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And The Day Drags On... & SlackStack

Humor, humor en nog eens humor! - Thy Kings Jup, ik heb weer een lading grappige plaatjes voor je. Het is wel mijn humor, maar hopelijk zit er wat leuks tussen.. Ik hoop dat u weer hebt kunnen genieten! Ok, nog 1 grap dan: The gynecologist who became a mechanic A gynecologist had become fed up with malpractice insurance and HMO paperwork, and was burned out. Hoping to try another career where skillful hands would be beneficial, he decided to become a mechanic. Ingenieurs humor. Afzeikreacties zonder gedegen onderbouwing worden gratis en voor niks verwijderd! Reacties Door Neverwinterx, dinsdag 01 juni 2010 20:48 zaten veel leuke bij definitie van muffler voor die laatste mop: "a tubular acoustic device inserted in the exhaust system that is designed to reduce noise " DonJunior, dinsdag 01 juni 2010 21:55 Whahahahahaha.. nou mijn huiswerk-maak-avondje is weer goed hoor.. die laatste is inderdaad geniaal.. sommige afbeeldingen ook al wel voorbij zien komen maar er zitten echt goede tussen!! CodeCaster, dinsdag 01 juni 2010 21:58 I'm English.

Nom Nom Nom Kitty Funny Videos Nom Nom Nom Kitty Uploaded by s1m0ne on Apr 09, 2012 viewed 10439 times Close Advertising & Play 100% Like it! Like Kitten enjoys every drop out of his bottle. Categories: Cute Videos Tags: bottlekittynom nom nom Share Favorite Report Video Inappropriate Underage Copyrighted Material Video not playing! Send Report Close Playlist Download Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href=" Related Face Launched Bottle Rocket Accident 12058 views How to open a bottle of wine with a shoe 2066 views Opening A Beer Bottle With A Chain Saw 4396 views New Videos Lightning Strikes Tree Aaaaaaaand it's gone. 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Photography can serve as a nice source of inspiration. Further Resources! Find Something Missing?

How to play the Midnight Man Game with Rules It is highly recommended that you do not play the midnight game, however here are some instructions for thrill seekers. Do at your own risk; 1. It must be exactly 12:00 AM when you begin the ritual, or else it will not work. You will need; Candles Paper and Pencils A wooden front door Salt A pin needle All the lights in the house off Step 1: Everyone who is playing the midnight game must write their names on a piece of paper, then use a pin needle to drop a single drop of their blood onto the paper Step 2: Place the paper in front of your front door. Step 3: Light a candle Step 4: Knock on your front door exactly 22 times. Step 5: Open your door, blow out the candle, and close it. Step 6: Your goal for the rest of the game is to survive the Midnight Man. Signs that the Midnight Man is nearby: * Your candle blows out * You suddenly get very cold * You hear a low whisper * You see a black humanoid figure within the darkness

All That Is Humor & humor It is basic Swag, Spongebob We know that story is an account or recital of an event or a series of events, either true or fictitious. Beautifully drawn, brilliantly colored and funny is the ellement in comic. I will try not to dissapoint you In our world, there are many humor stories and funny events in the life. I am gonna take over the universe Funny stories and jokes, our main aim is to satisfy with you quality fun. center> Hold On Partner! We believe that the short story is one of the most exciting and important literary forms, and that it can, and should, reach the widest possible readership. pipe cleaners animals Funny stories and jokes, our main aim is to satisfy with you quality fun. Nothing interesting on the internet In our world, there are many humor stories and funny events in the life. When you were younger We believe that the short story is one of the most exciting and important literary forms, and that it can, and should, reach the widest possible readership. Juggling With Fire

