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Technic Pack

Technic Pack

How to make Minecraft Mods [Modloader][Blocks][Items]+ MORE! - XboxMB - Xbox Message Boards mod_Namehere Code: This is just like making an item except you dont need to make files! now for the only difficult part. find file and open it up at the top where it says WOOD("WOOD", 0, 0, 59, 2.0F, 0, 15), STONE("STONE", 1, 1, 131, 4F, 1, 5), IRON("IRON", 2, 2, 250, 6F, 2, 14), EMERALD("EMERALD", 3, 3, 1561, 8F, 3, 10), GOLD("GOLD", 4, 0, 32, 12F, 0, 22); delete the ; after the Gold line and put a comma there for a new material Namehere("NAMEHERE", 5, #, ##, #F, #, ###); # = 0 means it can only mine stone/coal, 1 means iron, 2 means gold/diamond/redstone/lupis, 3 means obsidian ## = how many uses #F = How strong it is against ores ### = not sure XD put the same number as emerald (aka diamond)

Planet Minecraft Feed the Beast Minecraft Wiki - Latest entries News - Wiki, Guide, Download, Custom Maps e Server - Minecraft Italia Mojang The Minecraft Overviewer See also the Github Homepage and the Updates Blog Introduction¶ The Minecraft Overviewer is a command-line tool for rendering high-resolution maps of Minecraft worlds. It generates a set of static html and image files and uses the Google Maps API to display a nice interactive map. The Overviewer has been in active development for over a year and has many features, including day and night lighting, cave rendering, mineral overlays, and many plugins for even more features! It is written mostly in Python with critical sections in C as an extension module. For a simple example of what your renders will look like, head over to The “Exmaple” Map. Features¶ Renders high resolution images of your world, let’s you “deep zoom” and see details! What The Overviewer is not¶ Full disclosure disclaimers of what The Overviewer is not. It does not run fast. Requirements¶ This is a quick list of what’s required to run The Overviewer. The first three are included in the Windows download. Getting Started¶ Help¶
