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TEDxBerkeley - Carl Bass - The New Rules of Innovation

TEDxBerkeley - Carl Bass - The New Rules of Innovation

Cycle annuel de conférences « Pédagogie universitaire numérique » Le paysage universitaire a beaucoup évolué ces dernières années. En particulier, l'évolution des modes d'enseignement et d'apprentissage, l'adaptation des dispositifs à de nouveaux publics et à d'autres contextes deviennent des questions centrales. La pédagogie universitaire, au service de la réussite des étudiants et de leur insertion professionnelle, est maintenant une préoccupation majeure de l'enseignement supérieur. Pour éclairer les interrelations pédagogie université numérique, la Mission Numérique pour l'Enseignement Supérieur (MINES) du MESR met en place un cycle annuel de conférences centrées sur la thématique « Pédagogie universitaire numérique ». Organisées par l' Université Numérique en Région Paris Ile de France , en collaboration avec l 'Institut Français , les conférences sont relayées à l'international de façon à communiquer à l'étranger sur la réflexion française universitaire dans le domaine de la pédagogie numérique. Crédit photo : Pressmaster /

Why is creativity the most important political concept of the 21st Century? There is no concept more politically important today than creativity. I’ll give four reasons why but first a definition. ‘Creative’ has narrow, broader and even broader connotations in English. It’s the last of these we should be most interested in. The narrow meaning immediately leads one to think of activities directly associated with the arts. The broader sense encompasses those activities associated with what Richard Florida calls the ‘creative class’. Finally there is the broadest meaning which implies an act that is unique to an individual’s own capacities or vision. So how can such a broad notion be so important? 1. I’m with the great economist Deirdre McCloskey who argues that people living in the advanced capitalist economies are the freest and happiest populations who ever lived. Being as free as we are has got to be about more than the consumption and acquistion which so dominated western economies in the 1990s and 2000s. 2. 3. 4. Take the last point about public services.

L’open innovation pour sortir de la crise Accueil > Formations et ressources > Liste des documentaires - conférences > L’open innovation pour sortir de la crise Aller à cette ressource Recommander cette page à un(e) ami(e) Gregory Blokkeel est responsable Cellule Benchmark & Performance Innovation chez PSA Peugeot-Citroen, il intervient sur la problématique de l'open innovation et l'intérêt des ressources externes pour la croissance interne. Après avoir connu un réel cataclysme, l'industrie de l’automobile est pleine transformation et demande une grande flexibilité que les grands groupes ne possèdent plus. Crédit photo : Mishchenko Mikhail / Niveau : Populaire Mots-clés : Crise , Crise Économique , industrie , Université Paris 1 , Panthéon-Sorbonne Autres produits de formation de cette institution Documentaires - Conférences Quand le virtuel améliore le réel Le fondateur de Augment, une startup spécialisée dans la réalité augmentée présente son travail. En voir + Événements - Colloques jeudi 2 mai 2013 mardi 22 mai 2012

It's Time For The Sharing Economy To Become The Sharing Society In New York City today, you can rent a room on Airbnb, catch a ride with Uber, sell your old threads on Modabound, and leave your nine-month-old with a shared nanny. The so-called “sharing economy” is revolutionizing the way Americans think about ownership and commerce. It’s also poised to make a handful of venture capitalists in Palo Alto and Tribeca very, very rich. To be sure, these companies are valuable for a reason: They created highly innovative, transformational platforms. Of course, that ethos has evolved significantly over the past decade, as the traditional labor structure of a full-time job with benefits has deteriorated. Likewise, the sharing economy is no longer just a creative way for workers to supplement their sagging paychecks in a struggling labor market. Silicon Valley startups are much lauded for the online and mobile sharing platforms that have reduced transaction costs and made collaborative consumption cheap, easy, and convenient for consumers.

Conférence Joël de Rosnay : La biotique, un système innovant | Événements Entre science et fiction, il n'y a parfois qu'un pas que les technologies semblent avoir franchi. Joël de Rosnay l'avait bien compris quand, dès 1981, il crée le terme "biotique" pour décrire l'hybridation et la coévolution des méthodologies et des techniques employées en informatique, biologie et chimie supramoléculaire. Dans son intervention, " La biotique, mariage de la biologie et de l'informatique, pour de nouvelles interfaces du futur entre l'Homme et les machines ", Joël de Rosnay explique avec brio comment l'ordinateur n'est plus simplement un objet, ni même un simple outil, qui se trouve devant nous. Cet ordinateur a véritablement pris sa place dans l'environnement qui nous entoure. Aujourd'hui la frontière entre la biologie et la technologie s'estompe au point de devenir quasiment invisible. A tel point d'ailleurs que l'on peut parfois parler d'un véritable état symbiotique entre l'Homme et la machine. Joël de Rosnay est un scientifique et écrivain renommé.

Addressing the Eroding Power of the Social Web I was fortunate to attend TEDxCamdrige last week and hear from a number of excellent speakers but the one that gave me the biggest pause for thought was Bruce Schneier, an online security expert. I have been watching with dismay at how there is almost an inverse relationship between online social platform's popularity and its value to their users. This is fundamentally caused by the advertising business model upon which they are all sitting - requiring them to optimize the experience not for the good of the user (and often not even for the good of their advertising clients) but for the ability to generate cash - effectively squeezing users and blackmailing advertisers in a subtle dance so the balance is never so obvious that either objects entirely. As these services (Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, etc) gain scale they have also attracted the government, and thanks to Edward Snowden we know exactly how much we are being watched.

