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HTML5 Video Player Comparison

How To Install Nautilus 3.6 Or Patched Nautilus 3.4 In Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal, which will be released in 2 days, will use Nautilus 3.4 by default, the same version used in Ubuntu 12.04. If, however, you want to use Nautilus 3.6 or the patched Nautilus we've talked about a while back, in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal, you'll find installation instructions below. Install Nautilus 3.6 in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Some features were removed from Nautilus 3.6, like the extra pane (F3) feature, but it also got some new features and an updated UI along with many bug fixes. So there might be Ubuntu 12.10 users who want to upgrade to Nautilus 3.6. Nautilus 3.6 includes:a new way of searching for files has replaced both the old search tool and the "search as you type" featurenew toolbar and pathbar, GNOME Shell appmenu, a new "cog" menu, symbolic icons for the sidebar, a new "Recent" section in the sidebarlist view changes: new date format display, better column order, new icon size: 32 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 nautilus -q

Fire's web log SoundTroubleshootingProcedure See also: SoundTroubleshooting You may want to follow this guide to gather essential troubleshooting information about your sound card. This information will be useful in posting a question to launchpad and getting help from volunteers who are monitoring the Launchpad forums: The various different pages about sound issues each serve a different purpose or different tastes. The only supported releases of Ubuntu are the ones that are NOT End of Life (EOL) in the following table: Please exercise caution when running these commands! #1A. killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio -k ; rm -r ~/.config/pulse/* ; rm -r ~/.pulse* wait ten seconds, then run this: pulseaudio --start #1B. killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio -k; rm -r ~/.config/pulse/* ; rm -r ~/.pulse* wait 10 seconds, then reboot (putting the machine to sleep is not enough -- fully power it off and then back on). #1C. So the methods in Unity are: # ALSA Version 1. !!

Howto check disk drive for errors and badblocks | Linux Poison badblocks is a Linux utility to check for bad sectors on a disk drive (A bad sector is a sector on a computer's disk drive or flash memory that cannot be used due to permanent damage or an OS inability to successfully access it.). It creates a list of these sectors that can be used with other programs, like mkfs, so that they are not used in the future and thus do not cause corruption of data. It is part of the e2fsprogs project. It can be a good idea to periodically check for bad blocks. This is done with the badblocks command. From the terminal, type following command: $ sudo badblocks -v /dev/hda1 > bad-blocks The above command will generate the file bad-blocks in the current directory from where you are running this command. Now, you can pass this file to the fsck command to record these bad blocks If badblocks reports a block that was already used, e2fsck will try to move the block to another place. Looks at badblocks man pages for more command line options.

How to check/repair (fsck) filesystem after crash or power-outage | Linux Poison At some point your system will crash and you need to perform a manual repair of your file system. A typical situation would be power loss while you are working on the system. You reboot and the system stops and indicates you must perform a manual repair of the system using fsck. fsck (file system consistency check) is a command used to check filesystem for consistency errors and repair them on Linux filesystems. This tool is important for maintaining data integrity so should be run regularly, especially after an unforeseen reboot (crash, power-outage). Usage: fsck [-sACVRTNP] [-t fs-optlist] [filesystem] [fs-specific-options] Filesystem can be either a device's name (e.g. Note: You need to be "root" to use any of the below mentioned command * Take system down to runlevel one: # init 1 * Unmount file system, for example if it is /home (/dev/sda2) file system then type command: # umount /home OR # umount /dev/sda2 * Now run fsck on the partition: # fsck /dev/sda2 # fsck -y /dev/sda2

