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Dog Milk: Modern Dogs

Dog Milk: Modern Dogs

A selection of 50 of the best social mesia blog posts from 2011 Every once in a while I like to share some of the blog posts about social media that have been influencing me over the last few months and with that in mind I wanted to share some of the best from the first half of this year. The blog posts on the list are a mixture of thought provoking posts, practical examples that you can use to get the most out of your online marketing and controversial thinking where there is excellent discussion in the comments. You won't get through all of these in one go but they are worth bookmarking to come back to at a later date as well as following the people who write them. Facebook Copyblogger is a great blog that usually focuses on content but Facebook was the topic here in The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing A good look at Measuring Facebook Fan Engagement Beyond the Like A very interesting bit of Research shows Facebook emotional boost is like marriage If you need a little inspiration The 10 Best Facebook Campaigns Twitter Linkedin Online Video Resources

Man cross-Bred Labrador and Poodle into Labradoodle, Regret (LABRADOODLES/DOG BREEDS) Labradoodles are a dog breed mix between a Labrador Retriever and a standard poodle. Now, the dog breeder who created the first hypoallergenic labradoodle puppies regrets creating the labradoodle dog breed – and all of the problems that came along with it. Read on… – Global Animal Sydney Morning Herald If Wally Conron had known what was going to become of the labradoodle, he wouldn’t have bred the dog in the first place. I said, ‘Oh yes, this will be a piece of cake. Conron decided there was one possibility left: take his best labrador bitch and mate it with a standard poodle. The labradoodle proved to be a brilliant dog for the blind and the woman in Hawaii was happy. It’s how the dog has been used and abused and sold under false pretences, Conron says. ”When the pups were five months old, we sent clippings and saliva to Hawaii to be tested with this woman’s husband. ‘I released a Frankenstein. … People say ‘aren’t you proud of yourself?’ You should follow Designspiration on Twitter and Facebook for site news. — Shelby Designspiration Search Color mediumsmalllarge Discover Ads via The Deck View all jobs Trending Saved from Page 1 of 3 123Next » Begin typing to search Select up to 5 colors then press enter to search Sign in Forgot your credentials? Report this Why are you reporting this image? Report Is this your intellectual property? Reported You may only select up to 5 colors 9 Digital Marketing Lessons From Top Social Brands The Digital Marketing Series is supported by HubSpot, which offers inbound marketing software that helps small and medium sized businesses get found on the Internet by the right prospects and converts more of them into leads and customers. Learn more. While there are hundreds of ways to calculate the ROI of social media, the general consensus is that Twitter and Facebook are worthwhile tools that can add a lot of value to your marketing campaign. Of course, the value of social media depends on how well you execute it. Fortunately, a few big brands have already blazed trails in the digital marketing world. Have some other lessons that helped you achieve digital marketing success? 1. “Nailing a tone that resonates with your audience is of paramount importance,” says Tom Fishman, manager of social media and community at MTV. At Xbox, there are 15 people on the Xbox Tweet Fleet, all of whom tweet with their own personalities and “create a collective voice” by being passionate. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Family Paws-New parent classes dog and baby 5 Ways Tech Startup Financing is Changing Jed Simon is the founder & CEO of FastPay, a tech-driven finance company based in Los Angeles that provides custom funding solutions for digital media clients. As the online sectors continues to mature, there are more ways to finance your business and increase your growth without sacrificing a large amount of equity. By financing several fast-growing websites, my company has gained a perspective on how the landscape is changing. Here are a few lessons we’ve learned along the way. 1. We’ve all been reading about the series of huge raises that Groupon, Zynga, Facebook and Twitter have completed recently. A web entrepreneur today is expected to make every dollar count. 2. Angel investors aren’t the exception — they’ve become the rule. 3. Even though the raises have gotten smaller, venture capitalist demands have only gotten larger. Control is really worth a lot. 4. Five years ago, the only real options were venture capital and angel investing. 5. Interested in more Business resources?

Les bienfaits de la zoothérapie à l'école | Actualités | L'Information MONT-JOLI - Les élèves et les enseignants du programme CFER (centre de formation en entreprise et récupération) de l’école du Mistral sont sortis enchantés de leur expérience en zoothérapie. Durant deux mois, Mélina Gagnon, une éducatrice spécialisée de la Commission scolaire des Phares, également technicienne en zoothérapie, a animé des ateliers mettant en présence son chien Lucky. « Les ateliers portaient sur l’estime, la confiance et l’affirmation de soi. On transmet aussi des connaissances générales sur les animaux, sur les signes d’apaisement, et on travaille sur les émotions. Les jeunes voient comment leurs propres émotions peuvent influencer le comportement de l’animal» explique Mélina. C’est aussi un indice pour modifier un comportement incorrect, relève l’éducatrice. L’animal ne juge pas, ce qui est apprécié des élèves qui peuvent se concentrer sur le travail à faire plutôt que sur le regard des autres.

So you want to do a startup, eh? Nourritures sèches pour chiens et chats; toutes semblables ? | Le Blog de Heidi et Cie Comment faire pour savoir si la nourriture donnée à notre chien ou notre chat est de bonne qualité ? En fait, ce n’est pas très difficile mais il y a tout de même quelques principes de base. Pour faire le bon choix, il faut commencer par lire la liste d’ingrédients qui se retrouvent sur l’emballage. Tout comme pour la nourriture pour humains, on doit apprendre à lire les étiquettes et s’interroger ! En un premier temps, on doit regarder la source de protéines; cette source doit être de bonne qualité. On ne voudrait pas retrouver des sous-produits de poulet ou de viande (là on sait même pas quelle est la source de protéine). Si la nourriture commence par du maïs ou du soya, ce n’est pas très bon signe. Si on retrouve du blé ou du soya, ce sont des aliments moins bien assimilés qui augmentent le volume des selles. Remarquez que le procédé de fabrication pourrait aussi avoir un impact sur la digestion. Et pour les chiens qui ont des allergies ?

Installing Canon Picture Styles For Dummies « Marvelsfilm’s Blog Just joking; i don’t want to appear presumptuous ;-) Here is a short step-by-step instructions to upload a Picture Style to your Canon D series or T2i DSLR camera, for those who have trouble figuring this out in a hurry. So a better title for this post would’ve been “Installing Canon Picture Styles for the Impatient”. (Looking for styles? Look here and here!) Like this: Like Loading...