Venez participer à un cours en ligne ouvert à tous : Internet Tout y Est Pour Apprendre ! Internet, tout le monde connaît, s’y est connecté au moins une fois, a effectué une recherche sur un moteur de recherche. Internet, c’est l’accès à l’Information avec un grand I. Oui, mais comment s’orienter dans cette abondance d’information, comment comment reconstituer une structure qui transforme ces informations en connaissance pour apprendre et trouver ce qui nous intéresse personnellement ? C’est toute la question de ce cours : Comment tirer le meilleur parti du Web pour apprendre ? Apprendre sur le Web, c’est d’abord échanger, discuter avec d’autres. Pendant 10 semaines, du 4 octobre au 13 décembre 2012, nous vous proposerons des thèmes d’échange, des éclairages progressifs, depuis les techniques de veille jusqu’à l’apprentissage social, bref autour de la constitution de son environnement d’apprentissage personnel. Chacun pourra aller à son rythme, se concentrer sur ses envies, ses besoins et partager avec ceux qui auront des préoccupations comparables. Like this:

5 Principles of User Experience, Part 1 This is the first of a three-part series highlighting five user experience principles to keep in mind when designing your site. Applying these principles will help provide a great experience for users on your site. After the series we’ll host a live Google+ Hangout On Air on October 9th at 10:30am PT, when we'll put these principles in action by helping an AdSense publisher make UX improvements to their site. Visit the AdSense Google+ page on the 9th to see it live!User experience can make or break your site’s success. Today, we've provided our first two important design tips and techniques to help you identify goals for both your site and its users.1. Step back and first ask yourself, “How can I give my users what they want while getting what I want?” Tips: Some questions to ask yourself when starting out are: How are your users finding your site? Another thing to keep in mind is the information architecture of your site.

5 facettes pour construire un dispositif hybride : du concret ! Après une introduction à la notion de dispositif hybride pour enseigner et apprendre, nous donnons quelques conseils concrets (point 5) « pour enseigner et pour favoriser l’apprentissage en ligne » basés sur les 5 facettes de « notre » modèle pragmatique d’apprentissage (Lebrun, 2005). J’illustre ce modèle dans un autre billet « J’enseigne moins, ils apprennent mieux« . 1. Le mot « dispositif » est fréquemment utilisé dans la littérature et ce dans différents domaines : appareillage sophistiqué, stratégie militaire, campagne de presse … Nous entendons par dispositif un ensemble cohérent constitué de ressources, de stratégies, de méthodes et d’acteurs interagissant dans un contexte donné pour atteindre un but. 2. Nous sommes ainsi très proche d’une définition de l’enseignement donnée par Brown et Atkins (1988) : L’enseignement peut être regardé comme la mise à disposition de l’étudiant d’occasions où il puisse apprendre. 3. 4. 5. Références Bourgeois, E & Nizet, J (1997).

5-Step Guide to Optimizing Landing Pages The most effective way to boost lead generation is to improve the performance of your landing pages . So, how do you do that? While we keep advising marketers to test with their specific audiences, there are actually a few best practices you should take into consideration. In fact, the folks at MECLABS came up with a formula to create top-performing landing pages. Here, C stands for Conversion , M is Motivation , V is Value Proposition, I is Incentive , F stands for Friction , and A means Anxiety . 1. The first condition for the production of top-performing landing pages is to accurately convey the value you offer. 2. The most important factor in determining high conversions for landing pages is the user’s motivation. 3. As the MECLABS folks like to say, “one of the most effective ways to increase conversion is to decrease friction.” 4. “If you are not using an incentive, you are leaving money on the table,” said Dr. 5.

Forum des Enseignants Innovants et de l'Innovation Educative Perspectives in Experience Design The Intersection book is here! The first copy of Intersection arrived in our Düsseldorf office today! … read more Perspectives in Experience Design Note: this is the first of a series of blogposts after finishing the manuscript of my book “INTERSECTION“. Last week, Jesse James Garrett gave his talk on Design for Engagement at UX Paris. I don’t want to delve too much into the question what an experience is or whether it can be designed, but rather whether and why it is a user experience. So, what is the difference between these things, and how do they interrelate? Quo Vadis Design Thinking? Wie so oft: Word weiß die Antwort! July 5th: IBF Live on Intranet Design I will be joining this month’s IBF Live, a virtual show on Intranets and the Digital Workplace. Good Intranet Design is incredibly hard. This is a recap of my visit to the EAC and BPM conferences in early June 2011. In particular, I enjoyed these sessions very much: Getting started

Affordances and Design In the world of design, the term "affordance" has taken on a life far beyond the original meaning. It might help if we return to the original definition. Let me try to clarify the definition of the term and its many uses. The word "affordance" was originally invented by the perceptual psychologist J. I introduced the term affordance to design in my book, "The Psychology of Everyday Things" (POET: also published as "The Design of ..."). In product design, where one deals with real, physical objects, there can be both real and perceived affordances, and the two need not be the same. In similar vein, because I can click anytime I want, it is wrong to argue whether a graphical object on the screen "affords clicking." In graphical design, one is really talking about conventions, or what I called logical and cultural "constraints" in POET. Cultural constraints are learned conventions that are shared by a cultural group. All this is cultural convention, not affordances. 1. 2. 3. 4. References

The Difference Between Information Architecture and UX Design - UX Booth Information architects form the blueprints of the web Next to explaining what I do for a living, the second question I most frequently hear is: “What’s the difference between Information Architecture and User Experience?” The line always seems to blur between the two, even though there’s clearly a difference. How should I go about explaining it? Information Architecture, according to Wikipedia, is “the art and science of organizing and labelling websites … to support usability.“ According to the same source, User Experience is “the way a person feels about using a product, system or service. Even with regards to its definition, User Experience takes Information Architecture as its foundation and brings it to the next level. Information Architecture concerns structure Information Architecture is a relatively old term. Information Architects work to create usable content structures out of complex sets of information. User Experience concerns emotion What’s User Experience then? Conclusion
