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Office of Educational Technology

Office of Educational Technology

Best practices for professional development in technology-enabled classrooms By Lisa deRoy Education Advocate, SMART Technologies The National Staff Development Council’s (NSDC) current definition of professional development sets the stage for progressively repositioning professional development in a new light. It focuses on continuous, professional learning within a school where educators actively take part in setting the goals and assessing the outcomes. This definition also makes additional key points: Professional development is aligned with both state standards and school improvement goalsProfessional development occurs multiple times a week, working with an established and prepared group of administrators, teachers, coaches and mentors. Participants engage with one another through a continuous cycle of improvementProfessional development offers qualified coaches to help teachers transfer new skills and knowledge to the classroomProfessional development should assessed regularly for its effectiveness Phases 1 and 2 Phases 3 and 4 Phase 5 School building training

The Association of Educational Publishers Group News According to ABC News’ Children Late for School, Parents Charged in Virginia, the Virginia school district had the sheriff’s deputy’s handcuff and arrest Maureen Blake while hosting a slumber party for her children. It seems that Blake was responsible for her children being tardy ten times since the start of this school year. Apparently she had the same problem last year and paid around $2,000 in fines. District spokesman Wayde Byard said, “Even when they’re a minute late… it’s very disruptive.” Undoubtedly it is disruptive when children walk in late; although it is apparent the district is not doing anything to deter this behavior. Mark Denicore, an attorney, who also faces misdemeanor charges for his children showing up late, asked a few very relevant questions, “What else is causing a disruption? Without a doubt those questions have not even touched the surface. When I first read this I must admit I was at a loss for words, obviously I have moved past that. Like this: Like Loading...

The Technology Integration Answer...Well Almost Earlier this year our district adopted the TPACK model of technology integration. What is TPACK you ask? Basically, it takes the approach that planning for technology integration shouldn't be an event. It should be something that adds to what we are already doing. Through the use of Activity Types, teachers can take the activities they are already doing and match them up with appropiate technologies that may or may not work, depending on the context of learning. You can view this presentation to learn more. According to the feedback we have gotten from the folks who have embraced it has been overwhelmingly positive. Recently I came across something that you can also use to make technology integration easier for you and your staff. There are actually 2 that you can take a look at. The first is the original from The Florida Center For Instructional Technology at the University of South Florida. The other is an adaption from Northern Arizona University. About Steven Steven W.
