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bordergames [ General ] 23 Octubre, 2009 12:04 Programación de videojuegos en software libre El ingeniero y programador Jaume Castells comenta las posibilidades creativas y de bajo presupuesto que ofrece el desarrollo de aplicaciones o videojuegos en software libre, en comparación con el software privativo. Hoy viernes (23/10/2009) a las 19h. en el Medialab Prado . >> Sigue aquí el streaming en directo. [ Noticias + News ] 29 Septiembre, 2009 12:29 Goldmine Juegos de cartas, render y Tracking .D. Low cost tangible interfaces 2 low cost tangible interfaces for music fully and freely available for download. [ Noticias + News ] 29 Septiembre, 2009 12:28 Metajuegos La realidad según el Autodesk MotionBuilder 2010 .Vía SG . Del Monkey Island a la realidad. [ Noticias + News ] 17 Septiembre, 2009 15:22 Inmigrar se ha convertido en una cultura En la pequeña localidad de Larache, al sur de Tánger, la asociación Pateras de la Vida trata de mostrar la cara de precariedad y exclusión de la inmigración en Europa. Diagonal

The Lego Secret Vault: Lego Secret Vault Contains All Sets In Hi I grew up in a town about 20-30km from Billund, the home town of Lego, Denmark. I remember at age 6-7(?) I was part of a 'beta test' where I got one of the first space sets on loan for a month or so, and after completing some kind of survey I got a big gas station model for free! Still have it, along with the awesome fire station (#374 from 1978) I got the next Christmas. I also remember a big red plastic box full of old, mixed Lego bricks that my older brother had used (with a 9-year age difference, there was a number of years where the bricks weren't played with). And I remember the lego trains that would rarely run, because we didn't have any batteries for them (they were very expensive). is an important part of growing up. Anyway, I have been to Legoland in Billund more times than I can remember, and even today my own kids just love going there. The last box I bought for my son is the Star Wars B-Wing (the newer one, #6208). Nice video and nice article.

Tunea tu móvil | QR-Code Como decíamos en el post “Sí el tamaño importa… pero no tanto” el principal problema de los teléfonos móviles para interpretar codigos 2D de dimensiones reducidas son las limitaciones de las ópticas macro/foco. Enfocan muy mal a corta distancia. 3, 2, 1… Lentes-lupa para el móvil… ¡Tachán! Es cierto, se trata de un artefacto horrendo, digno de alguien que lleva en el bolsillo de la camisa 6 bolígrafos con protector para el goteo de tinta, 2 lápices, usa reloj-calculadora, brújula y gafas. No creemos que sea la mejor solución más práctica de las posibles, pero sin duda está apuntando una carencia que antes o después los fabricantes de móviles deberán resolver. Si crees de todos modos que no puedes pasar sin él aquí tienes un enlace a la tienda (en japonés) dónde puedes adquirir uno por unos 1000 yen y ver otras variaciones de este curioso producto. Via: Jump!

Free Moodle Web Conferencing Block and Activity - WiZiQ Live Cla 1. Can I use WizIQ Virtual Classroom with my Moodle website? Yes, the WizIQ Virtual Classroom is an online teaching tool you can integrate with your Moodle website and offer real-time collaboration and two-way communication, creating new capabilities for synchronous learning - all from within your Moodle online classroom. 2. Yes, this plans means that you can conduct 5 simultaneous classes with 5 teachers and 10 attendees in each class. 3. No, there are no extra charges for downloading plugins for various Moodle versions. 4. Yes, you can use WizIQ as an alternate interface at no extra cost. Create your teaching website Add and manage teacher accounts Schedule classes for your teachers Allow your teachers to schedule classes on their own Conduct classes in the virtual classroom Get attendance report View and download class recordings WizIQ has complete solutions to help you establish your own teaching website. 5. Integrating WizIQ Virtual Classroom with Moodle is easy and intuitive.

