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mental_floss Blog & Ugly Bugs Advances in macro photography and the development of the electron microscope have shown us a world nature never intended for us to see. Over the years, they've shown us how very ugly insects can be if you take a close look! Mosquitos are considered ugly even when we don't get a closeup view. Our model seems to have lost one antenna before posing for a portrait. This picture is from Lehigh University, where you can get a short course on electron microscopy. A wolf spider looks much more menacing when you stare him in the face. Continue reading for bugs that take prizes for ugliness. The Oklahoma Microscopic Society has an annual Ugly Bug Contest. This Carolina Sphinx Moth was one of the Grand Prize winners in the 2007 Ugly Bug Contest. This prizewinning photo of a Spiny Assassin Bug was submitted to the Oklahoma contest in 2007 by Community Christian School in Norman, Oklahoma. Male seed beetles have penises covered with sharp spikes that can cause injuries to the females.

Math Trainer - Times Tables Get in some serious math training. Responds to your answers, so it trains your weaknesses. Train yourself to remember, don't count (the cutoff time helps with this) New Version! Features of the Math Trainer Cutoff Time The Cutoff Time is there to help you! It means you only have a few seconds to answer each question. At first it seems hard, but as you start to remember you get better and better. (Without the cutoff time you can count to get each answer and never truly learn your tables.) Choose 4 seconds for best effect. Timing You can make good progress by having 3 sessions of 5 minutes every day.

Yoda How much Force power can Yoda output? —Ryan Finnie I’m going to—of course—ignore the prequels. There’s a great SMBC comic exploring the geopolitical consequences of having Superman turn a crank to provide an unlimited source of energy. We could imagine Yoda using the Force to run a similar generator. But how much power could he really supply? Yoda’s greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke’s X-Wing from the swamp. The energy it takes to lift an object to height h is equal to the object’s mass times the force of gravity times the height it’s lifted. First we need to know how heavy the ship was. m_{x} = m_{f22} \times \left(\frac{12.5}{19}\right)^{3} \approx 5,600\mathrm{kg} Next, we need to know how fast it was rising. Lastly, we need to know the strength of gravity on Dagobah. Nope. \frac{5,600 \mathrm{kg} \times 0.9\mathrm{g} \times 1.4 \text{ meters}}{3.6 \text{ seconds}} = 19.2\mathrm{kW} That’s enough to power a block of suburban homes.

Hundreds of Science Fair Projects For Students Build a Touchless 3D Tracking Interface with Everyday Materials Combine low-tech materials with some high-tech components and build a completely Touchless 3D Tracking Interface. Explore capacitive sensing by using several panels of cardboard lined with aluminum foil. These panels, when charged, create electric fields that correspond to X, Y, and Z axes to create a 3D cube. With the aid of an Arduino microcontroller and some supplied code, movements inside the cube are tracked as your hand moves around inside the field. For Weekend Projects makers looking for an introduction to Arduino, this is a great project to learn from. Once your touchless 3D tracker is up and running, what you do with it is only limited by your own imagination! Make an RGB or HSB color pickerControl video or music parameters; sequence a beat or melodyLarge, slightly bent surface with multiple plates + a projector = “Minority Report” interface More: See all of the Weekend Projects posts Related

The Science Spot The Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner (OCUP) The following resources were previously posted on the Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner (OCUP) website (e.g., grade-by-grade elementary expectations, Teacher Companion files, etc.). Assessment & Evaluation Symposium Keynote: Dr. Douglas Reeves (Excerpt) On January 8, 2008, Dr. Douglas Reeves delivered the keynote address at the Assessment and Evaluation Symposium. Download: Assessment & Evaluation Symposium Keynote: Dr. Please note: This is a Windows Media video file. Senior Math Training Resources This file contains resources that were used for implementation training for The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11-12, Mathematics, 2007 in the spring of 2007. Download: Senior Math Training Resources (ZIP, 17.2 MB)) Resources for "Assessment and Evaluation for Improved Student Learning" Training Sessions (English 9-12, ESL and ELD 9-12, Resources for the Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12, ESL and ELD, 2007 Resources for The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12, English, 2007 Teacher Companions 65 Ways to Say "Good for You" EVERYONE KNOWS that a little praise goes a long way in any classroom. But "a little praise" really needs to be something more than the same few phrases repeated over and over ad nauseum. Your students need more than the traditional "Good," "Very good" and "Fine" if encouragement is in the cards. Here are some additional possibilities: That's really nice. Thank you very much. Behavior Therapy Clinic 4211 Waialae Ave. This article was first published in September 1972, in Teacher, 90(1), pg. 47. Last updated 2 March 1999 E-mail: Return to Encouraging Words List

DISCOVERY: A Simulation of Early American Colonization - Interact Simulations Divided into separate "colonies," teams of students face problems typical of life in 17th-century America and try to ensure the success of their settlements. After deciding on cargo and using map skills to cross the sea and select their sites, students—playing such roles as colony leaders, bankers, mappers, traders, and recorders—are pressed to make decisions concerning the division of labor, the role of government, and defense against possible Indian attack. Interaction among the colonies results in trading, alliances, and sometimes conflict, while Fate Cards affect each colony's success or failure. The wealthiest colony after 15 rounds of play wins. The simulation may run for as many as 19 class periods, but can be truncated greatly depending on class skill level and time available. Grades 5–8. Common Core correlations
