Numerama : Actualité informatique et numérique Verbes irréguliers Trade Marks & Symbols Environnement et Ecologie Avancé - Vocabulaire anglais thèmatique Les mots anglais les plus courants de l'environnement et de l'écologie (niveau avancé). Par ex. : climate change, ecosystem, acid rain, oil spill, solar energy, etc. Photo: With the Deepwater Horizon (BP) oil spill in the gulf of mexico spiraling out of control (2010), the environmental impact is best described as apocalyptic rather than disastrous. Greenpeace are at the forefront of the campaign to hold BP accountable so that this never happens again. This image has been created from graphics provided by members of the public as part of Greenpeace's BP RE-brand competition which you can find online here: rebrand BP
Tarkovsky Films Now Free Online | Open Culture Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986) firmly positioned himself as the finest Soviet director of the post-War period. But his influence extended well beyond the Soviet Union. The Cahiers du cinéma consistently ranked his films on their top ten annual lists. Ingmar Bergman went so far as to say, "Tarkovsky for me is the greatest [director], the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as a reflection, life as a dream." Shot between 1962 and 1986, Tarkovsky's seven feature films often grapple with metaphysical and spiritual themes, using a distinctive cinematic style. You can now watch Tarkovsky's films online – for free. NOTE: If you access the films via YouTube, be sure to click "CC" at the bottom of the videos to access the subtitles. Ivan's Childhood - Web - Buy DVD (1962)Andrei Rublev - Part 1 - Part 2 - Buy DVD (1966)Solaris - Part 1 - Part 2 - Buy DVD (1972)The Mirror - Web - Buy DVD (1975)Stalker - Web - Buy DVD (1979) Related Content:
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MyMemory - Quand la traduction automatique rencontre la traduction humaine