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Homemade Hairspray - A Simple, Natural Recipe that Saves Money

Homemade Hairspray - A Simple, Natural Recipe that Saves Money
I was so excited to share this recipe for homemade hairspray that I had a hard time conducting an adequate test phase! I’m happy to report that after using it every day for over a month, I’ve been thrilled with the results. (UPDATE: I’ve been using this formula for over two years now, and won’t ever go back to store-bought!) Here’s how and why I make my own hairspray. My Issues with Commercial Hairspray Nowadays I have very thick, curly, long(ish) hair and need to use a generous amount of hairspray no matter how I style it. It’s time for something different. To my delight, Matt received a basic recipe for homemade hairspray from a DIYNatural reader named Charli. I tested the recipe, made a few tweaks, and came up with this wonderful recipe. Citrus-Lavender Hairspray Step 1 Cut a whole orange or lemon into wedges and combine with 2 cups water in a small pot. Step 2 Strain liquid through cheesecloth into a measuring cup. Step 3 Step 4 A Few Things to Note

Natural Hair Dye, homemade hair color, for fashion sheep and trendsetters Making and using your own Natural Hair Dye is waaaaay more fun than anything you can buy out there. And we’re not even speaking of the safety aspect, those store bought chemical hair dyes are packed with?…yes, 1000 points for you: Chemicals!! This is for all who want to keep it natural, obviously. These homemade hair dye recipes contain pure natural ingredients. And yes, it will take you a bit longer to get to the same sort of result, because these natural hair color recipes are not as concentrated. Not only are they easy and fun to make, but also very affordable or downright cheap and you probably have the ingredients already somewhere in your kitchen cabinet Adding color never hurt anyone Not for Sheep… We want to make a point about Skin Tone and choice of color, at least what others lead you to believe; your new hair color should complement your skin tone. E.g. But of course you can also use these homemade hair color recipes to cover or slightly accent your current style. How to do it:

Honey and cinnamon cures - do they really work? Here's what you need to know (NaturalNews) Hopeful newcomers to holistic health marvel at reports about honey and cinnamon as a miracle cure-all. On the other hand, alternative health skeptics scoff at the notion of cinnamon and honey as medicine, pointing out that the plethora of articles about the curative benefits of this food duo originated with a 1995 article in the tabloid newspaper Weekly World News. The truth is that cinnamon and honey have been used to promote health for centuries, but their efficacy depends largely on a lifestyle of energetic activity and whole foods.In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), cinnamon is viewed as possessing heat or yang, and is thus used to cure ills stemming from excess yin or coldness. Honey, in this system, is viewed as a neutral substance, balanced between yin and yang. Honey possesses natural anti-bacterial properties. Drinking honey and cinnamon in lukewarm water results in them moving through the bladder and cleansing it, as well as clearing infections there.

How To Use A Sock To Get Beautiful Curly Hair Without Heat If you are a mom on the go with long hair you HAVE TO try this. It will knock your socks off and have you wrapping your hair up in them! This is all about how to make your hair beautiful with no heat and no time. Yup, you heard me right. I was on Pinterest a while back and spotted this post about the sock bun which links you to her video on YouTube. Why? Because: It literally takes a minute to doNO heat at all – just a soft little sock in your hairNo product (for me anyway)You can sleep in it very comfortablyIt works Marvelously and is simple beautiful This is the sock bun before and after of my hair. Here are the step by step instructions on how to make this work. First steal a sock from your husband’s dress sock collection (that is what I did anyway). Now roll the sock into a ring. Put your dry hair into a high ponytail. Now spritz just the hair in your ponytail with water. Now grab your rolled up sock and put your ponytail through the hole. This is my new go-to styling technique.

Recyclebank Here in Houston, summer means hot and humid. And mold and mildew, too. But Tea Tree Oil is a very effective way to fight it. Homemade Tea Tree Oil Mold And Mildew Spray Here in Houston, summer means hot and humid. But Tea Tree Oil is a very effective way to fight it. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of the Tea Tree oil with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Unlike my old stand by, bleach, Tea Tree Oil is safe, natural and cleans like crazy! Tea Tree Oil does have a very strong smell, almost like a pine-scented cleaner. How to Repair Your Hair with Olive Oil After a long winter’s exposure to dry indoor heat, our hair needs some nourishing relief! Here’s the simple solution. This easy hair treatment will result in healthier, more manageable hair and a really clean, invigorated scalp. 7 Hair Care Myths Debunked INGREDIENTS (enough for 1 or 2 treatments, depending on the length and thickness of your hair) ½ cup olive oil 5 drops frankincense essential oil (others may be substituted, if you wish) 1 plastic bag that can fit over your hair 1. 2. 3. 4. Find more olive oil beauty tips here. Related:Is Your Shampoo Dangerous? Adapted from The Herbal Home Spa by Greta Breedlove (Storey Books, 1998). Adapted from The Herbal Home Spa by Greta Breedlove (Storey Books, 1998).

