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The Tighter Tush Circuit - Top 10 Moves for a Tighter Tush We asked ExerciseTV trainer Cari Shoemate, star of the DVD Long Lean Legs, to share her top 10 butt exercises. The result? This super-effective circuit for a killer rear view! All you need is a pair of dumbbells (Shoemate recommends starting with 5 pounds and building up from there) and a chair. You can use your keyboard to see the next slide ( ← previous, → next) Build your best butt ever with these targeted exercises Promo Subtitle Image Alt Text toned tush Title Text Top 10 Moves for a Tighter Tush Media Folder: Media Root By Jessica Smith Topics:

Bring Back the Mile : Home How to Get a Complete Workout with Nothing But Your Body Reddit and the Marathon Bombers: The Wise Way to Crowdsource a Manhunt After Reddit’s attempt to find the Boston Marathon bombers turned into a major failure (for which Reddit’s general manager Erik Martin publicly apologized Monday), the over-all conclusion seems to be that the whole experiment was misguided from the start, and that the Redditors’ inability to identify the Tsarnaev brothers demonstrates the futility of using an online crowd of amateur sleuths to help with a criminal investigation. Or, as the Times’s Nick Bilton put it, “It looks as if the theory of the ‘wisdom of crowds’ doesn’t apply to terrorist manhunts.” That proposition may be true. But Reddit’s failure isn’t evidence for it. To begin with, it’s a bit facile to frame this story as a competition between “the crowd” and “the experts,” since the official investigation wasn’t relying on a couple of experts, but rather had its own crowd at work, one made up, in Bilton’s words, of “thousands of local and federal officials.” It doesn’t have to work this way, though. Photograph: F.B.I.

50 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere | Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, we’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone. Full Body 1. Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. 2. Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible (pretend Jeremy Lin is watching!) 3. Embrace that inner grizzly. 4. Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg. 5. Ready to catch some air? 6. Turn those stairs into a cardio machine—no magic wand necessary. 7. Beginning on all fours with the core engaged, slowly walk the hands forward, staying on the toes but not moving them forward. 8. 9. Nope, we’re (thankfully) not walking the plank. 10. Legs 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Home Abdominal muscle exercises and abdominal oblique exercises 6 packs and toned tummy muscles is all achieveable if you're doing the right abdominal exercises. So why not check out all the abs exercises we have and start training like you mean it! The Netfit Team have created their first abdominals ebook, totally dedicated to helping you achieve a 6 pack and get the abdominal muscles that you want. The programs below are just a sample of what this great ebook can offer you, to find out more please follow this link if your serious about getting the 6 pack / flatter stomach that you deserve. Stronger firmer abdominal's and a true six pack, can be achieved by performing the following abdominal circuit. The Abdominal workouts will strengthen your lower, upper and oblique abdominal muscles so whether you like kickboxing, swimming or freestyle skiing you're core can cope with it! Try and increase the amount of reps that you perform each week by 2, until you can comfortably perform 20 reps of each abdominal exercise.

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