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Puffed Daisy Hexagon

Puffed Daisy Hexagon
Season's Greetings! I'm sorry that it has been a while since my last post, but I've had some technical gremlins here that have kept me off-line! It's been wet, wet, wet here for so long that I've forgotten the last completely dry day we've had – mainly miserable rain, but mixed with some snow for the last few days. I'm still bobbling along, but the rounds seem to take an age to complete now, so I can only manage one or two rounds at a time... Of course, my itchy fingers have needed something smaller and quicker to create between marathon rounds so some experimenting was in order. Puffed Daisy Hexagon - FOR A PRINTABLE PDF OF THE PATTERN CLICK HERE. I despair when I read my patterns; if any of you manage to decipher it/them you deserve a medal! Anyway, I'm obsessed with these at the moment, so enough typing, I'm getting back to bobbling. Happy crocheting xx

Project: Crochet Heart Scarf By Alice Merlino This romantic little scarf is the perfect accessory to tuck around your neck and keep the chill off while you wait for spring to arrive. Made with cuddly soft cotton-blend yarn, it’s comfortable enough to wear all day. And if you are not one for squish sentimentality, you’ll be happy to know they make this yarn in black, too. Either way, the lacy holes and motif-as-you-go construction makes this a project you can crochet in an afternoon. Materials 1 skein Knit Picks Comfy Fingering, shown above in Flamingo 2.75mm crochet hook 3.75mm crochet hook Yarn needle Scissors Abbreviations: st = stitch ch = chain ch sp = chain space sc = single crochet dc = double crochet tr = triple crochet sl st = slip stitch Pattern You’ll make two scarf halves that you can connect in the middle so that your hearts are always right-side up when you wear your scarf. Many stitches are made into the chain space of the previous row. Step 1: Make the first half of your scarf. Step 3: Connect the scarf halves.

Crochet A Frilly Flower "Just living is not enough" said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower". Hans Christian Anderson Since I posted my simple bunting tutorial, I've been asked several times how to crochet the flower I pictured. I daresay very similar flowers have been made up and down the Land Of Blog but, since I didn't follow a pattern for it, I am happy to share my little Frilly Flower (using UK terminology) with you ... Happy days. Hx 15 Free Granny Square Patterns To Crochet Crocheted granny squares are a hit with crafters since there are so many different items you can make with them: blankets or afghans, scarves, potholders, wraps, totes…the ideas are endless! Here are several different designs to check out, use a single pattern for a project or mix them up as you like. I also added a helpful tutorial at the bottom showing you how to join them all together and another for how to make a flat border (for blankets). You may want to bookmark this page for future reference since I’ll be adding new goodies here as I find them, enjoy! Daisy: Petals are made with a cluster stitch and have a bit of a pointy tip. Big Circle: Each ring in the circle is a different color, each background can have a different color if you like. 16 Circles: Wow! Sunburst: Lovely samples on this page, actual pattern used is archived on the web here.

How to Make Simple Crochet Slippers « Crafts IMPORTANT NOTE: This pattern uses US crochet terminology. You can find the SLIPPER SIZE, YARN and HOOK specifications at the end of this article !!! (To see more of my patterns, please visit my ONLINE SHOP!) I am an addict. An addict for crochet slippers. It all began when I saw slippers similar to these somewhere on the internet. I loved them so much I couldn’t get their tempting image out of my head. All I needed was a pattern. But because I am terribly, terribly impatient, I found creating my own pattern quicker than looking for an official one on the web. And since I’m no crochet guru, the pattern turned out to be really simple. Actually, these slippers might be the simplest slippers in the universe. Or not. But they might. This is what I did… Round 1: 5 ch (chain stitch); join into ring with sl st (slip stitch) Round 2: 3 ch; 7 dc (double crochet stitch) into the center of the ring; join with sl st Round 3: 3 ch; 1 dc into first stitch; 2 dc into each next stitch; join with sl st Row 14: turn (!)

Snowflakes! I needed to find something to make my friend for Christmas that would be cute, but not add a bunch of stress to my already full plate. She likes snowflakes, so i decided a nice, easy snowflake garland would be perfect. For the first 4 snowflakes (the ones in the middle), i used this pattern: i changed it so it would have 6 points, like a snowflake, rather than 7. Then i came up with my own. I am no pattern writer, these are just my notes... Top row of snowflakes:ch 6, sl to joinch 3 (acts as first dc), dc, ch1, *2dc, ch1* until there are 12 stitches, sl to join*ch2, dc ch4, sl tbl of first chain, ch2, sl next stitch* rep around Bottom row:ch 9, sl to joinch 3 (first dc), 17dc, sl to joinch 7, sl tbl of 2nd chain, 3sc, *ch6 sl tbl of first chain, 3sc* repeat ** to end, sl to join If anybody tries these out, please show me!

Treasures Made From Yarn: Circular Purse Pattern I made another circular purse, with a slight modification to my last purse, I like how it turned out and I really like the handle. So here is how I made this purse: Materials: Worst Weight Yarn - This purse uses I Love This Yarn, sold at Hobby Lobby. Size H hook - you can down in size if you want a tighter fabric Ch 6, 2 sc in each chain across, ch 1, turn Row 1: *2 sc in next sc, sc in the next sc* across, ch 1 turn Row 2: * 2sc in next sc, sc in the next 2 sc* across, ch 1 turn Row 3: * 2sc in next sc, sc in the next 3 sc* across, ch 1 turn Row 4: * 2sc in next sc, sc in the next 4 sc* across, ch 1 turn Row 5: * 2sc in next sc, sc in the next 5 sc* across, ch 1 turn Row 6: * 2sc in next sc, sc in the next 6 sc* across, ch 1 turn Row 7-15: So continue on established pattern until at row 15, you made continue on if you want a bigger purse, for the sake of this pattern we will stop increasing at row 15 and start decreasing. Rows 16-17. sc evenly
