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Archinect Making of Three Seasons and night Introduction: I would like to show you the process of creating my scene called "Three Seasons and night". I based on Norwegian architects RRA project "Villa Hesthagen". The most imported thing was setting up the environment and creating realistic winter climate. The scene was created with 3ds max 2009 and V-Ray Render. Modeling of buildings: On the beginning I created few simple solids. Modeling of small tree: Edit cylinder to fields and use chamfer, extrude, bevel and finally connect. Modeling snow on the roof: To create such snow you only need to have modified box and use Turbo smooth. Modeling of terrain: With snow was some more fun. Using the tool Paint Deformation I sculpt dents and bulges. Snow Shader: There are simple materials (only textures in Diffuse slot) so I don't show you how to create all shaders. Most important shader that I used in scene Scene Lighting: For lighting the scene I used a half sphere with imposed VrayLight materials. Setting up VrayLight materials Setting up Render

Home Adore BETONBABE SketchUp. Construction Matters examines the relation between advances in construction technology and artistic form in modern architecture. Please support this project by backing it on Kickstarter. As you might know, the editor of this blog graduated from architecture school more than a year ago and is no longer surrounded by beautiful books. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 am to 6 pm (and longer) she sits in front of a Windows desktop computer with two monitors. She works with a common CAD program, speaks to clients and contractors on the phone, she spends a lot of time breathing the stuffy air of conference rooms, she visits construction sites, and she is working herself through endless Excel sheets. Therefore, the editor of this blog was not able to post things the way she used to. Therefore, she will start posting things again from now - but things will be different. You will see: The Real World of Architecture. Please share! apologies.

Homed'sign RNDRD RNDRD is a frequently updated feed of images from published architectural projects of the 20th century. We do not publish photographs of completed work, only renderings: hand-drawing, collage, models and graphics of all sorts. Our source materials are (mostly) out-of-print academic and trade journals. RNDRD is organized by rendering type, year, designer and print source. All images are posted as fair use. The editors are Josh Conrad and Lauren Hamer. Visit our partner site: B L O O D A N D C H A M P A G N E . C O M (25) 35 обучалок по созданию эффекта освещения в Photoshop Adobe Photoshop – отличный инструмент для обработки изображений, и с помощью него почти каждое изображение может стать идеальным. Один из наиболее используемых эффектов в данном приложении – эффект освещения (огней, молнии и так далее). Все эти эффекты зачастую используются для придания ощущения креативности, технологий, волшебства и полета фантазии. В данной статье мы собрали для вас 35 наиболее полезных обучалок о создании данного эффекта в Adobe Photoshop. 01. В этой статье мы будем использовать некоторые способы преобразования стоковых фотографий в сцену автомобильной погони с взрывами и оружием. 02. Данная статья расскажет вам о создании портрета, основанного на стиле последней рекламы Coldplay / Apple, включая «Viva la Vida» 03. В данной статье вам потребуются продвинутые знания в работе с тенями и освещением, а также куча времени. 04. В этой статье мы покажем вам процесс создания простого и легкого текстового эффекта в Photoshop. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Luxury ON Re'forma ARCHZINE Design And Design