Giant Global Graph | Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Bread Well, it has been a long time since my last post here. So many topics, so little time. Some talks, a couple of Design Issues articles, but no blog posts. So The Graph word has been creeping in. Maybe it is because Net and Web have been used. The Net we normally use as short for Internet, which is the International Information Infrastructure. Simpler, more powerful. Programmers could write at a more abstract level. The word Web we normally use as short for World Wide Web. Also, it allowed unexpected re-use. So the Net and the Web may both be shaped as something mathematicians call a Graph, but they are at different levels. Now, people are making another mental move. Biologists are interested in proteins, drugs, genes. There are cries from the heart (e.g The Open Social Web Bill of Rights) for my friendship, that relationship to another person, to transcend documents and sites. We can use the word Graph, now, to distinguish from Web. I'll be thinking in the graph.

Transcript: Sir Tim Berners-Lee Talks with Talis about the Seman I think, it depends really, it depends so much on how you look at it. So, the Web, and the Semantic Web, the existing Web... maybe we should say, the hypertext Web, the document Web, and a Data Web, are... In some ways we are not leaving the document Web behind. It is not as though, when you say we are moving towards a Semantic Web... So, we got these two things that are maturing, in a way. So, being able to write a FOAF file for yourself in N3 is easy, and then you can convert it into RDF/XML for output. On the other hand, data is different from documents. And as a person is expressing himself to another human being, in such a way that the machines, they will try to understand it. When we are creating data; when, for example, I am creating some information about an event. But, the data, is in a way... the whole is more powerful mathematically. So, in principle, a whole lot of work can happen. There we are moving, I suppose, from the horse to the motorcar.

Cultura Copyleft Sanata escardufá [ publicado en Diagonal ] Los yacimientos de gas y petróleo por explotar en la costa occidental de Irlanda tienen un valor estimado de entre 540.000 y 600.000 millones de euros. Se trata de una cantidad considerablemente mayor al préstamo pedido recientemente por el Estado irlandés para “salvar” el sistema bancario del país (85.000 millones). Sin apenas beneficios A diferencia de la mayoría de países productores de hidrocarburos en los que la media de lo que el Estado ingresa es del 68%, Irlanda no ingresará apenas nada. Por si fuera poco, no se garantiza la seguridad de suministro, puesto que la ley permite a las empresas que exploten estos yacimientos exportar todo el gas extraído. Un método experimental No se garantiza el suministro ya que la ley permite a las empresas que lo adquieren vender todo el gas Represión a favor de Shell Durante estos años la represión a la campaña ha sido una constante.

David Bravo 13 de Mayo de 2012 No obedeceré Os dejo con un texto de mi compañero José Ignacio. "No obedeceré. Por cansancio, no obedeceré; por dignidad, no obedeceré; por cariño a la gente que me roza y me cuida, no obedeceré. Acabo de recibir la desestimación judicial del recurso interpuesto contra la prohibición gubernativa de la concentración por el aniversario del 15M. A estas horas sólo se conoce el fallo de la sentencia; su motivación está pendiente de redactar y notificar. Quienes día a día, abusando de cuantos medios disponen, dañan sin compasión nuestras condiciones de vida, declaran sin pudor que basta con una manifestación para expresar nuestra protesta, organizar nuestra resistencia y concertar nuestras alternativas. No obedeceré. Pasé los primeros veintiún años de mi vida bajo una dictadura infame. No abandonaré las Setas la noche del día 12, o al menos no lo haré por mis propios pies. No me iré. Siempre hay un verso de aliento. ¡A la calle! de pasearnos a cuerpo José Ignacio" La Red Resiste

Super Tuesday's Gadgets: Touch Screen Monitors, New Noteboo TV coverage of Super Tuesday was riveting, and not just because of the virtual tie between Democratics Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, or the fascinating and involuntarily twitching left eye of John McCain during his victory speech. The networks also featured some of the latest shiny gadgetry available, including multi-touch screens, elephant-sized screens, floating logos and robotics. Okay, we’re kidding about that last part — the only robots we spotted were among the candidate pool. Here’s the lowdown on each news outfit’s gadget setup. CNN: The Perceptive Pixel Touch screen, a Pie Chart, and the Overflowing Dells John King, CNN’s Chief National Correspondent, used Jeff Han’s Perceptive Pixel touch screen throughout the night, and man, does he know how to play with pie charts. In addition, to highlight the overall delegate count, King touched the corner of a paint application onscreen in order to circle specific info with his finger. Photo: Ted Pio Roda/Cable News Network

The GROK Lab