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PRIM + PROPER photos: post designed by kristin ess Today we’re introducing you to one of the easiest hair tutorials ever– the braided bun! It can be done on almost any texture or length of hair, using regular or fishtail braids! Luckily, we have our very own gorgeous/genius photographer, Angela Kohler, (in front of the lens for once) to show us how this is done… Before you start, know that this hair style is just 5 simple braids, made into a bun shape. It makes things a little less complicated when you think of it like that. TOOLS: curling iron, 5 clear elastics, bobby pins, sectioning clips and hairspray is optional! Start by curling your hair. Xx Kristin Tags: angela kohler, braided, braiding, braids, braidy, bun, bun braid, fun, hair, hair do, hair style, kristin ess, kristin ess hair, lauren conrad, new year, new years, new years eve, NYE, style, the beauty department,, tutorial, up do, up style, updo Related posts:

Homemade Lip Balm | FIMBY You've stumbled upon one of my most popular posts. You might also enjoy let's talk lip balm. After making my own lip balm I will never buy it again. It's easy, cheap, 100% natural and good for your lips, especially this time of year. Ingredients 1/2 oz. Directions In a small pot over medium low heat melt beeswax, coconut oil, lanolin and vitamin E. This recipe makes enough for 3 - 3/4 oz tins (see photo for size) and one 1 1/2 oz jar. Notes I prefer to measure kitchen cosmetics with a scale but I included the approximate tsp. measurements for those without a scale. All ingredients can be found at a natural food store or ordered from an online store such as Mountain Rose Herbs. Some people are allergic to lanolin. I always use solid honey, that's just the kind of have. This recipe makes enough to last our family of 5 several months, plus I usually give away a tin from each batch I make.

Things that make me smile... Top 100 Best Love Songs Of All Time Love songs are central to pop music. It is quite possibly the most common topic for pop songwriters. Narrowing the list down is not easy, but these are 100 of the best love songs of all time. 100. Courtesy Fiction Records Robert Smith, leader of the pop new wave band the Cure, wrote this song as a gift to his future wife. Watch Video 98. Courtesy Columbia Kenny Loggins wrote "Danny's Song" as a gift to his brother Danny on the birth of his son Colin. Watch Video 100 Amazing Hairstyles | ~She Exists~ | to Add Colors in Life - StumbleUpon We women adore fashion and style. Fashion comes in clothes, shoes, makeup, fancy accessories, styles the way we carry things and hairstyles. We enjoy dressing up, getting ready and styling our hair. Hair is the part of fashion and beauty and Hair-styling is an art, to carry your hair according to your style statement and your physical appearance is a really tough job. Working girls got a small amount of time for their hairdos and hair-styling in their daily routine. Here are 100 different and amazing hairstyles. Here are 100 amazing hairstyles. Like this post and found these styles creative and amazing? Most Liked articles about hair:How-To: Instant Hairstyles- Do YourselfTop 10 All Time Favorite HairstylesEveryday Hair Care image Source:WeHeartIt

DIY Laundry Detergent! Save BIG &Have Fresh, Clean Laundry! | Well, I did it! I have pinned various recipes for homemade laundry detergent for months, now, thinking that soon I would gather the exotic ingredients and muster the courage to make some. I should have paid a lot more attention to those recipes I was pinning. There is nothing exotic about the ingredients, nor is it difficult. I’m actually mourning a little bit, for all the money I have wasted over the years, just not realizing I could do this quickly and simply. Two weeks ago, I sat down to earnestly study all the pins I have for DIY laundry detergent. Once I actually stopped to look at the details, I was shocked. My own DIY brand! The one thing that they all had in common was that they make gigantic batches – 10 to 12 gallons, at a time. Why would I bother to make laundry detergent when I could just conveniently grab a bottle off the shelf at the store? These ingredients are easy to find and very inexpensive! Still need a list of reasons to try this? 20¼¢!! Ingredients Instructions Notes:

DIY Body Wash! Turn a $1 Bar of Soap into Luxurious Body Wash! As you know, I enjoy the Dollar Tree....A LOT. While I was there picking up supplies for our DIY Halloween T-Shirts, I came across a bar of Oil of Olay. I'm not a fan of bar soap but I thought I could turn it into a body wash. Here's what you're going to need: Bar of Soap (any kind)Cheese Grater (or knife if the soap is soft enough)WaterMeasuring cup (1 cup)PotHeat Safe SpoonStoveContainer for your Body Wash Your first step is to grate your soap. I only grated half of my bar. Now, since I didn't want a ton of body wash, I only added 2 cups of water. Place your pot over your stove and turn it on to a medium heat. My skin has been a bit dry lately so I added a cup of coconut milk for added moisture. After your soap flakes or chunks have dissolved, turn off your stove and let your mixture cool several hours. If you add water, heat it up and stir again. If you find your mixture is the right consistency and it's nice and cool, add it to your container! That's all there is to it!

Thank you! I'm really excited about making this. I have identical twin girls that NEED hairspray because they have natural curls. They have asthma though and the chemicals in store bought sprays trigger their asthma. I cannot wait to make this (with them.) This is by far the best pearl I've found! :-) by kayceejones Aug 26
