bax 1911. See the French Revolution History Archive. Marx-Engels Letters on France. The PCF

Ecoutez le plaidoyer pour l'altruisme de Matthieu Ricard Il y a un défi tout nouveau : le sort des générations à venir dépend de nos actes. Il est possible qu’il y ait des points de non-retour mais nous ne savons pas où ils sont. Par rapport à l’environnement : Voici la situation en 1900. La situation en 1950 : L’image en 2010 : Quand on observe cette dégradation constante de notre environnement, on peut se demander si « L’homme est définitivement un loup pour l’homme ? Cette conclusion serait un peu trop hâtive. Cet homme a perdu ses deux jambes mais s’est occupé des autres toute sa vie. La joie de coopérer autour de la construction L’esprit de coopération existe aussi chez les animaux Darwin a parlé de la coopération pour la lutte pour la vie. Passons à un degré supérieur de coopération. Nous sommes des super-coopérateurs. L’altruisme n’est plus un luxe mais une nécessité. Les gens diront qu’il y a des motivations cachées et égoïstes derrière chaque acte altruiste. L’altruisme véritable existe. Essayons de redécouvrir cette bonté humaine en nous-même.

The Holy Family by Marx and Engels The Holy Family Chapter VI 3) d) Critical Battle Against French Materialism “Spinozism dominated the eighteenth century both in its later French variety, which made matter into substance, and in deism, which conferred on matter a more spiritual name.... That is what Criticism says. To the Critical history of French materialism we shall oppose a brief outline of its ordinary, mass-type history. “Speaking exactly and in the prosaic sense”, the French Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, and in particular French materialism, was not only a struggle against the existing political institutions and the existing religion and theology; it was just as much an open, clearly expressed struggle against the metaphysics of the seventeenth century, and against all metaphysics, in particular that of Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza and Leibniz. “Speaking exactly and in the prosaic sense”, there are two trends in French materialism; one traces its origin to Descartes, the other to Locke.

Enseigner l'empathie à l'école : un exemple concret Et si l’empathie était enseignée à l’école ? J’aime beaucoup le programme présenté dans cette vidéo. C’est vraiment une approche qui gagnerait à se généraliser dans toutes les écoles tant la gestion émotionnelle (identification, acceptation, expression,…) est primordiale pour renforcer la confiance en soi, développer l’écoute, le respect, les compétences sociales et prôner le dialogue via une communication non-violente. Un premier pas serait effectivement de demander régulièrement aux élèves comment ils se sentent, ce qu’ils ressentent et de les aider à verbaliser en leur apportant du vocabulaire et des outils. Il serait également judicieux de les aider à observer, décrire plutôt que juger ou étiqueter. Cela favoriserait la pleine conscience et un retour à notre vraie nature, puisque nous sommes conçus pour être empathiques (grâce aux neurones miroirs). Notons aussi que la lecture permet de nommer les émotions et entraine à l’empathie (via la psychologie des personnages).

Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (pronounced [ˈmoːɦənd̪aːs ˈkərəmtʃənd̪ ˈɡaːnd̪ʱi] ( ); 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific Mahatma (Sanskrit: "high-souled", "venerable"[2])—applied to him first in 1914 in South Africa,[3]—is now used worldwide. He is also called Bapu (Gujarati: endearment for "father",[4] "papa"[4][5]) in India. Gandhi famously led Indians in challenging the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (250 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930, and later in calling for the British to Quit India in 1942. Gandhi is commonly, though not officially,[10] considered the Father of the Nation[11] in India. Early life and background Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in his earliest known photo, aged 7, c. 1876 English barrister Civil rights movement in South Africa (1893–1914)

Aboriginal Tent Embassy The Aboriginal Tent Embassy is a controversial semi-permanent assemblage claiming to represent the political rights of Aboriginal Australians. It is made up of a group of activists, signs and tents that reside on the lawn of Old Parliament House in Canberra, the Australian capital. It is not considered an official embassy by the Australian Government. History[edit] In February 1972 the Aboriginal Tent Embassy presented a list of demands to Parliament: The demands were rejected, and in July 1972, following an amendment to the relevant ordinance, police moved in, removed the tents and arrested eight people. In October 1973, around 70 Aboriginal protesters staged a sit-in on the steps of Parliament House and the Tent Embassy was re-established. In May 1974 the embassy was destroyed in a storm but was re-established in October. In February 1975 Aboriginal activist Charles Perkins negotiated the "temporary" removal of the embassy with the Government, pending Government action on land rights.

American Indian Movement Flag of the American Indian Movement The American Indian Movement (AIM) is a Native American advocacy group in the United States, founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with an agenda that focuses on spirituality, leadership, and sovereignty. The founders included Dennis Banks, George Mitchell, Herb Powless, Clyde Bellecourt, Harold Goodsky, Eddie Benton-Banai, and a number of others in the Minneapolis Native American community.[1] Russell Means, born Oglala Lakota, was an early leader in 1970s protests. In October 1972, AIM gathered members from across the country to a protest in Washington, D.C. known as the "Trail of Broken Treaties". AIM gained national attention when it seized the Bureau of Indian Affairs national headquarters and presented a 20-point list of demands to the federal government. In 1973, it led a 71-day armed standoff with federal forces at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Background[edit] 1960s[edit] Presidents John F. Events[edit]
