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Track Who’s Tracking You With Mozilla Collusion

Track Who’s Tracking You With Mozilla Collusion
LONG BEACH, Calif. — Mozilla CEO Gary Kovacs took the TED stage Tuesday morning to introduce Collusion, a Firefox browser add-on that lets you track who’s tracking you across the web for behavioral targeting purposes. Describing the medium as “an area of consumer protection that’s almost entirely naked,” Kovacs argued that the price we’re now being asked to pay for connectivenss is our privacy, and in turn, it’s “now time for us to watch the watchers.” Collusion looks to offer more transparency to users by creating a visualization of how your data is being spread to different companies as you navigate the web. Each time it detects data being sent to a behavioral tracker, it creates a red (advertisers), grey (websites) or blue dot on the visualization and shows the links between the sites you visit and the trackers they work with. Image Credit: James Duncan Davidson, TED Related:  Privacy / Surveillance / Censure

OK Glass, RIP Privacy: The Democratization Of Surveillance How’s this for synchronicity: Google Glass started shipping on the same week that CISPA passed the House, 3DRobotics unveiled their new site, and 4chan and Reddit pored over surveillance photos trying to crowdsource the identity of the Boston bombers. Cameras on phones. Cameras on drones. Cameras on glasses. Cameras atop stores, in ATMs, on the street, on lapels, up high in the sky. Modern cars log detailed data their manufacturers can access if they so desire. In 1999, Sun CEO Scott McNealy said: “You have zero privacy anyway. I’ve been arguing for years that “Soon enough, pseudonymity and anonymity will only exist online; in the real world…they’ll be more or less extinct.” One can reasonably dispute whether the collective crowdsourced 4chan/Reddit attempt to identify the Boston bomber was a good thing or not, and interesting people are engaged in both sides of just that argument – – but to me, the important thing is the precedent it sets. In the words of the ACLU:

Online Privacy FAQ Copyright © 2007 - 2014Privacy Rights Clearinghouse This FAQ is an addendum to our Fact Sheet 18 on Internet It provides answers to questions that we are often asked by individuals who contact us concerning online privacy and safety. 1. I have found my name and personal information on the Internet at sites like ZabaSearch and Intelius. I am worried about identity theft. How can I get my information removed from all of these sites? There is no one simple way to have your information entirely removed from all of the information broker sites. Once your personal information has been recorded in public records, there is no effective way to permanently or completely remove it (for example, birth certificate, marriage license, home ownership documents, court records, and in some states voter registration, etc.). As part of the request for removal, the information broker Web site may ask you for personal information to “verify” your identity. 2. 3.

Apple, Facebook, others defy authorities, increasingly notify users of secret data demands after Snowden revelations Fueling the shift is the industry’s eagerness to distance itself from the government after last year’s disclosures about National Security Agency surveillance of online services. Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google all are updating their policies to expand routine notification of users about government data seizures, unless specifically gagged by a judge or other legal authority, officials at all four companies said. Yahoo announced similar changes in July. As this position becomes uniform across the industry, U.S. tech companies will ignore the instructions stamped on the fronts of subpoenas urging them not to alert subjects about data requests, industry lawyers say. Companies that already routinely notify users have found that investigators often drop data demands to avoid having suspects learn of inquiries. “It serves to chill the unbridled, cost-free collection of data,” said Albert Gidari Jr., a partner at Perkins Coie who represents several technology companies. Ronald T. Ann E.

