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Expected Cosmic Events in 2012 by Pane Andov

Expected Cosmic Events in 2012 by Pane Andov

Project Avalon Edgar Cayce on the Book of Revelation By Kevin Williams Through Cayce's otherworldly journeys, he learned the true interpretation of the Bible. According to Cayce, the Bible is the symbolic account of the fall and restoration of the human soul to its divine origins. Genesis is the symbolic testimony of humanity's fall from heaven and paradise lost. Revelation is the symbolic testimony of humanity's restoration to heaven and paradise found. The Book of Revelation was written by a man named John (possibly John the Apostle) toward the end of his life. During several of Cayce's journeys into the spirit realms, he was able to unlock the secrets to the symbolism in the Book of Revelation. Cayce described the true nature between humanity and God. The superconscious mind is called by many names by many religions in many different cultures. Cayce's references to the Christ, the Christ consciousness and the Mind of Christ has little to do with the personality known as Jesus. Chapters 1-3: Letters to the Churches

The Oracle and the Smoking Mirror Tezcatlipoca, the god of the Smoking Mirror of ancient Mexico, wore an obsidian mirror on his chest that reflected the true nature of anyone looking into it. Those who could not gaze at their reflection without averting their eyes lost their lives. Those who could look into the Smoking Mirror without flinching, however, would have their wish fulfilled. I take a deep breath and ask the Oracle my question out loud, determined not to flinch: At what crossroads does our global civilization stand now -- and in what direction does good fortune lie? A rare thunderstorm shatters the Oregon twilight. Lightning strikes the foothills, thunder rattles the windows, the wailing wind drives sheets of rain sideways against the house. Image: A male warrior holds the funeral bundle of his child, preparing to place it in its burial site. I almost flinch. Interpretation: This hexagram depicts the inevitable result of carelessness and irreverence. Animism is the world's oldest Life Way.

2015 Presents Startling Alignment Of Prophetic Events 2015 Presents Startling Alignment Of Prophetic Events March 09, 2015 | KEVIN CLARKSON Share this article This year brings amazing signs in skies and Scriptures. Springtime Holy Days God designed the Jewish year's seven special festivals around His prophetic calendar. At Passover, a spotless lamb was slain to apply its blood on the door of the home and to be roasted for a festal meal, picturing Calvary: "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us" (1 Cor. 5:7). The feast of unleavened bread follows, as the observant Jewish family removes all leaven from their household and diet for seven days. On the cross Christ forever put away our sins: "now, once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" (Hebrews 9:27). Removing leaven calls every believer in Christ to diligently search and remove sin from his life. Signs in the Heavens The Jewish festivals of 2014-2015 are bounded by four "blood moons" (total lunar eclipses, with reddish tinge).

Underground Bases, Child and Human Abductions, Kidnappings and More Underground Bases, Missing Children and Extra-Terrestrials What You Need to Know for Your Future By James Casbolt, former MI6 agent – July 4, 2006 After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug trafficking money is being used for. I need to do this for many reasons. Government harassment and surveillance of me has increased since going public with the last article. I believe this is because I am leaking information on projects classified ‘above top secret’ which I will go into in detail in this article. My name is James Casbolt and I worked in MI6 covert cocaine trafficking operations with the IRA in London between 1995 and 1999. The global drugs trade run by many factions of the global intelligence community co-operating together (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD etc) is worth at least £500 billion a year. There are many of these bases worldwide but here is small list. In truth and light

Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin – June 4, 2012 The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and how to arrange a harmonious rapport between East, West, North and South. It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st. Like this:

Caves discovered under the pyramids raise excitement, questions. As an "all Egyptian" archaeological team moves in to find answers we hope they will reveal what's really there. Something extremely strange is happening in Giza, both under the pyramids and in the office of Dr. Hawass. Even skeptics of the "Hall of Records" from Atlantis are now forced to admit that something big is being hidden. It's the perfect set of circumstances for conspiracy theorists. In August of 2008 a system of caves was discovered under the pyramids. Surely Hawass is intimately aware of such a discovery. (Also see UPDATE: Since Arab Spring Uprising) Inside Giza's cave underworld In December 2009, after denying that they existed, Egypt's leading Egyptologist, Dr Zahi Hawass, has had to admit that an excavation team under his charge is investigating an ancient tomb at the centre of claims regarding the alleged discovery of a cave underworld beneath the Pyramids of Giza. The alignment of the three pyramids with the stars of Orion's belt [above] is not perfect. According to Collins,

Pyramids Of Glass Submerged In The Bermuda Triangle BeforeItsNews | These strange underwater pyramid structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day Japan have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive – each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Recently American and French scientists as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that has never been discovered. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from base to the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above the sea floor. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) Built on Land – Lost During Last Pole Shift? True or False? Dr. Source
