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Professional Development for Art Teachers

Professional Development for Art Teachers
Related:  didattica

Generazione Digitale – RaiScuola Il talk show “Generazione Digitale” ha come protagonisti un nucleo di ragazzi alle prese con le nuove tecnologie, docenti ed esperti della scuola 2.0, con la conduzione di Ivan Bacchi. All’interno di un loft, in cui saranno presenti i nuovi strumenti dell’insegnamento e della comunicazione, ci si confronterà sulle innovazioni in ambito pedagogico, (come ad esempio l’introduzione del registro elettronico, l’e-learning, le learning object, la produzione di contenuti video in classe) con il loro relativo portato sociale e antropologico: a nuovi strumenti corrispondono diversi impatti cognitivi. Ospiti in studio Mario Morcellini, ordinario in sociologia presso la Sapienza di Roma, i tutor di Indire e i dirigenti scolastici delle diverse scuole d’Italia. Generazione digitale – Inclusione e accessibilità - Tutti hanno diritto all’istruzione, laddove uno studente abbia gravi difficoltà nel recarsi a scuola, a causa di una malattia, è la scuola che si impegna a raggiungere lo studente.

Paintbrush Sorting Solved! Today I’d love to share a cheap, color-coded system to store your paintbrushes. The system is also student-friendly and will make keeping your brushes sorted a breeze! Having already used recyclables as a storage solution in another area of my room, I began saving containers of multiple sizes. I simply spray painted each recycled container black for uniformity and added a little flare with acrylic paint. See how the matching system works in the video below! How do you store your brushes? Do you have a system in place for paintbrush clean-up? Incredible Art Department | Art Education

Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo SPACES / For Artists Who Explore And Experiment / Cleveland, OH federica pilotti on Prezi Classes Does this sound like you? Hi, I’m Jessica Balsley, founder of The Art of Education. A few years ago, I found myself in your exact same shoes. I was looking for credits to renew my teaching license and was frustrated by the lack of PD opportunities available specifically for Art Teachers. This got me thinking… what Art Teachers really deserve is a place where they can take classes online, earn graduate credit, take electives towards a Master’s degree, renew their teaching license, and more… all with classes that are actually relevant to their classroom! Better yet, what if they could do this from the comfort of home? Introducing AOE Classes. If you have any questions as you read through this page, contact us at 515.650.3198 or, and we’ll help you with any details you need. See you in class! AOE offers a wide variety of online classes for Art Teachers – designed by Art Teachers. So, what does it cost? Still have a few questions? What can AOE Classes offer me? Absolutely!

My Modern Metropolis Deep Space Sparkle | Inspiring children one color at a time Education - Dalla parte dei docenti - Kristi Meeuwse Build 3D paper letters from a nifty font Speaking of Fontstruct, I found something cool over there. Punched Out is a free font that allows you to type letters, print, cut, fold, and glue to make 3D forms. Created by Tobias Sommer, it's available for download at Dafont or Fontstruct. I gave it a try while watching TV. I printed the letters in gray, scored along the center of the dashed lines, and folded so that the printing ended up on the inside of each letter.
