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How Do You Cite a Tweet in an Academic Paper? - Alexis Madrigal - Technology

How Do You Cite a Tweet in an Academic Paper? - Alexis Madrigal - Technology
The Modern Language Association likes to keep up with the times. As we all know, some information breaks first or only on Twitter and a good academic needs to be able to cite those sources. So, the MLA has devised a standard format that you should keep in mind. Its form is: It's simple. Here's a deeper look at the instructions: Begin the entry in the works-cited list with the author's real name and, in parentheses, user name, if both are known and they differ. Via Thomas, Matt (mattthomas).

Les 10 médias les plus innovants L'excellent magazine FastCompany vient de publier son classement des 50 entreprises les plus innovantes au monde. À ce classement général s'ajoutent des "top 10" de divers secteurs. Dans la catégorie "Médias", les entreprises les plus innovantes sont : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Parmi les autres entreprises innovantes repérées par FastCompany figurent Soundcloud, Spotify, GetGlue, Flipboard, Instagram, Tapjoy, Polyvore, Jawbone... [voir tout le classement]

How to Make an Infographic of your Twitter Profile Computer technology at its birth was complicated and extremely difficult to use. It was the sand box of geeks and engineers. You had to have a degree in computer science to play with the big mainframes of IBM and Hewlett Packard. It was the age of “big iron”, water cooled monsters that took up rooms to crunch data that is now seen as simple tasks and can now be performed on your iPhone. Computing for the Masses The advent of the personal computer brought computing to the masses. Software emerged such as Word, that enabled people to easily write their own documents and by-pass the secretary with the type writer. The emergence of the smartphone has now put a computer and publishing machine in your pocket. The Holy Grail The holy grail of computer visionaries has been to make computers as easy to use as electricity. Steve Jobs said this about technology “The best way to create value in the 21st century is to connect creativity with technology” Give it a try and see what it produces! Read More

Le magazine Marianne lance une version belge Dévoilé en septembre dernier, le projet d'une édition belge de l'hebdomadaire français Marianne était un peu tombé dans l'oubli. L'initiative, pilotée par l'entrepreneur Benoît Remiche (ex président du CA de Belgacom aujourd'hui à la tête de la société organisatrice d'expositions Tempora) a en effet pris quelques mois de retard. Annoncé pour le mois d'avril, le premier numéro ne sortira en effet que le 17 septembre. "Cela a pris plus de temps que prévu d'une part en raison d'une réorganisation chez Marianne en France mais aussi parce qu?afin de demeurer totalement indépendants nous faisons tout nous-mêmes. N'étant pas adossés à un groupe de presse belge cela prend logiquement un peu de temps", nous a indiqué Benoît Remiche. Numéro zéro Un premier numéro zéro vient d'être publié. Trois millions sont nécessaires pour monter le projet. Retrouvez plus d'informations sur l'arrivée de Marianne en Belgique sur le site L'Echo

How Blogging Helps Companies Generate Leads Online: The Data Speaks Many articles have been written over the years enumerating the benefits of blogging for online lead generation. While blogging is but one of many ways to generate leads online, there is significant data to back these assertions up. Here are just a few data points in support of business blogging, courtesy of Inbound Marketing experts Hubspot: B2B companies that blog get 67% more leads/monthB2C companies that blog get 88% more leads/monthCompanies that blog have 55% more website visitors For the sake of simplicity, there are three broad reasons why blogging helps companies generate leads online: 1. 2. 3. Blogging helps drive traffic to your website by creating indexed pages and (eventually) inbound links to your site, both of which are critical to SERP (search engine page rankings). Exemplified by Google’s Panda update, search engines are increasingly favoring fresh, high-quality content in search rankings. As a matter of form, blogging is considered to be part of social media.

New BBC News Control Panel Launches on Facebook 5 Motivations for Sharing Content Sharing on a social web drives millions of hits for viral videos, motivates people to email humorous articles and makes content spread at the speed of a “click”. Humans have always shared.. …it is in our nature but the information age has accelerated that sharing. It is estimated that every 2 days we create as much information as we did since the dawn of time till 2003. In 60 seconds we find and share vast amounts of content in all its different types of media. Perform nearly 700,000 searchesUpload 600 videos to YouTubeShare 80,000 Facebook wall posts We share more content, from more sources with more people than ever before. Sharing is Powerful Sharing is powerful online as it is seen as credible and trustworthy and we will believe our friends before a marketing message from a brand. The New York Times in conjunction with Customer Insight Group and Latitude Research has released a study which reveals the psychology of sharing. 5 Motivations for Sharing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Une nouvelle victime du tsunami numérique : la FNAC Le Nasdaq est revenu à ses plus hauts niveaux, Apple est la première capitalisation boursière mondiale, Facebook vaut 100 milliards de dollars, Zynga, Linkedin et Groupon ont réussi des entrées en bourse fracassantes. Le numérique est le secteur économique qui connaît la plus forte croissance et fait naître le plus de jeunes entreprises. Il rebat les cartes dans tous les secteurs et impacte la plupart des entreprises. Certaines entreprises ont surfé sur la vague numérique comme Apple, Amazon, Samsung ou Facebook. D’autres ont été affaiblies comme Universal Music ou Sony. Et quelques unes ont été balayées et ont disparu, comme le distributeur de disques HMV, le producteur de films photo Kodak, ou le libraire Borders. Face au numérique, il n’y a pas de fatalité du succès ou du déclin. C’est un outsider de la musique, Steve Jobs, qui en lançant l’Ipod et ITunes, a montré que l’on pouvait faire payer pour la musique à condition d’offrir un système complet, simple et pertinent.

Build your brand with media attention Media representatives are busy people – make sure your information and contact details are easy to find! As the owner of a service-based business I’m sure you’re aware of the importance of building your reputation as a specialist in your field. When you’re seen as an expert, you increase the number of people on your newsletter list and social media networks as they want to learn more about you and the information you provide. And, more importantly, you increase the likelihood that they will want to invest in your product and services through their desire to achieve the same results other people are experiencing through working with you. One of the ways you can increase exposure and build your reputation as a specialist is to gain media attention. I stumbled across a fantastic article: ‘109 ways to make your business irresistible to the media’ which I want to share with you. I am the host of two podcasts – Business Success Podcast and The Ambitious Entrepreneur. Tip One: An Up-to-Date Bio