Legal Help Removing Content From Google This page will help you get to the right place to report content that you would like removed from Google's services under applicable laws. Providing us with complete information will help us investigate your inquiry. If you have non-legal issues that concern Google's Terms of Service or Product Policies, please visit We ask that you submit a separate notice for each Google service where the content appears. What Google product does your request relate to? Which product does your request relate to? What can we help you with? Choose from the following options Are you the copyright owner or authorized to act on his/her behalf? What is the allegedly infringing work in question? The image/video is of yourself I have read the above and wish to proceed Are you the owner of the technological protection measure, the copyright owner of the work protected by this technology, or a representative authorized to act on behalf of either owner? Google Help

Muse & Geek - [LEGISLATION] Directive Européenne sur les Cookies Depuis quelques temps, vous avez pu apercevoir sur vos divers sites web préférés un bandeau vous signalant l'utilisation des cookies et vous demandant, de manière plus ou moins tacite, votre consentement pour en déposer sur votre navigateur. Il s'agit en fait d'une obligation légale émise par la Commission Européenne sous la directive 2002/58/EC mise à jour par la directive 2009/136/EC et entrée en vigueur le 25 Mai 2011. L'article 5(3) de cette directive stipule (page 20) que : Les États membres garantissent que le stockage d’informations, ou l’obtention de l’accès à des informations déjà stockées, dans l’équipement terminal d’un abonné ou d’un utilisateur n’est permis qu’à condition que l’abonné ou l’utilisateur ait donné son accord, après avoir reçu, dans le respect de la directive 95/46/CE, une information claire et complète, entre autres sur les finalités du traitement. Consentement, d'accord. Mais avant de faire le tour de l'Europe, qu'est-ce qu'un cookie ?

Loi Hamon, tout savoir pour être en règle Le web français est régit par un certains nombre de textes légaux qu'il convient de respecter. Car même si nul n'est sensé ignorer la Loi, il faut bien admettre qu'un petit rappel en la matière n'est jamais inutile. En plus des mentions légales et des Conditions Générales de Vente (ou d'utilisation) déjà obligatoires, l'année 2014 a été marquée par l'entrée en vigueur d'une obligation d'information sur les cookies ainsi que d'un renforcement de l'information et de la protection du consommateur avec la Loi Hamon (LOI n° 2014-344 du 17 mars 2014 relative à la consommation). Promulguée en juin dernier, ce texte législatif important apporte de substantielles avancées par rapport à la loi Chatel pour les e-commerçants. La Loi Hamon La Loi Hamon apporte principalement une meilleure protection des achats sur internet avec surtout, un délai de rétraction qui passe de 7 à 14 jours et un remboursement sous 14 jours maximum suivant la décision de rétractation du consommateur. Avant la vente

De la surveillance de masse à la paranoïa généralisée Il y aura un avant et un après Snowden. Avant, ceux qui dénonçaient la montée en puissance de la société de surveillance passaient pour de doux paranoïaques (alors que les paranos, c’était pas eux, mais la NSA, ce que Snowden a amplement démontré). Depuis, tout le monde ou presque est persuadé d’être espionné par la NSA, ou encore que la DGSE espionnerait toutes les télécommunications, en France… ce dont je me permets de douter : la NSA ou la DGSE (& Cie) ont certes les moyens de tenter d’espionner n’importe qui, mais les documents Snowden ne permettent aucunement de conclure qu’ils espionneraient tout le monde, a fortiori tout le temps, façon « Big Brother« . Mise à jour, juin 2015 : vous trouverez plus bas la vidéo de la suite de cette conférence, donnée à Pas Sage en Seine 2015, où j’ai tenté d’expliquer pourquoi je n’avais pas particulièrement peur des « boîtes noires » du Projet de loi relatif au renseignement, et pourquoi le problème me semble être ailleurs… Problème.

Je n'ai rien à cacher. Internet Noise On March 29th congress passed a law that makes it legal for your Internet Service Providers (ISP) to track and sell your personal activity online. This means that things you search for, buy, read, and say can be collected by corporations and used against you. Click this button, and your browser will start passively loading random sites in browser tabs. Leave it running to fill their databases with noise. Just quit your browser when you're done. This is an early stage and still evolving project. IMPORTANT: this button will make some noise as a form of digital protest. If you are genuinely interested in thwarting the tracking efforts of your ISP and advertisers you should: Install HTTPS Everywhere to ensure your web activities are encrypted as often as possible.
