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Chatroulette! Webdesign Trend Hunting – 27 Bright Websites Using Popping Colors ... After The Messy Desk, The Fluid Grid Layout, and The Circle As A Design Fetish, our Trend Hunting series continues with a big roundup of cool websites designed with bright colors in mind. And in the eye :] Please leave your comments below, suggest other websites, and tell us what do you think about this trend. Muller 50.000 Beds The Other Design Agency Carsonified Change Graham Greg White Snog Home de Caramel Ryan Keiser Finely Sliced Bjango iPhone Apps Helveticons Rokkan Instrument Sketchen Ethno Port Bombay Saphire I am Lin Sofamade Wilson Miner Organic Grid Bjorn Frieze Blue Vertigo B Cube Spf Design More Want more?

Pharrell Williams - Happy Catch Mail | All-in-one email marketing software that's easy to use Apple iPad Review - ipad review - Gizmodo Typographic Design Patterns and Best Practices | How-To Advertisement Even with a relatively limited set of options in CSS, typography can vary tremendously using pure CSS syntax. Serif or sans-serif? Large or small font? Line height, spacing, font size and padding… The list goes on and on. To find typographic design patterns that are common in modern Web design and to resolve some common typographic issues, we conducted extensive research on 50 popular websites on which typography matters more than usual (or at least should matter more than usual). We’ve carefully analyzed their typography and style sheets and searched for similarities and differences. Ultimately, we identified 13 general typographic problems and issues related to typographic design and tried to find answers to them through our research: How popular are serif and sans-serif typefaces in body copy and headlines? We ended up with solid data, which we evaluated and prepared for this article. 1. Two thirds of the websites we surveyed used sans-serif fonts for body copy. 2. 3. 4.

« Just a reflektor », un clip interactif en écran connecté d’Arcade Fire « Just a reflektor » est un film interactif qui explore la chanson d’Arceade Fire « Reflektor » sur deux appareils simultanés : l’ordinateur et un smartphone ou tablette… Tourné en Haïté, le clip retrace le voyage d’une femme entre son monde et le notre. Le Google Chrome Experiment est une plateforme laboratoire open source qui expérimente beaucoup de technologie autour du navigateur Chrome, du HTLM5… Souvenez-vous par exemple de ce jeu connecté où votre smartphone devenait une manette de jeu : Jeu Chrome Sports ou pour accéder aux projets en cours et autres expérimentations : Ici, le film est un défilement de plusieurs clips sur une timeline et des effets de traitement sur l’image qui apparaissent comme des nœuds (comme dans certains logiciels d’effets spéciaux...). Et c’est sur ces nœuds, que l’utilisateur agit et crée ainsi son propre clip… Grâce à votre webcam vous allez être immergé au sein de l’histoire. Voici les effets combinés : Un clip connecté

Horizontally Scrolling Websites Showcase & Tutorials Love them or hate them, horizontally scrolling websites are scattered around the net, and there’s some fantastic examples. Unlike the traditional layout of a website that scrolls up and down, horizontal websites flip things around and scroll from left to right. Sometimes they’re enhanced with Javascript to offer an even richer user experience, such as auto-scrolling effects. Check out this collection of 30 inspiring examples, and follow on to a hand full of brilliant tutorials that give an insight into the theory and practice of creating a horizontal site of your own. The usability of such sites is often questioned, but I personally think they’re great, although one important factor I’d advise considering is to tap into the user’s mouse scrollwheel to enable it to scroll the website horizontally. Daniel Stenberg Farmhouse Fare Work at Play Enterro da Gata Benek Design Front-End Design Conference Pixelounge Frank Giacobbe Eric Johansson Carrot Creative Graphic Evidence Lucuma Artist in Design Sursly

94 more secret Windows shortcuts | Ed Bott’s Microsoft Report Last week the blogosphere went temporarily insane over a simple GUID that displays a list of Control Panel shortcuts. It's not even close to deserving the "God mode" label, but I'm still hearing about it. As I noted in response, that's only one of 39 GUID shortcuts available in Windows 7. But there's another, much larger class of well-hidden Windows shortcuts that are useful to everyone, not just techies. The shortcuts I'm referring to involve the shell command, which is curiously undocumented in the Windows 7 Help files or on Microsoft's web site. Despite the syntactic challenges, these shortcuts are very useful for some tasks. I've broken the full list of 94 shortcuts into four groups, each with its own page. Note that many, but not all, of these shortcuts work with Windows Vista, and a smaller subset work with Windows XP. The following list includes my favorite Windows shell shortcuts, those that I use regularly: Want to see the entire list? <-- Previous page <-- Previous page

web slide design Previously, I have mentioned about jQuery based photo gallery and slider. In this post, I have found 20 websites that use a big slider to demonstrate their portfolios, featured news and site information. Some of them look similar, but most of them have really unique design and different slider capabilities as well. And just want to say, if you don't have a good web hosting provider, then get it. Just in case you've missed my previous post 10+ jQuery photo gallery an slider plugins. :) HoldFire Paul J. A Simple Measure X3 Studios Prat Newsberry Spundo Redo PC Vida girl Qilayout Web Design Diensten Net dreams Eyedraw Gastonjah Hyperpot Icondock Monofactor Power Balance verdeo Oh Media

Gymnasium Skal du finde en ny mandeduft til dig selv eller en mand, du kender, så får du her nogle få gode kneb, der guider dig til at vælge den rette parfume til mænd. Og da din duft efterlader ofte et større førstehåndsindtryk end dit håndtryk, er der god grund til at vælge parfume til mænd med omtanke. Her er livsstilen central. Sporty eller klassisk er det helt centrale spørgsmål, når du skal vælge parfume til mænd. En fremadstormende karrieremand skal have en parfume, der udstråler, at han tager sit job seriøst. Som det blev set i landsdækkende tv for nylig, råber de små detailbutikker nu vagt i gevær pga. mistede indtægter, der skyldes en stigning i webbutikkernes salg. Webbutikkerne står nu for godt 10% af det samlede salg, og der bliver hele tiden vundet nye markedsandele, hvilket kommer til at gå ud over de fysiske butikker. Der er ofte mulighed for, at læserne kan kommentere blogs’ene. BabyShopping – shopping til baby Skal du ud at shoppe til din baby, er der mange muligheder.

Time Zones Redesign: When To Relaunch The Site and Best Practices - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Redesigning a website is a big job (needless to say) and should be handled with care. Many of us with a portfolio, blog or other website have probably thought about a redesign or at least know we need one. For many designers, though, that redesign never comes. As big and important as it is, the job can turn into a hugely daunting task that we put straight on the backburner of our to-do list. Why is doing a simple redesign so daunting? The problem is both a lack of correct planning and a lack of understanding of the root need for the redesign. Also consider our previous articles: What’s All The Fuss About? Every designer has their own clients and projects. To most, this schedule is all too familiar. We usually manage to squeeze in time to work on our redesign, usually at the end of the day, in the hope of finishing it a bit at a time. Another reason we don’t follow through is that we can’t articulate why we need a redesign in the first place. Should You Do It At All? Optimizing