Most compelling argument to live without worry of an afterlife The Beauty Of Urban Decay: 50 Mindblowing Photography The branch of photography that particularly deals with the capturing shots of abandoned and desolate buildings which are normally not taken care of is called Urban Decay Photography. This particular field of photography is gaining huge popularity as it brings the beauty of the more abandoned buildings to the surface. Let’s have a look at this amazing compilation of 50 extraordinary shots of urban decay emphasizing their smashed and destroyed look. Enjoy! Broadway End of Transmission Sant Pere de Rodes Raincatcher The doctor will see you now Beams – Beelitz-Heilstätten Lonely beams Urban Decay [~01~] Walls of Wine Beautiful Decay Close Cover The Mothership Terres Rouges Down the well If my heart had windows Decay the door There’s nothing on the box tonight love West Park – Still Life 2 Urban Decay Feel like bathin Urban Decay2 Opel Olympia State of Mind Growing In In the abandoned room – Nella Stanza abbandonata Tyersall House Decisions Aura Stairs Even the wicked must rest Urban Decay5 Dusk on Istana Woodneuk Strike

The top 25 must-see movies of 2012 - Den of Geek - StumbleUpon Update: You can now find out list of the top 25 must-see movies of 2013 here.And our 25 must-see movies of 2014 are here. As 2011 draws to a close, one eye is inevitably on the treats that are lying ahead for 2012. With that in mind, we've got our line-up of, as things stands, the 25 films that are brightest on our radar. Now, a couple of disclaimers. There are films that haven't made the cut here simply because we don't know a fat lot about them yet, or at least not enough to get us fired up. Plus there are the films that we suspect will turn out strongly, but what we've seen of them so far hasn't blown us away (Brave, Skyfall). We've also had to exclude films that have already had a release in either the UK or the US. However, that's still left us with a lot of tasty cinema. Neither Spy Kids 4 nor Scream 4 performed as expected in 2011, and that’s inevitably going to leave Hollywood types feeling just a bit wary about belated sequels. It’s got promise, this one. So far, so so.

Nicholas Sparks Nicholas Sparks stated that he has no contemporaries. No one else does what he does. He writes unpredictable love stories, not trashy run-of-the-mill romance novels like Shakespeare.&&(navigator.user Just The Facts Nicholas Sparks is an author who churns out about one romance novel a year. Nicholas Sparks on Nicholas Sparks In a recent interview with USA Today, Nicholas Sparks criticized Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, and romance novelists in general for essentially writing the same story over and over: "(Romances) are all essentially the same story: You've got a woman, she's down on her luck, she meets the handsome stranger who falls desperately in love with her, but he's got these quirks, she must change him, and they have their conflicts, and then they end up happily ever after." But he claims that he is not a romance novelist. "You read a romance because you know what to expect. Really Nicholas Sparks? Nicholas Sparks Movies A Walk to Remember Then tragedy strikes. Dear John

Challenge Accepted: Best Of The Meme Posted by Jillian Madison on December 15, 2011 Funny Underwater Dogs Great collection by Seth Casteel Award-winning photographer Seth Casteel has been featured on GOOD MORNING AMERICA, EXTRA, CNN WORLD REPORT, THE TODAY SHOW, JEOPARDY! and in TIME Magazine. As one of the most published pet photographers in the world, his work can be seen in hundreds of magazines, calendars, posters, books and TV shows. Buy Underwater Dogs Book from Amazon ( US | UK ) 20 GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations (9.26.11) Here’s a fresh round of animated GIFs that perfectly characterize how it feels when we encounter these everyday scenarios. When someone steps on the back of your shoe When someone you hate says something funny When you have too much sugar When you see your ex after the breakup When you’re in the back seat and the front windows are down When people don’t warn you before taking your picture When your phone rings while you’re trying to take a nap When lyrics websites won’t let you copy the lyrics When people smoke near you When your girlfriend calls to tell you her problems When you’re watching something for the first time and say, “That’s where that GIF is from!” When you feel people staring at you When you have a message on tumblr When you have to sneeze, but it won’t come out When you were at a pet shop as a kid When you are at a pet shop today When you ask for a bite of food and your friend says, “Actually, you can have the rest.” When you’re at a restaurant and you see your food coming Related Posts:
