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Facebook Brand Timelines: 6 Big Changes Every Marketer Needs to Understand

Facebook Brand Timelines: 6 Big Changes Every Marketer Needs to Understand
Victoria Ransom is founder and CEO of Wildfire Interactive, the global leader in social media marketing software. Victoria and Wildfire will host a free webinar on March 2 at 10 a.m. PT, entitled “Timeline for Brands: How to Make the Switch,” further outlining best practices for brands in transitioning to Facebook’s new Timeline format. Today Facebook announced to brand marketers the world over that, within the month, everything they knew about fan Pages on Facebook would be overturned. While you get your brand ready for the new Timeline format, here are six important changes to keep top-of-mind. 1. What’s new: The format of Timeline for brands is quite similar to Timeline for personal profiles. Recommendation: Milestones present an important and dramatic opportunity to educate the public, humanize the brand and remove a perception of corporate anonymity. 2. What’s new: The new Timeline format does not have the left-side panel of links, which could include hundreds of different tabs. 3.

16 Creative Ways to Make Your Facebook Timeline Cover Photo At the 2011 f8 conference, Facebook announced Timeline — a major overhaul of the personal Facebook profiles to which we’ve all grown accustomed. UPDATE December 15, 2011: Facebook announced that Timeline is now available worldwide. Read how to get started. When Timeline is rolled out, your personal profile will be organized in reverse chronological order, as a “timeline” of your life, like an online scrapbook. When Will Timeline Become Available? At this point, only those who are registered Facebook application developers have the option of converting their personal profiles to the Timeline format. However, it’s quite easy to become a “developer” for purposes of getting access to Timeline. The Timeline Cover Photo: A Great Opportunity for Creativity For those with a creative bent, probably the most exciting change is the Timeline cover photo, an 851px x 315px canvas that you can fill with the image of your choice. Inserted into the lower left of the Timeline cover is your profile photo.

Facebook va devenir l'histoire de votre vie - TRIBUNE les implications que cela va entrainer pour les utilisateurs mais surtout pour les marques. La pression montait depuis plusieurs semaines au sujet d'annonces majeures. Coté utilisateurs, les lignes des profils commençaient déjà à bouger avec l'arrivée ces derniers jours du "ticker" (le bloc situé en haut à droite), des "smarts friends lists" (gestion des contacts et de la confidentialité des publications en réponse aux cercles de Google+) ou encore la fonction "abonnement". La présentation de Mark Zuckerberg démarre sur des constats clairs voire clairvoyants : les personnes ne vont plus sur Facebook par plaisir et parce que cet espace leur correspond mais parce que tous leurs amis y sont (le créateur de Facebook en profite pour annoncer avoir dépassé les 800 millions d'utilisateurs). Il y a trop d'informations sur le flux d’actualités et pas assez de place pour la conversation et le partage. Timeline, the story of your life Les apps intégrées à Timeline Le Ticker Manuel Diaz

Facebook Timeline for Brands: The Complete Guide Now that Facebook Timeline has finally rolled out for brands, companies have endless opportunities to refresh their social media strategy. Sounds overwhelming, doesn't it? Let's break it down. As of Wednesday, brands can opt in on the new features. Some of the prominent changes include a new layout with cover photo, highlighting features and the ability to edit and update without navigating to a separate page. As predicted, these new features will be a huge opportunity for brands that want to tell a more engaging and authentic story. Some feel that this could be a potential downfall for companies that do not excel at providing engaging content or brands with various operations compared to those who concisely define themselves under one umbrella. Other qualms about Timeline include the fact that it can only be filled as far back as 1800, which some brands claim restricts their complete history. With spring right around the corner, consider Timeline your chance to do a little housekeeping.

