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30 Free Essays & Stories by David Foster Wallace on the Web

30 Free Essays & Stories by David Foster Wallace on the Web

THE DAVID FOSTER WALLACE AUDIO PROJECT | Audio archive of interviews with, profiles of, readings by, and eulogies to David Foster Wallace. Joyously Domestic: Crispy Potato Roast I about died when I saw a version of this recipe on Martha Stewart's website. I am a huge potato fanatic and these just looked stunning! I altered a couple of things in her recipe, but followed her technique and concept. I used some pancetta in my version. Bacon may work fine, too. The key to this recipe is getting the potato slices as thin as you can, so prepping the potatoes takes a little time. This is a dish that is super impressive-looking and would really wow at a dinner party! For nutritional value information, you can visit my post of this recipe on My Recipe Magic. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter, melted 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 10 - 12 russet potatoes, peeled Kosher salt 1 small onion or 4 shallots, peeled and sliced very thin 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) 4 - 6 fresh thyme sprigs About 3 ounces pancetta, cubed Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine the oil and melted butter in a small dish. Slice the potatoes as thin as possible crosswise.

Marcus, Ben Many comedians consider stand-up the purest form of comedy; Doug Stanhope considers it the freest. “Once you do stand-up, it spoils you for everything else,” he says. “You’re the director, performer, and producer.” Unlike most of his peers, however, Stanhope has designed his career around exploring that freedom, which means choosing a life on the road. Perhaps this is why, although he is extremely ambitious, prolific, and one of the best stand-ups performing, so many Americans haven’t heard of him. Many comedians approach the road as a means to an end: a way to develop their skills, start booking bigger venues, and, if they’re lucky, get themselves airlifted to Hollywood. Because of the present comedy boom, civilians are starting to hear about Doug Stanhope from other comedians like Ricky Gervais, Sarah Silverman, and Louis CK.

David Foster Wallace on Writing, Death, and Redemption by Maria Popova “You don’t have to think very hard to realize that our dread of both relationships and loneliness … has to do with angst about death, the recognition that I’m going to die, and die very much alone, and the rest of the world is going to go merrily on without me.” On May 21, 2005 David Foster Wallace took the podium at Kenyon College and delivered the now-legendary This Is Water, one of history’s greatest commencement addresses — his timeless meditation on the meaning of life and the grueling work required in order to stay awake to the world rather than enslaved by one’s own self-consuming intellect. Think of the old cliché about “the mind being an excellent servant but a terrible master.” Three years later, on September 12, 2008, Wallace murdered his own terrible master — not by firearms, but by hanging himself. This dark whimsy is what lends literature its mesmerism, and in it Wallace sees both redemption and remedy for our existential dance with anxiety: Donating = Loving

16 Reasons Why Gin Is The Best supposedly fun | david foster wallace Towards the beginning of E Unibus Pluram, Wallace makes the distinction between the observance of the fabricated and the observance of the authentic. On one end of the spectrum, Wallace derides television for its articificiality, its psuedovoyeurism that allows the masses to peer into a world behind the screen, unnoticed and uninterrupted. Wallace describes this one-way mirror, saying “television looks to be an absolute godsend for a human subspecies that loves to watch people but hates to be watched itself” (Wallace, p. 22). Among many others, one of Wallace’s main qualms with television is the sense of false intimacy it creates with the watcher. While the viewer feels as if they are witnessing the technicolor, private lives of the characters behind the glass, they are in fact viewing the creative whimsy of tv writers, the end product of mass-market demands. What’s more, the actors know that they are being viewed. Enter Wallace in “A Supposedly Fun Thing…”.

Run-n-Read As Featured In Reading from an electronic display is difficult for people while performing cardiovascular activities or while riding in a moving vehicle. Run-n-Read, a cool clip-on device, makes reading possible in such dynamic scenarios. Run-n-Read can be used with most cardiovascular workout machines, such as treadmills, elliptical trainers, stepmills, stairmasters, and stationary bikes. It can also help reduce eye strain while riding in a train, bus, or car. You can clip it to your headband or to your shirt. The device tracks your head movements and then moves the text on the screen in real time to always be in sync with your eyes. It's packed with sophisticated electronics - an accelerometer, a low-power micro-controller, and a low energy Bluetooth module - to provide the best experience. Run-n-Read comes with a free mobile application and is compatible with all new generation iOS and Android devices. Run-n-Read also comes with its own gesture recognition system!

