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Carl Sagan - You Are Here (Pale Blue Dot) [Sagan Time]

Carl Sagan - You Are Here (Pale Blue Dot) [Sagan Time]

Before I Die What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. 2011, New Orleans, LA. Cordoba, Argentina. Najaf, Iraq. Brooklyn, NY. Almaty, Kazakhstan Savannah, GA. Pohang City, South-Korea. San Francisco, CA. Johannesburg, South Africa. Cordoba, Argentina. 3 Minute Short Gets Creators Hired at Disney - Dorkly Listen, just take 3 minutes of your day and watch this animated short by Jacob Frey, titled "The Present." Watch the whole thing - it's not at all what it appears to be. For real. Just trust us. At first, it appears it's about a stereotypical crummy kid who's too into violent videogames to help his mom carry a box. At first, it appears the kid's just grossed out by the three-legged puppy and hates it because it's imperfect. ...but the last 20 seconds or so will rip your cynical heart out and make you re-evaluate everything you thought at first. The lesson of the short? And the short (based on the comic by Fabio Coala) was so good and moving that its creators - Jacob Frey (director, writer, animator, and a few other jobs) and Markus Kranzler (who handled shading, lighting, and rendering) were offered jobs at Disney Animation and Pixar, respectively.

Angielski: najlepsze narzędzia do nauki - serwisy, aplikacje, kursy, e-booki i audiobooki Uwaga! Czytelnicy książki otrzymują bonusy: darmowy dostęp do płatnych kursów językowych: Olive Green SuperMemo, Fiszkoteki i eTutora, a także 100 audiobooków i 100 e-booków po angielsku. Angielski: najlepsze narzędzia do nauki to najnowsza książka z serii Biblioteczka Komputer Świata. Znajdziemy w niej porady, jak skutecznie, korzystając z kursów online, nauczyć się angielskich słówek, gramatyki, wymowy i rozumienia ze słuchu. Dzięki tej książce poznamy najlepsze serwisy i aplikacje do nauki języków obcych wybrane przez doświadczonych nauczycieli z grupy Superbelfrzy RP. Dodatkowo z KŚ+ można pobrać programy pomagające w nauce angielskiego oraz w sumie 200 e-booków i audiobooków z klasyką literatury angielskiej. Ta książka to niezbędny zestaw narzędzi umożliwiających skuteczną naukę angielskiego i innych języków obcych. » Książka Angielski: najlepsze narzędzia do nauki jest dostępna także jako e-wydanie w KŚ+

Inspirational Words of Wisdom, Knowledge & Philosophy Resource | Knowledge Random Acts of Kindness | Welcome YouTube Tout Google avec un seul compte Connectez-vous pour accéder à YouTube. Localiser mon compte Mot de passe oublié ? Se connecter avec un autre compte Créer un compte Tout Google avec un seul compte 25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions 405 Flares Facebook 137 Twitter 5 Google+ 194 StumbleUpon 1 Pin It Share 68 68 405 Flares × A question that makes you think is worth asking… At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. This process of self reflection helps us maintain a conscious awareness of where we’ve been and where we intend to go. It is pertinent to the organization and preservation of our dreams, goals and desires. Remember, these questions have no right or wrong answers. Here’s a sample of 25 recent thought questions posted on the site: Few extra questions Thank you for visiting, we hope you find our site, enjoyable, informative and educational.

Brain Pickings 40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind Asking the right questions is the answer… It’s not the answers you get from others that will help you, but the questions you ask of yourself. Here are 40 thought-provoking questions to help you refresh and refocus your thinking: Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. if you’re interested in reading even more inspiring, thought-provoking questions.Title photo by: Helga Weber For all other photo credits please refer to Related 40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. April 13, 2012 In "Aspirations" 40 Questions that Will Quiet Your Mind Judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers … because asking the right questions is the answer. August 5, 2015 In "Happiness" 25 Photo-Illustrated Reminders to Help You Find Happiness Happiness is the highest level of success.