Videoguru - O festival do seu filme Que tal entrar num festival promovido pelo Youtube, ter seu curta-metragem visto por milhões de espectadores em todo o mundo, e ainda ganhar 500.000 dólares para fazer um novo filme, e com produção de Ridley Scott? Estamos nos referindo ao Your Film Festival. Trata-se de um evento realizado pelo YouTube e a companhia aérea Emirates, em parceria com o Festival de Veneza e a Scott Free, empresa produtora de Ridley Scott. Para participar, basta inscrever um filme de até 15 minutos que narre uma história, em qualquer formato, estilo e gênero no site do Youtube. Não há qualquer taxa para entrar na competição. Do total de inscritos, a Scott Free selecionará 50 semi-finalistas para serem mostrados no Youtube. “Nós estamos comprometidos em trazer entretenimento, conteúdo original para uma audiência global; o Your Film Festival é outro exemplo de nosso investimento em grandes criadores em todo o mundo “, afirma Robert Kyncl, Chefe Global de Conteúdo do YouTube. Gostou do artigo ?

Ce Que Changent Les 5 Nouveautés Facebook Pour Les Entreprises Facebook a récemment créé de nouvelles fonctionnalités au sein de sa plateforme. Certaines d’entre elles ont été annoncées lors de la conférence f8 des développeurs Facebook qui a eu lieu le 22 septembre à San Francisco. D’autres ont vu le jour peu de temps avant. Ces modifications impliquent une nouvelle adaptation des entreprises sur Facebook. 1. La Timeline est le nouveau type de Profil Facebook qui sera actif pour tous les utilisateurs à partir du 30 septembre 2011. Il s’agit par ailleurs d’un véritable outil de branding personnel qui est configurable pour laisser à l’utilisateur le choix des informations proposées et pour le rendre encore plus attractif. Conseils pour personnaliser votre Timeline : ajoutez une couverture soit une image qui figurera en haut de votre profil sur toute sa largeur. 2. Le télex (ou encore « Ticker ») est un module qui affiche l’activité en temps réel du réseau des membres (amis, Pages, applications). Conseils pour améliorer l’expérience utilisateur : 3.

Timeline for Facebook - the complete checklist for community managers Unless you spent last week in a coma, you know that Facebook Timeline for Brands is finally here. Already live on a number of leading brands (see Coca-Cola, Starbucks, RedBull, X Box, Ford, Nike, Burberry and even President Obama for examples), everyone else has until March 30 to redesign and publish content on their pages. Although you can go live today, we'd suggest you read about the impending changes before you press that publish button. You've seen what timeline does to your personal profiles; creating milestones in your Facebook history: the same will happen to brand pages, so be prepared to get busy over the next month, you have things to do. If you adopt and then publish in the preview period before March 30 universal adoption, the page cannot be reverted - there is no turning back. Here are the highlights of the new features: Improving content We all know that fans only really come to the brand page once - the first time they find you and like you. Once a day isn't enough

Comment Les Consommateurs Interagissent Avec Les Marques Sur Facebook ? [Etude] Une étude réalisée par Constant Contact et Chadwick Martin Bailey montre que Facebook est le réseau social préféré des consommateurs pour interagir avec les marques. En effet, 34% des personnes interrogées indiquent qu’elles utilisent Facebook à cette fin contre 4% pour Twitter et 1% pour Linkedin. Les données de ce rapport ont été collectées par l’intermédiaire d’un formulaire remis à 1 491 consommateurs américains âgés de plus de 18 ans. Voici 10 statistiques intéressantes qui y sont présentées : Facebook apparaît comme le meilleur réseau social pour créer de l’engagement avec son marché final.

Facebook Timeline for Business: Get Your Cover Photo Ready | Flyte New Media Confused about the big changes Facebook just rolled out for your business page? Relax. Here’s how to move to the Timeline painlessly. ATTENTION: Join us on 5/30/2013 for a FREE live webinar on Turning Likes Into Sales. Facebook just announced some of the biggest changes for your business pages ever, and you’ve only got until the end of this month before you’re dragged—perhaps kicking and screaming—into the next phase of Facebook’s evolution: Timelines for Brands. While it’s a bit too early for best practices, we wanted to put together a primer for you so that you can make the changes before the March 30th deadline. What is Timeline for Brands? You’ve probably already seen the timeline layout on friends’ profile pages. The biggest visual element is the Cover Photo…the big image that stretches across the top of your page. The good news is that you’ll be able to have an eye-catching, branded image across the top of your page. What can you do to prepare for the changes? That’s both good and bad.