David Foster Wallace on Why You Should Use a Dictionary, How to Write a Great Opener, and the Measure of Good Writing By Maria Popova “Readers who want to become writers should read with a dictionary at hand,” Harvard psycholinguist Steven Pinker asserted in his indispensable guide to the art-science of beautiful writing, adding that writers who are “too lazy to crack open a dictionary” are “incurious about the logic and history of the English language” and doom themselves to having “a tin ear for its nuances of meaning and emphasis.” But the most ardent case for using a dictionary came more than a decade earlier from none other than David Foster Wallace. In late 1999, Wallace wrote a lengthy and laudatory profile of writer and dictionary-maker Bryan A. At one point, the conversation turns to the underappreciated usefulness of usage dictionaries. True to his singular brand of intellectual irreverence, Wallace offers a delightfully unusual usage of the usage dictionary: A usage dictionary is one of the great bathroom books of all time. Reading is a very strange thing.

How And Why To Keep A “Commonplace Book” The other day I was reading a book and I came across a little anecdote. It was about the great Athenian general Themistocles. Before the battle of Salamis, he was locked in a vigorous debate with a Spartan general about potential strategies for defeating the Persians. When I read this, I immediately began a ritual that I have practiced for many years–and that others have done for centuries before me–I marked down the passage and later transferred it to my “commonplace book.” In other posts, we’ve talked about how to read more, which books to read, how to read books above your level and how to write. What is a Commonplace book? A commonplace book is a central resource or depository for ideas, quotes, anecdotes, observations and information you come across during your life and didactic pursuits. Some of the greatest men and women in history have kept these books. Not only did all these famous and great individuals do it. How to Do It (Right) –Read widely. -Wisdom, not facts. -Use them!

Friends of Great Bear, Fulton NY / Phoenix New York Trail Map - This map is provided by the Friends of Great Bear and its supporters. The Friends of Great Bear, its supporters, the City of Fulton and the Town of Volney assume no risk or liability for the accuracy of the map or any use of the Great Bear Springs property. Trails might not be marked and are not maintained. Please ... Stay on existing trails. Let’s respect and preserve this recreational resource for all users to enjoy. 5k Trail Map - download the printable version 10k Trail Map - download the printable version

11 Mistakes Every New Homebrewer Makes | The Mad Fermentationist - Homebrewing Blog I was inspired by coaching one of my coworkers through his first batch of homebrew (an English bitter) to write up a list of the mistakes that many new homebrewers make. Several of these are things I did on early batches, while others I have tasted at homebrew at club meetings. Many of these issues stem from poor kit instructions, bad homebrew shop advice, and common sense that just doesn’t work out. 1. Using the sanitizer that comes with a beer kit. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hopefully this list is able to help a few new homebrewers avoid some of the biggest pitfalls on their first batch. There are many other things I would suggest as best practices, but they tend to be more style specific and are not worth worrying about on your first batch.

Crispy Baked Beet Chips Recipe The other day, I got a new vegetable slicer and I have been slicing up any vegetable I have in the fridge ever since. I had a bunch of beets in the crisper and remembered tasting beet chips a long time ago. Thin, crispy, sweet and salty, beet chips are a great healthy snack. To make sure that you do not have purple stained hands when working with beets, peel them under cold water. Baked Beet Chips Total time 4-6 beets, small or medium sizecooking spray (ie: Pam)salt Preheat oven to 300FPeel the beets under cold water.Slice the beets into 1/16 inch slices using a food slicer or mandoline.Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Google Ranking Factors: A Discreetly Cleaner, More Social Web & An Ever Dominating Search Engine Recently, Search Metrics released a white paper on their findings for Google’s SEO Ranking Factors in 2013. It displays the correlation between particular metrics such as ‘Facebook Likes’ and ‘Backlinks’ and the rank ability of a page within Google. Also available in the 70 page document are comparisons with 2012’s data, where that data is available. Not to many marketers surprise, a lot has changed. According to Search Metrics, it’s time to get social! In this article I graze upon some of the most important areas as well as my thoughts on what Google is playing it – for better and worse. *The data from search metrics is based on research and is not 100% factual. On-Site: Coding & Meta Data Length of URL In this graph you can see that the Length of URL is the highest on-page ranking factor. One might just say that this is proof of Google’s underlying attempt to educate and clean up the web. With great power, comes great responsibility – something Google have in abundance. On-Site: Content
