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The Persians & Greeks: Crash Course World History #5

The Persians & Greeks: Crash Course World History #5

This is Sparta: Fierce warriors of the ancient world - Craig Sparta did not start out as a military state. The early Spartans were developing along the same lines as the rest of Greece. Early Sparta was one filled with art, music, and poetry. Like many civilizations before them, the early Spartans fell into a period of civil strife and lawlessness. Interested in how Spartan training was done? What made them even more dangerous was when you put weapons in their hands! Are there any remains of the Spartans that you can still visit today? Menschliche Überreste: Massengrab des Dreißigjährigen Krieges geöffnet - Nachrichten Kultur - Geschichte Artikel per E-Mail empfehlen Massengrab des Dreißigjährigen Krieges geöffnet Bis zu 10.000 Soldaten fielen bei der Schlacht bei Lützen im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Jetzt haben Archäologen ein Massengrab geöffnet – und nicht nur Deutsche unter den Toten gefunden. Archäologen haben ein 380 Jahre altes Massengrab aus der Schlacht bei Lützen (Burgenlandkreis) geöffnet und die ersten menschlichen Überreste geborgen. Die Archäologen hatten das Massengrab im August 2011 auf der Grundlage historischer Quellen des 17. und 18. "Mit Hilfe anthropologischer Methoden werden Alter, Verwundungen, Todesursachen und Krankheiten der Toten bestimmt", sagte die Wissenschaftlerin. Die Schlacht bei Lützen 1632, in der kaiserliche Truppen unter dem Oberbefehl Wallensteins und schwedische Truppen gegeneinander kämpften, war eine der verlustreichsten des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (1618-1648).

I Re Magi sono realmente esistiti? Non erano re, non è detto che fossero tre e certamente non seguirono una cometa. Che venissero dalla Persia o dalla Mesopotamia è solo un’ipotesi; che si chiamassero Melchiorre, Baldassarre e Gaspare una leggenda; che uno di loro fosse di pelle nera, una fantasiosa invenzione. Benché siano citati da un solo vangelo su quattro (Matteo), che dedica loro dodici versetti in tutto (2: 1-12), l’aneddoto che li riguarda è uno dei più popolari (e falsificati) della storia sacra. Ma allora, i Magi sono davvero esistiti? Se usiamo la “m” minuscola, la risposta è sì. L’unico vero Di certo, però, quegli astronomi-indovini-sacerdoti non furono mai re. Verità storica? Forzati «Nel racconto evangelico» aggiunge Francesco Sforza Barcellona, docente di Storia del cristianesimo all’Università di Roma-Tor Vergata «ci sono messaggi in codice anche per gli Ebrei. Dove sarebbero sepolti? Ma la “scoperta” di messer Marco è tutt’altro che attendibile. Dal Catechismo

6 Absurd Movie Plots You Won't Believe Are Based on Reality We spend so much time here debunking silly things we see in fiction that it's easy to forget how truly ridiculous real life is in comparison. Even the silliest, most implausible characters or plots from action movies have come true. Not often, mind you, but they do happen. We're talking about things like ... #6. Badass Adventurer Scientists Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy movies, The Da Vinci Code movies, those Nicholas Cage movies that basically rip off The Da Vinci Code -- they all feature ridiculous but popular characters: university professors who throw away their mortarboards and "research" history by punching it right in the goddamn face. "Before you start killing everyone, would you mind fact-checking my thesis on Ancient Egyptian religion?" Nobody believes it's really like this, or at least we hope not. But It Has Happened ... Wikipedia"I try to carry at least one thing that could impale a Nazi at all times." thedispersalofdarwin"You're my next hat." #5. Daily MailPictured: Minions.

Roy Chapman Andrews For the former professional American football coach see LeRoy Andrews Roy Chapman Andrews (January 26, 1884 – March 11, 1960) was an American explorer, adventurer and naturalist who became the director of the American Museum of Natural History.[1] He is primarily known for leading a series of expeditions through the politically disturbed China of the early 20th century into the Gobi Desert and Mongolia. The expeditions made important discoveries and brought the first-known fossil dinosaur eggs to the museum. His popular writings about his adventures made him famous. Biography[edit] Early life and education[edit] Andrews was born on January 26, 1884, in Beloit, Wisconsin. Career[edit] Roy Chapman Andrews, 1913 He married Yvette Borup in 1914. 1921 cover of "Across Mongolian Plains: A Naturalist's Account of China's Great Northwest" by Andrews In 1920, Andrews began planning for expeditions to Mongolia and drove a fleet of Dodge cars westward from Peking. Mrs. Bibliography[edit] Notes[edit]

The Game of Thrones in North Africa It feels strange visiting a country like Morocco and listening to people extol the virtues of a political system my country waged a revolution against. Morocco has a king, and he’s a real one too, not some kind of a figurehead. But I went there, I listened, and after almost ten years of visiting Middle Eastern countries wracked by tyranny, terrorism, botched revolutions, and wars, I was perhaps a bit more willing to hear what they had to say than I might have been a decade ago. A monarchy is a tough sell for Americans. The founders of our country fought against that system of government with force of arms. The very idea of a king is offensive to most of us on some level. Yet Morocco has been an American ally and friend since 1786. But what about politically? Monarchies are by definition not democratic. But now the “big men” in the “fake republics,” as Abrams described them, have almost all been overthrown while the monarchs remain. The lead years were rough. He smiled and laughed.