graphics - How can I start in safe mode Air Umbrella by Je Sung Park Try Air To Stay Dry Back in May last year I did a roundup of the Most Unconventional Umbrellas seen here on YD. I wish I had stumbled across the Air Umbrella then, because it’s the mother of unconventional designs! You can control the length of the stick and the size of the air canopy. Designers: Je Sung Park & Woo Jung Kwon 世界上最全的解酒方法 @ 酷北鼻 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 事前辦法:最好的解酒方法是事前防範,先將具體方法提供如下: a、吃ru21安體普復合片,是目前全球防止醉酒、保持頭腦清醒的最好的食品,據說是前蘇聯特務組織「克格勃」間諜們出色完成任務的貼身保鏢。 b、牛奶或酸奶(優質蛋白芬類亦可)適量,於酒前半小時服用,牛奶或酸奶在胃壁 形成保護膜,減少酒精進入血液達到肝臟。 c、高濃度膳食纖維素片,酒前半小時服用(服用後需要飲足量白開水),作用,纖維素遇水後迅速膨脹,釋放出大量陽離子可以把酒精包裹起來不進入消化循環直接排出體外,減少酒精對肝臟和身體的傷害。 d、吃上幾隻橘子。 e、維生素c、b足量於酒前半小時內服用,vb、vc具有消化和分解酒精的作用,大家可以自己做個實驗,在一杯啤酒中加入適量vc或vb,與 不加vc、vb的啤酒進行比對,可以發現酒精濃度明顯下降。 事中辦法: 1、適當吃肉類和油脂,可以幫助調整好身體的部分功能,使遭了大罪的胃可能因為油脂而蒙上薄薄的一層保護膜,防止酒精滲透胃壁。 2、看見雞蛋、皮蛋等菜端上來,趕緊吃。 3、又宜多以豆腐類菜餚作下酒菜。 4、水果如果端上桌,大快事,只管吃而不管雅相與否。 5、喝多了的較好辦法就是中途去扣喉,偷偷去洗手間吐。 6、上蔥、和澆上酸牛奶以及酸奶油的醋魚做下酒菜,多多益善啊。 7、上柑橘及其汁也當醒酒藥物。 事後辦法: 醉酒之後,如何緩解頭痛、頭暈、反胃、發熱這些難受的症狀呢? ru21安體普——> 酒後頭疼、頭暈、嘔吐、躁動、噁心 酒後服用ru21安體普,可以快速減輕以上症狀,30分鐘可以讓人恢復到酒前狀態,就是這東西價格確實不低。 蜂蜜水——> 酒後頭痛 喝點蜂蜜水能有效減輕酒後頭痛症狀。 西紅柿汁——> 酒後頭暈 西紅柿汁也是富含特殊果糖,能幫助促進酒精分解吸收的有效飲品,一次飲用300ml以上,能使酒後頭暈感逐漸消失。 新鮮葡萄——> 酒後反胃、噁心 新鮮葡萄中含有豐富的酒石酸,能與酒中乙醇相互作用形成酯類物質,降低體內乙醇濃度,達到解酒目的。 西瓜汁——> 酒後全身發熱 西瓜汁是天生的白虎湯(中醫經典名方),一方面能加速酒精從尿液排出,避免其被機體吸收而引起全身發熱;另一方面,西瓜汁本身也具有清熱去火功效,能幫助全身降溫。 柚子——> 酒後口氣 李時珍在《本草綱目》中早就記載了柚子能夠解酒。 芹菜汁——> 酒後胃腸不適、顏面發紅 酒後胃腸不適時,喝些芹菜汁能明顯緩解,這是因為芹菜中含有豐富的分解酒精所需的b族維生素。

慵懶法式的時尚插畫 Sophie Griotto 自由插畫家Sophie Griotto,出生於1975年法國法國南部阿雷斯(Alès),她的插畫作品充滿了女性 ... 作者: MyDesy 長期經營台灣的設計媒體,關心年輕設計人的發展和未來。希望透過持續的努力,結合各地的能量和資源,讓生活變得更美麗、更便利、更有趣味。 自由插畫家 Sophie Griotto ,出生於1975年法國法國南部阿雷斯(Alès),她的插畫作品充滿了女性的活力與柔情,作品中的女人也有著法國女人特有的獨立與自信更顯其耀眼。 網站 Sophie Griotto Painter 插畫 時尚 水彩 法國 都會 跟朋友分享: 留言分享: How to update Oracle Java plugin for Google-chrome
